Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public...
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Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Thu 27 Mar 2014 12:27 ]
Post subject:  SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public...

SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public at risk?
http://www.wect.com/story/25082239/spec ... o.facebook

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Thu 27 Mar 2014 12:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

I don't even need to read the article. From the front lines, here in LA and Orange County, I can say the answer is an unequivocal YES.

Author:  speezack [ Sat 29 Mar 2014 07:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

I posted this on the site... this is just so much BS... and frankly, and I will repeat... until DCJS grows a set, nothing will change. period...

... and I deal with this every day.................................

Virginia DCJS sets it at 10%... that is the law... plenty of bondsmen skirt this law by simply stating "5 or 6% "DOWN" and supposedly financing the rest... often, the rest is never paid and the bond is written for the discounted rate. Being a licensed Virginia agent, I can tell you that I don't discount, period... and I do everything I can to turn in any bondsman that I can prove is discounting. All I want is a level playing field with honest competition. Until DCJS grows a set and starts enforcing this law, nothing will change.

If you are discounting... you best not let me find out... cause I will put your sorry azz under the bus... and if you do not know me or think I am just an old man that will not act... that is your first and last mistake.... :twisted: 8)

Just had to say something else... so I just posted this on the site also...

Listen up Bondsmen.... you can paint this any way you want... if the playing field is level, we all compete honestly. The problems I have faced in the last 14 years in this business have been just as problematic on the bondman's side as the courts or defendants side. I will be the first to say that we (bonding community) often bring the 'sht storm' down on ourselves with the level of ethics that too many of us portray in our business dealings. I probably do not write the amount of bond that many do but I can tell you that my reputation means far more than the extra dollars in my pocket. I may be a dinosaur on this issue but until we clean up our act, this will very likely continue. Of course, there are also many problems with the courts, the legislation and the regulatory agencies, but we are the fist line. IMHO, we need to clean up our act first.

Discounting is absolutely a way of business in most bail states... I really don't think there is much anyone can do about it but it is unethical IMHO, and in some states, illegal, and that is about all I can say about that....

Sorry if this get under your skin, but frankly, if you are discounting bond premiums ... you are not my friend anyway... in fact, if you are discounting bonds... take my name off your friends list on Facebook and delete my number from your phone... you don't need me as a friend.... and again, if I catch anyone, including YOU... doing this and I can prove it... you will be crawling out from under that proverbial bus...

Do you feel my frustration?

Addition later.... I will finance a portion of the premium if push comes to shove (at least 65% down and the balance in 30 days) but I will also go to length to collect what is owed on the bond and that includes a judgement on the indemnitor for nonpayment if need be.... and for clarification... financing is not discounting

Author:  speezack [ Mon 04 Aug 2014 09:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

I find it very curious that no other bondsmen have made a comment on this situation... it is something that permeates this industry and nothing is ever done about it...

Apparently, most are doing it.... which is why no comments have been made... oh well.

Again, if you are discounting bonds, against your states codes and/or rules... and you feel ok with it.... erase my name from your phones, block me from your Facebook... you are not my friend... and that goes for whomever the shoe fits....

Until we as bondsman and recovery agents stand up to the 'cracker heads' in our industry... nothing will change.... ever... and we cannot expect the regulatory agencies to work to correct these unethical actions when we ourselves are obviously not interested in helping. Honest competition is fine and I welcome a level playing field, that is all I have ever ask for.

Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Mon 04 Aug 2014 10:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

Matthew 12:25
Mark 3:25
Luke 11:17
Interestingly, these scriptures were quoted in Abraham Lincoln's (who was the Republican State Convention's chosen candidate for the U.S. Senate) "House Divided" speech on June 16, 1858.

Author:  tsuggs [ Tue 05 Aug 2014 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..


It seems like the only time we don't get asked to discount is when the bail is $5K or lower. Well occasionally we do get asked if that is the lowest we can do or can they have a payment plan.

My usual response is, if you can't come up with $500, how can you come up with $5K if the defendant skips?

So, needless to say we don't write a lot of bail. But when we do, except in the case of very large bonds, $100K and over, we collect full 10% premium up front.

On large bonds we get 100% collateral and at least 50% up front and monthly payments on the rest. And as far as payment plans go, we don't do as many as we used to.

In the past, we had too many stop making payments and had to turn them over to a collection agency. Btw, our contract states that if we have to take collection action, the collection agency fees, 40%, is added on top of the balance owed us.

So we get 100% of our balance plus 10% interest.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Wed 06 Aug 2014 20:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

I did not respond because I am fed up with the practice and the argument. Some of these folks that come tripping in to this business writing bail out of the trunk of their car and living in an apartment is counter to what old school bondsmen had to deal with coming into this field. We had to have property with substantial equity, cash reserves and excellent credit. It does not seem to matter anymore and I think the insurance companies have the most culpability.

The reason the regulatory agencies ignore our complaints is that they are hoping that we eat our dead and implode. The less defendants are admitted to bail, the more we will turn on each other, and the happier the anti-bail people will be. They don't have to fight us, we will fight ourselves. We are our own worst enemy.

To the point of Jason's post, regardless of what anyone's position on discounting bail is, we can not do anymore harm then the court system RORing dangerous criminals. If I hear 1 more Commissioner try to tell me that they ROR because they are victim-less crimes, I will scream. There is no such thing as a victim-less crime. What they have chosen to do is to ignore the real victims and make the defendant the victim. Then they go and pat each other on their respective backs for their contributions to the good of society. Meanwhile Nero fiddles...


Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Sun 07 Sep 2014 07:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

I loved that article...and it is so true...I understand that it is a business but we do have a responsibility to the system, public and our profession to do so with profressionalism and integrity. These morons that believe they are business savvy by charging 3%..keep it up they will bond themselves out of business. I do believe that we need minimum standards set.

SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public at risk?
http://www.wect.com/story/25082239/spec ... o.facebook" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow

Author:  Andersan [ Thu 13 Nov 2014 04:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

Looking for an experienced Recovery Agent in the city of sacramento,ca. Must be reliable, dependable and able to follow instructions. Must be able to provide verifiable references, reliable and safe transportation. If you think your Rambo or terminator please do not waste my time. For more info email me at backtrack@justice.com

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Thu 13 Nov 2014 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Are bargain bail prices putting public..

Andersan wrote:
Looking for an experienced Recovery Agent in the city of sacramento,ca. Must be reliable, dependable and able to follow instructions. Must be able to provide verifiable references, reliable and safe transportation. If you think your Rambo or terminator please do not waste my time. For more info email me at backtrack@justice.com


I do believe you should have started a thread in "SEEKING" Not in the middle of a thread that has nothing to do with Hiring Anyone.


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