Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

One of mine
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Author:  Joe Stiles [ Wed 30 May 2012 04:25 ]
Post subject:  One of mine

There is no way that I know that we as bonding agents can guarantee the scheduled appearance of a defendant, but when they do fail to show you would think they would devote as much space to our efforts to enforce the bail contract as they do to the defendant's FTA. Within seventy-two hours of this defendant's FTA, agents of Black Aces Bail Recovery in cooperation with the Leslie County Sheriff's Department located, apprehended and surrendered the defendant to the proper authorities in Kentucky. By statute, I will also be responsible for any expenses related to the extradition costs. An email was sent to the same newspaper concerning this, but, as to date, no metion was made of this or our fulfilling our responsibility to the court. Go figure!

http://www2.tricities.com/news/2012/may ... r-1940846/

Author:  indybail [ Wed 30 May 2012 07:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: One of mine

I'm afraid it's to be expected. It's the negative news that gets the news spotlight, not the schmos doing their jobs like they are supposed to do. Have a recovery go wrong and they'll find you quick enough.

Author:  Joe Stiles [ Wed 30 May 2012 07:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: One of mine

Oh. I'm sure they would have found me if there was something negative to write. I never post pictures of arrests because i don't really want the exposure, but when the paper and the local tv news profile one of my skips as an example of what is wrong with the no show rates in the court system, then you think they might be fair enough to post an update when the system actually works the way in which it was designed.

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 30 May 2012 07:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: One of mine

As long as you've been in this business, did you really expect it to go any other way. You've been here longer than me but this is par for the course in my world.

Take care

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Wed 30 May 2012 09:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: One of mine

I responded to the article and I hope Joe does not think me being too forward for doing so. One of the true values of our industry is the number of warrants served as a result of our collective work product,
Many that are unrelated to commercial surety as they are VOP's, new charges, child support etc.


Author:  B Williams [ Wed 30 May 2012 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: One of mine

I am looking forward to the day that NABBI has members that address the press and explain to them exactly what you stated in the comments section. If we don't make our feelings known. in an intelligent but firm way we will continue to get what we've been getting. I won't be bullied on the streets but we are being used by not reporting all the facts, and to me, that is a form of bullying.

There are ways to by pass the press on this and compile a monthly newspaper of sorts, expalaining who arrested the skip (company name), where the arrest was made and the cost to the taxpayer etc etc. These "newspapers" can be sold to the public. It's being done in Asheville NC and people are buying them almost as fast as they hit the stores. A bailbondsman came up with this idea a couple years ago and it's still going strong. I wouldn't use his particular format but would tweak it a bit to get the truth out there.

How many times have we worked night and day to apprehend a skip only to see in the newspaper, that a particular police/ sheriff's dept made the arrest. Which makes it easier for pre-trial release to skew the numbers.

It's way past time that we take a stand and follow through with it. I am really hoping that NABBI is the beginning of the end of this.

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