Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

It's time to fix the broken bail bond system
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Author:  AWOBB [ Mon 08 Aug 2011 14:04 ]
Post subject:  It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

Written by
Timothy Murray
Guest columnist

Every day in America, half a million people sit in local jails awaiting trial. They are there because they can't afford bail. Two of every three of these people are charged with nonviolent offenses and are simply waiting to face their accusers.

Meanwhile, well-publicized and well-off defendants like former International Monetary Fund head Dominique Strauss-Kahn can make bail easily, no matter how high, and are released before court action. In effect, they have purchased their freedom until their trial begins.

The cost to local taxpayers to feed and house those who can't make bail is $9 billion a year. We could save those dollars, ease prison overcrowding and bring more justice to the entire system with some relatively simple reforms.

Nearly 50 years ago, then-Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy convened the country's first national conference on this issue, describing the pretrial justice and bail system in America as "unsafe, unfair and ineffective." Unfortunately, that description remains accurate today. This outdated and dangerous system benefits only the special-interest, for-profit bail bond industry. It favors those who have the money to obtain bail, regardless of how dangerous those people are.

Recently a group of prestigious criminal justice organizations, together with the Office of Justice Programs at the U.S. Department of Justice, convened another national meeting on pretrial justice and bail reform. The 2011 conference examined the nation's progress toward a fair, safe and accountable system and sought to outline proven solutions.

States like Illinois and Kentucky banned for-profit bail bonds decades ago. Instead, they substituted a system that relies on family and community supervision for those charged with nonviolent offenses. This includes frequent contact with a supervising officer, mandatory assessments for substance abuse, and mental health and drug testing. The reforms also included simple court reminder programs so that nearly everyone -- 92 percent of those awaiting trial in Kentucky -- shows up in court to face their charges.

We need to fix the unjust pretrial system in which dangerous criminals who happen to be wealthy can purchase their freedom while nonviolent offenders must remain behind bars. We must move to a system based on danger to the public, not dollars. Judges must be empowered with the best possible tools to determine who should be held and who can be released with appropriate supervision pending trial.

Our local jails are increasingly overcrowded, at tremendous cost to our already-strapped local governments. Sensible reforms of state and local pretrial justice procedures should focus on safety while containing costs to the taxpayer.

Murray is executive director of the Pretrial Justice Institute, the nation's only nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring informed pretrial decision-making for safe communities through technical assistance, training and advocacy.

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 08 Aug 2011 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

Mr Murray's facts are skewed . . . he perhaps is taking lessons from some in DC

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 08 Aug 2011 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

If I am not mistaken he is in Washington. They are funded through grants from the U.S. DOJ and PTRS agencies throughout the country which in turn are funded by local, state and federal grants.

They were the ones that put on the June 2 - 4 symposium in which Eric Holder attended and spoke about, reforming the bail system.

As in, putting private bail out of business.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Mon 08 Aug 2011 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

You are correct Tony

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 08 Aug 2011 17:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

This is just more regurgitated story planting on the part of those who desire to push pretrial release methodology. Bail reform started as a private response, the Vera Project, privately funded, in NY, and not by Robert Kennedy. EVERY court system has the ability, and they use it regularly, to ROR defendants, therefore controlling jail populations. They have also increased drastically 10% to the court bails and unsecured personal bonds, profiting the court system and on the latter, allowing a penalty for a potential FTA. The court has both the authority and ability to regulate the jail population with or without commercial surety, all absent any input from pretrial services. My other issue, if you quote statistics, cite the source.


Author:  AWOBB [ Mon 08 Aug 2011 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

One court down.. Some of you know Woody Fox here in Columbus, ohio.

NEWARK -- Licking County Municipal Court clerks will allow bail bonds companies to post bond for individuals, according to an agreed resolution filed with the Ohio Supreme Court.

On June 16, Woody Fox, of Woody Fox Bail Bonds, filed a complaint with the Ohio Supreme Court asking that Clerk Marcia Phelps stop her practice of interpreting judge's bonds literally and barring bonds agents from posting in some cases.

The practice allows government to push out private industry, Fox said.

Phelps must allow surety bonds -- those posted by bail bonds agents -- on all cases in which a judge imposes a cash bond, according to the agreed resolution filed Tuesday.

Fox waived any claim for damages.

Good job, Woody..... :mrgreen:

Author:  DMARTZ [ Mon 08 Aug 2011 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

Good Job Woody

Author:  KARMA [ Tue 09 Aug 2011 08:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

SWEET ! Didn't you put something about this in the media section before when he filed ?
Darn straight this is a good job . . . it may be a case in which precedence is set for future cases (areas of the country)
Steve can you get the case # I for one would like to have it, same thing is happening here in a couple of Counties and when filed Judges simply dismiss it saying that the Statute states "must collect 10 % and leaves it at that".
It is actually more detailed but they then also bring into play "Civil Procedure" . . . so frustrating. Totally knocked "appeal bonds" out of play from District up to Circuit.

Author:  Fidelity [ Tue 09 Aug 2011 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

Looks like a bleeding heart liberal-type article.

Here in Chicago, with our system, no one is looking for most of these folks. The police and sheriffs are understaffed, and unless your case gains public notoriety, it gets lost in the shuffle. Illinois needs a commercial bail bond system for what is arguably the largest composite court system in the U.S. (i.e. Cook County).

Author:  AWOBB [ Wed 10 Aug 2011 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's time to fix the broken bail bond system

LuVonda wrote:
SWEET ! Didn't you put something about this in the media section before when he filed ?
Darn straight this is a good job . . . it may be a case in which precedence is set for future cases (areas of the country)
Steve can you get the case # I for one would like to have it, same thing is happening here in a couple of Counties and when filed Judges simply dismiss it saying that the Statute states "must collect 10 % and leaves it at that".
It is actually more detailed but they then also bring into play "Civil Procedure" . . . so frustrating. Totally knocked "appeal bonds" out of play from District up to Circuit.


I'll call Woody tomorrow an see if I can get it....

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