Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Gainseville, FL
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Author:  tsuggs [ Wed 27 Jul 2011 17:29 ]
Post subject:  Gainseville, FL

http://www.gainesville.com/article/2011 ... 109/sports

No comment from me, I'm too tired.

Author:  speezack [ Wed 27 Jul 2011 19:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gainseville, FL

Great... me too Tony.... even more tired after reading this story... I'll wait and see what is said................ my quick take is that this is exactly what we are up against... and need to change.

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 27 Jul 2011 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gainseville, FL

While worn slam out, I'll make this comment... Until all the facts come out, I'll not judge this guy on this article. There once was this huge tv and newspaper article about NC bondsman breaking into a house and robbing the homeowners. It was front-page news for weeks until it was learned that these folks weren't Bondsman at all, instead they were posing as Bondsman to gain entry into the home.

Problem is, the damage was done. Most recall the story but not the fact that the robbers were Not Bondsman.

Will wait on this one.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 27 Jul 2011 21:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gainseville, FL

Until all the facts come out, I'll not judge this guy on this article.

This is the kind of stuff sells newspapers and gets ratings on the tellie . . . The "media" is more f what the "fight" is against . . . that and people who are "ignorant" of what can and cannot be done . . . and then of course just plain ole "stupid" people who make some outta nothing and then run with it . . . tsk tsk tsk

and in 1999 there as the story of the Bondmen breaking into "the wrong house" in AZ and shooting someone . . . Turned out it was not he wrong house, it was drug related, and it was not bondsmen at all . . .
But that did not stop Asa and Congress from enacting the Dangerous Criminals Act of 2000

Just another one for the CE class

Author:  speezack [ Thu 28 Jul 2011 06:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gainseville, FL

Until all the facts come out, I'll not judge this guy on this article.

There ya go.... that is exactly what we were eluding to on the other deal about NC.... I know, I know... slightly different but yet very similar...

It's like the business we are in.... people all the time tell us (me)... this is a trumped up charge... and of course no one is ever guilty... and I always say the following... "anyone can put a charge on anyone... all they have to do is convince a magistrate that there is enough evidence present to bring it forth... that does not mean that it will fly in court, but as said... anyone can charge anyone with anything and it happens all the time"

Cases have to be 'adjudicated' in a court of law... after it is filed, it has to be tried... it may get dismissed but it has to go before the judge to be viewed and judged. Only in very rare cases will you see a charge dismissed prior to court... it happens, but around here... not often.

Within the past 2 weeks... I have bonded 2 individuals that were arrested, charged, detained and bonded by me... both went to court for their advisement and were told by the judge that the charges were a mistake and they dismissed them.... "LE error"... in one case it was the wrong man and the other the charges had never been brought before a magistrate... the officer arrested on his own without proper procedure... now... what recourse do you think the defendants had here............. probably none...

My only comment to the Gainseville story is this........ if his history is correct and with 3 or more witnesses, of which I think neighbors also witnessed... it does look rather strong but as Bill said.... wait for the full story to surface.

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Thu 28 Jul 2011 07:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gainseville, FL

I don't know these guys up in the Gainesville Area although I am sure one owner of a company I write for does, as his son has a Bond company up there..

now the Defendant this Bondsman in Gainesville was going to look for and arrest was wanted on a minor "Traffic" case..

this defendant may of had prior cases where he was known to carry weapons / be violent etc.. and just might warrant the need for AR-15's..?? I cant say cause it is not my case.. and will have to let it play out in Court now and see where the chips fall for this Bondsman.

Now I just did an arrest last night similar to the charges in this article for a Deft. on a DUI / Fail to Submit to Blood Test / and one other BS Traffic Charge.. and we went into the guys house with me & one other Agent wearing a Tactical Bullet Proof Vest and X-26 taser out and ready to explain he should come peacefully or I would give him 50,000 reasons not to resist... although we were both armed with guns (Concealed) if the need for us to escalate the use of force ..we had what we needed.. but, the arrest was effected without incident and no vulgar language just ..you are under arrest and need to come with us since you missed your court date...we booked him into Dade County Jail with no problems all in less then 2 hours total from the time arriving at the Defendant's home to Jail Cell..

do I carry a rifle or shotgun ? .. On occasion Yes I do, but not often..I can probably count on 3 fingers how many times I held a Shotgun out in view at a scene in the last 2 years.

do I wear a "Mask / Hood" No Friggin Way!!!

The minute you start with a Level Of Higher Show of Force right off the bat at a scene you can not down grade that situation any longer as you have already pissed people off at the scene .. now if you start calm and collective and don't show such an aggressive behavior at first, I am sure your capture / investigation on locating your defendant will be a lot easier and you might even find the people at the location telling you of where your defendant might be...?? (although the investigation (Skip Trace) on the location you are going too should have been done prior to "hitting" a location blind and with no info.

Hope everything works out for this Bondsman .. things are very tense up in that area of Florida since the last incident the Bondsman was Killed while wearing a mask and carrying a Shotgun/Rifle..and the Officer was Fired for his Actions.. so I am sure this previous incident is not sitting well with Law Enforcement knowing one of their own was terminated. So this could be payback ? I am not going to say that it was .. but one never knows what the cops are thinking and I agree with Bill when he stated " "anyone can put a charge on anyone... all they have to do is convince a magistrate that there is enough evidence present to bring it forth... that does not mean that it will fly in court, but as said... anyone can charge anyone with anything and it happens all the time"

Lets see how this one plays out...

Author:  B Williams [ Thu 28 Jul 2011 08:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gainseville, FL

"slightly different but very similar"...Not even close....Patterson is not a Bondsman. That decision was made on 7/01/10 by Patterson himself. by not keeping his CE courses up to date and not paying his yearly renewal fee. Turns out the "review" the DOI is taking is for advertising and working as a Bondsman without a license.

I showed on another post how to check on anyone in NC by way of the DOI website. I showed step by step how to do this because Phil said he needed more info and evidence. I gave both.

Now I'm through with Patterson but our association and DOI are not!

This ins't meant to be negative, these are facts and if you truly want the facts you'll go to the NCDOI website.

Author:  AWOBB [ Thu 28 Jul 2011 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gainseville, FL

What a joke of a bondsman.....

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