Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Why We Need The NABBI
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Author:  tsuggs [ Wed 13 Jul 2011 18:05 ]
Post subject:  Why We Need The NABBI

To counter the images that this idiot creates.

http://www.tmz.com/2011/07/12/dog-chapm ... awl-punch/

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Wed 13 Jul 2011 18:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

Like I said in the Facebook posts...there are no words for this total circus act. Somebody needs to address this guy directly and personally. Seriously. What would this joke do if a real bounty hunter looked him dead in the eye...no cameras...no Beth....nobody to pander to or show in front of. Just an industry professional telling him that he is the laughingstock of this field.

Author:  Gardul [ Wed 13 Jul 2011 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

I wish he would just go away.

Author:  AWOBB [ Thu 14 Jul 2011 08:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

unbeleiveable.... I run into problems very little. Once in a while I will have some joker thinks that he's big crap an he's God.... Guest what, Not!!!! I've also been called DOG or Little dog, I just tell them, I'm not dog or little dog, I'm called a Officer of the Court. That's it...... I'm here to do my job and go.

I hate being called (DOG) that. To many people watch TV. I guest they have nothing else to do with their life, with jobs out there.

Author:  speezack [ Thu 14 Jul 2011 19:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

If I am asked about dog... I just say .... "well, he is a lot better looking than me and he has better tattoos..." or "well, that is a TV show and what I do is a lot less exciting and not on film".

They will usually laugh and nod and say "your right."...

We all get that sometimes but I answer with a joke, which is frankly, what dog is.... (notice I did not capitalize his name).

I'll give you some advice... just my take on dog and his connection to the true folks in the BEA business.... If you dress properly, act properly as in professional... if you present yourself in a business manner when hunting your 'quarry'... you will find that most people will react to you in a much more positive and professional way.... even when I dress casual... as some of you have seen me... my actions remain professional and I do not joke around when I am doing my job... people will react to you as you present yourself to them... that is very important to remember.

I know many dress in SWAT type gear and that is fine if you feel you need it, but it presents an image that some people are hostile toward. I have all the stuff also... but I try to keep it under the radar, if you will, and remain in a very passive mode. I have found over the years that appearing in that manner seems to garner a much different reaction from not only the civilians involved but also LE, the courts and others in that arena.

NABBI, if it comes to pass, will do much to improve the image of our profession and guess what guys..... that is exactly what we have been trying to do for many, many years. Policing and improving our own members through the development of NABBI, improving the overall view of our industry and working to train and improve the legal aspects of bonding and recovery is where we are attempting to go with this.

It will take time to set it up, but the job can be done with enough contributing members, financially as well as physically... we have to get involved.... and work together.

Author:  turn05 [ Fri 15 Jul 2011 01:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

I know I've been on here a couple of weeks, but I'm really excited about N.A.B.B.I. and getting Texas agents involved. I know the feeling of answering all the dog questions. Every time I go to drop a skip off at a new jail its the same routine. The normal jokes about dog and why we don't dress like him. We normally just smile and joke along and tell the LEO's the difference between real life and TV. The seem to always take a liking to our professional attitude to our job. And after they get to know us they are always ready to help us if we need it. I am really hoping the association takes off so we can provide a better image as a whole.

Author:  speezack [ Fri 15 Jul 2011 07:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

Thanks and welcome Steve.

Related to Texas, tell us about your qualifications in Texas. As I understand it, only Texas qualified people can recover in that state. Also, I think PI's have some sort of power... is that true and what might your level be?

I had a skip in the Houston area several years ago but never could find someone that was qualified...

(and would charge a reasonable fee... the ones I spoke with wanted $1500 up front and the bond was only $1500??? go figure)

... and when I contacted LE... I was told that even though I was licensed in my state (Virginia) and my bond was in Texas... I would not be allowed to pick him up without accompaniment of a Texas qualified recovery or bondsman. We ended up paying that forfeiture and as far as I know the skip is still in that area... but alas, it is past recovery time and his indemnitor is, unfortunately, in Texas also.

Author:  sandman [ Fri 15 Jul 2011 08:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

I occasionally get asked about dog, and do pretty much the same thing: just say "that's a TV show, THIS is reality", or "TV shows are meant to be entertaining, this is serious". So far nobody I've encountered has disagreed. It is frustrating, and could make things more challenging as far as establishing a sense of seriousness in the public eye, but I definitely agree NABBI is a requirement in light of this.

Author:  turn05 [ Fri 15 Jul 2011 10:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

Texas severally restricts bail recovery. The only people who can perform the job are LEO's, Commissioned Security Officers(in Texas these are the officers who are trained and licensed to carry a firearm) and licensed PI's. There is no out of state reciprocity for agents. I carry a Commissioned Security Officers license. To get this you have to go though at least 30 hours of classes on state laws and firearm safety and qualification. And you also cannot have and criminal history above a class c misdemeanor. Then you also have to get additional certification for OC, Tasers, and batons. The down side is there is very little formal training for bail recovery on texas. Our company is blessed to have several really good PI's so we had to come up with the training for our guys to go pick the skips up. I sought out a lot of information online. Rex Venator's book was a great read and I still like to refresh my mind a little with it on rainy days. In the beginning it was some trail and error but we learned quickly from our mistakes. That's what lead me to FRN. It seems like a great place full of great people where help can be gotten if needed. Here is the link to the occupation codes referring to bail recovery in texas.

http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/psb/consum ... hunter.htm

Author:  speezack [ Sat 16 Jul 2011 19:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why We Need The NABBI

Great link Steve... I noticed that it did not mention that the PI must be a Texas resident. I am assuming that was the case but it did not specify that.... so if a person is a licensed PI in say....... Virginia... could he come to Texas on a pickup?

Let me give you another scenario... if I came to Texas as a licensed Virginia bondsman, in pursuit of a bond skip that I had written... could I then employee a Texas PI or someone with your qualifications to pick up my skip.... transport the fugitive to the state line.... say Arkansas or Louisiana... turn him over to me and allow me to then bring him back to my state?

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