Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Is it TRUE or Not????
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Author:  AWOBB [ Sat 30 Apr 2011 20:54 ]
Post subject:  Is it TRUE or Not????

http://community.aetv.com/service/displ ... 9&d=656848

Dose anyone know how true this story is?

Author:  KARMA [ Sat 30 Apr 2011 21:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

I think that someone needs to give this KevDeBoer a comeupance . . . He certainly does not know his head from his azz

Author:  MadMadi [ Sun 01 May 2011 00:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

I was going to take the time to register and post, but most of those people responding in that forum dont seem to have a clue about what constitutional rights are or the affect of eliminating bail from a state but just choose to believe what is placed in front of them.. "Dog"..instead of doing thier own homework.. ugh... scary that these are voters!!!

Author:  KARMA [ Sun 01 May 2011 06:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

After sleeping on it . . . I agree.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sun 01 May 2011 07:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

I just find it troubling the common citizen believes that when a defendant is arrested, that they stay in jail. They do not realize that pretrial release will have far reaching negative affects like increased crime, lower property values, entitled criminals, increased warrants for failure to appears, and none of the money goes to the law enforcement to hunt these fugitives down. From avfiscal perspective, they really don't want them caught, if they did, there would be more officers on the warrant squads, and there are not.

This will result in conservative jurisdictions repelling crime and attracting business and the populace, and the exact opposite affect in liberal/lenient jurisdictions. Social experiments have failed historically for generations, as anyone who studies criminal justice critically can tell you.


Author:  WyomingRecovery [ Sun 01 May 2011 08:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

What is even more sad, is that Denver Police is still catching a heat wave of bad publicity. The community doesn't respect them and they keep catching law suits against the officers. How would this new bill help that? It would certainly make it easier for the "fugitives" to hide in Denver. Personally, I think that Colorado should take a long look into how Oregon was affected by their decision to remove the bail industry and how far behind they are in unpaid fines or outstanding warrants.

Author:  AWOBB [ Sun 01 May 2011 09:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

WyomingRecovery wrote:
What is even more sad, is that Denver Police is still catching a heat wave of bad publicity. The community doesn't respect them and they keep catching law suits against the officers. How would this new bill help that? It would certainly make it easier for the "fugitives" to hide in Denver. Personally, I think that Colorado should take a long look into how Oregon was affected by their decision to remove the bail industry and how far behind they are in unpaid fines or outstanding warrants.

I agree..

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Sun 01 May 2011 10:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

I almost registered and posted myself. However, the sheer onslaught of the misinformed, as well as the sheer weight of the obvious desire of many of them NOT to BECOME informed, helped me realize...you can't fix stupid.

Author:  B Williams [ Sun 01 May 2011 11:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

Does anyone here know Brian Shipwash? He is an elected Clerk of Court here in NC...He has been working very hard to shed light on government sponsored Pretrial Release....Very bright man who has no problems standing up and speaking his mind. He may be coming to a town near you in the future. He has been working the Florida system recently.

NYPDBlue, are you familiar with him?

Author:  speezack [ Wed 04 May 2011 07:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it TRUE or Not????

I can only relate to the following, which I figure, most of us got this in an email... for those that did not.... :

This came from:

Maryellen Pollack
Board Member, Americans for the Preservation of Bail
Legislative Chair, Rocky Mountain Bail Agents Association

Senate Bill 186, Deposit Bail, Passes As Some In Industry Attempt To Cut Deal
Disunity To Blame

The Colorado State Senate rejected SB186, a deposit bail bill today, However, the bill's sponsor was able to get the bill reconsidered and it did, indeed, pass.

Today the Colorado State Senate passed Senate Bill 186, a deposit bail bill which allows pretrial services programs to keep half of the bail money collected. This bill represents the most intrusive deposit bail legislation ever considered anywhere in the United States.

We learned a few weeks ago that some of the insurance company lobbyists (American Bail Coalition and Seneca) were floating to the bill sponsor the idea of an amendment that would carve out bonds less than $5000 to deposit bail. That amendment was proposed today on the Senate floor. The amendment failed in a tie vote, but the willingness of some to negotiate when we had the votes to kill this bill created disunity that made it impossible to hold our opposition. At the end of the day, the bill sponsor was able to get the votes and today, the bill passed.

We now have to unify to fight and KILL this bill before it becomes law. We need all those who support Colorado bail agents on board and we need all who would make deals behind the backs of bail agents to get out of the way. Together, we can kill this bill.

This bill WILL be up for third reading in the Senate tomorrow. You need to contact your Senator and tell them the compromise is NOT acceptable. We need to fight this bill. We will be sending out a contact email for legislators - watch for it and help us reach these lawmakers!

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