Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Really good co worker of ours
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Author:  docmike [ Mon 04 Apr 2011 21:04 ]
Post subject:  Really good co worker of ours

This guy is one of our best medics. Super mello person I guessing this happened as a result of him ignoring these idiots.
Please good thoughs and prayers for his family and his speedy recovery.

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Santa Cruz man in critical condition after beating at Dodger Stadium
By Cathy Kelly ckelly@santacruzsentinel.com
Posted: 04/01/2011 08:40:17 AM PDT
Updated: 04/01/2011 04:14:17 PM PDT

A 42-year-old Santa Cruz man is in critical condition at a Los Angeles area hospital today after being beaten and kicked by two men wearing Dodger's attire in the parking lot of Dodger Stadium Thursday night, Los Angeles police said.

Bryan Stow went to the opening day game with three friends, at least some of whom work with him at American Medical Response in San Mateo, said his brother-in-law, David Collins of Scotts Valley.

Stow, a Giants fan, is a father of two who works as a paramedic, Collins said.

"He's not doing too well," he said. "He's still unconscious and they just decided to put him in a medically induced coma. They are hoping the brain swelling will go down, but it hasn't and they are talking about removing one of his frontal lobes."

Collins said he spoke with one of Stow's friends who told him the four friends were wearing Giants attire and being heckled by several people as they left the game. They ignored them, he said, and then two men "came out of nowhere" and struck Stow in the back of the head.

He fell and struck his head on the pavement and the men continued to attack him, kicking and hitting him, Collins said.

His friends tried to intervene, but it was crowded and they had trouble reaching him, he said. During the melee, the assailants ran off, he said.

"Bryan is the biggest, that is probably why they jumped on him first," he said. "The gentleman I talked to was still shook-up. Both guys pushed



Bryan down, so he didn't even see them coming."

And though the San Francisco Giants and Los Angeles Dodgers rivalry is well-known and long-standing, Los Angeles police Sgt. Sanford Rosenberg said this attack goes way beyond acceptable fan behavior.

"We can sit and talk for hours about fan mentality," he said. "It's fun to talk about my team is better than your team, but when you cross the line like this, there's no excuse. I'm ashamed to see this." Los Angeles detective P.J. Morris said investigators reviewed surveillance tape, but couldn't make out the suspects among the thousands of people in the parking lot.

"But we do have several leads we're looking at," he said. "We're going to stay on this as long as we have to get it resolved. I hate for this to happen. People come down to our city to enjoy a game and something like this happens. It's not right."

Morris said there is an area gang that favors Dodgers caps and that the caps have become a gang symbol for them.

"We've seen a lot of gang members wearing it, but I don't know if that's related," he said.

Collins said he is hoping someone will come forward who saw the attack or captured it on a cell phone camera or something.

He said Stow's parents, Ann and Dave Stow of Capitola, are active at St. Joseph's Catholic Church and that Ann Stow works at St. John's Catholic Church in Felton. Those communities and his family and friends are praying for him, Collins said.

"We're all pretty shocked," Collins said. "We're all praying for him." Several family members flew to Los Angeles today to be with Stow, he said.

Rosenberg, the LAPD sergeant, said a man was killed in the stadium a few years ago, due to baseball team rivalry. A stabbing there in 2009 was unrelated to baseball, he said.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Marc Antenorcruz of West Covina was walking out of the stadium after a game in 2003 when he got into an argument with a group of men and was shot. Pete Marron was convicted of the shooting, the newspaper reported.

Morris asked that anyone with information on the attack call him at 213-847-4261.

Friends of paramedic Bryan Stow, the Giants fan who was critically injured by a beating after a Giants-Dodgers game in Los Angeles on Thursday, are holding two fundraisers to help pay for medical expenses.

From 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Pizza My Heart restaurants in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties will donate 30 percent of the value of meals purchased if customers mention Stow's name.

On Wednesday from noon to 8 p.m., Stow's colleagues at American Medical Response will host a barbecue, with tri-tip, hamburgers and hot dogs, at AMR's offices, 1670 Las Plumas Ave., San Jose. Donations to a fund to help pay Stow's medical expenses will be accepted.

Stow, 42, of Santa Cruz, was placed into a medically induced coma after suffering a beating and a fall onto the parking lot of Dodger Stadium. He was attacked by two men who had been taunting Giants fans, Los Angeles police said.

Banks listed at www.cuswirl.com will accept donations, made out to CommonWealth Credit Union account No.118881. Donations also may be made at www.support 4stow.blogspot.com.

Author:  MarshallSvc [ Mon 04 Apr 2011 22:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

Sorry to hear that, Godspeed to a quick and healthy recovery.

Funny thing though, I bet that didn't make the sports news on ESPN.
If that happened in Philly it would have been world news.

Author:  speezack [ Tue 05 Apr 2011 15:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

Hope he does well and gets along ok.... this is exactly why I have started 'carrying'. These types of stories really do make my blood boil. What is wrong with people that rise to this level of violence over a simple sport rivalry.

I certainly would not 'pull' for just any reason but you know what???? This was absolutely a life threatening situation and although it would have been escalated to a very lethal level with the show of a weapon... you tell me what else he could have done to stop this threat. I have over 10 years self defense training but I am also old and have bad knees and I ain't Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal or Jason Statham and I adhere to the saying.... about the "starting a fight with an old man..." also... "You can't negotiate with the non-negotiable."

I have recently started carrying almost everywhere... I took my wife to the hospital for a checkup on a recent surgery today... I had my Taurus Pro .45 inside my waistband, sport shirt tail out... and I am actually getting used to it.... with my "tummy"... you can't even see it.... and yes, there was one in the tube. I am still rather self conscious about it but today's social environment and stories like this are having an effect. Just make sure you have all your proper paperwork on you.

I may be found in a gutter one day, but you can be sure that my weapon will be empty and someone besides me.... is gonna be toting some lead... once again... join IDPA and shoot at least once a month.

Sorry to get off on these stories but you sort of get tired of reading them.... this has got to stop....

Author:  tsuggs [ Wed 06 Apr 2011 11:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

In CA, he would not have been allowed to carry inside the ball park. So even though this happened outside, if he had a CA CCW, he would have by law been required to leave it the car.

It used to be that you could expect a fight at the Raiders / 49ers football games. Now, I guess it should be expected at the Giants / Dodgers as well.

Author:  docmike [ Fri 08 Apr 2011 16:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

Update on Bryan. He is opening his eyes annd following commands. 300,000 raised for his family and the reward for the S@$Tbags that hurt him is 150K. LAPD to provide security at games now. Alittle late but hope it will prevent this in the future. It still amazes me that no one tried to help. 2 on one is just not right in anyway. Sorry if i see someone getting beaten by 2 and or down and out I got to step up. But anyway happier note it looks like he is doing ok so far. Time will tell

Author:  SnoWolf [ Fri 08 Apr 2011 19:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

Glad to hear that he is doing better.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 08 Apr 2011 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

His father was interviewed on the radio and broadcast back on the east coast, his dad even said he was an Alter Boy!

Our prayers are with you, your friend and his family.


Author:  MadMadi [ Fri 08 Apr 2011 21:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

I wont go to a Dodgers game, there have been problems there for a long time and it took THIS extreme for them to do somthing about it. Really sad.

Someone on the news the other night said it right, more people do need to get involved, there are more fans then thugs and when people see something like this happening, power in numbers people, let the thugs know this aint gonna be tolerated! I know I couldnt stand by and let this happen in front of me...

I hope he has a full recovery, sounds like a tough road ahead. Prayers sent!

Author:  docmike [ Thu 14 Apr 2011 13:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

I agree. Sounds like his head injury came from a single sucker punch and head landing on the ground. Would have been even nice if someone got the Vans plate or even stoped them before they got away.
Bitter sweet update through all the fund raisers roughly 500k to help his family with the massive bills to come. People are just steping up and running all kinds of fundraiser stores, food places. As a county employee and ER worker for 24 yrs makes me proud to see people stepping up for one of our own "Family"

Author:  BigDave [ Thu 14 Apr 2011 13:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Really good co worker of ours

How is his recovery ? Have you heard any new information ?

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