Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

NJ Bounty Hunter in the News
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Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 05 Dec 2010 17:10 ]
Post subject:  NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

http://www.app.com/article/20101205/NEW ... e-arrested

Author:  DMARTZ [ Sun 05 Dec 2010 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

Another New Age Bounty Hunter with a gun. and a illegal one to boot.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 05 Dec 2010 18:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

Winant called police to report his injury and the shooting. Police arrested Winant
for illegal possession of a weapon
-- a 9 mm automatic handgun.
Winant was not immediately available for comment.

Ok... so... Winant was arrested? ... but was released??? obviously... no bond??

Barone was arrested later at his apartment by township police, Stillwell said. police found Barone armed with a loaded handgun. Barone briefly struggled with police officers, Stillwell said. Barone was charged with resisting arrest, unlawful possession of a weapon, unlawful possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, possession of cocaine and possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute it, Stillwell said.

... and obvioulsy, this guy was a bad boy... a fugitive, and was arrested as reported.... and so........... was Winant a licensed BEA... or what... this story leaves a lot unanswered.... there is a comment later on in the paper that said that Winant was licensed and had a CCP... and was working with a licensed bail bondsman... so that needs to come out...

... so Yak... is this guy legal or what... strange and unanswered questions...

oooooooooooooooo, scuse me... I just saw Winants facebook page... he obviously wants everyone to see him as a very bad azz.... per the picture... well, I reserve further comments till more info is provided. I will say that some of us do have bad boy pictures posted on the net... so who knows...

Here is an excerpt from a comment out of the paper related to the story....
This story needs to be corrected. Before there was a shot fired the defendant first backed his car into the bounty hunter & the bail bondsman; then afterwards turned his car around and was driving at them; that was when the shot was fired. Their lives were clearly in danger. The bounty hunter DOES have a licence to carry and will be cleared of any and all charges. The job they do is under a bad light because of a few bad bounty hunters, but this day they were after a very dangerous man and were within their rights.

This last statement has to be verified I suppose... it is just a comment posted in the paper by someone that may or may not know of what they speak....

Author:  Yak [ Mon 06 Dec 2010 08:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

Bill, I remember this guy at the worthless training/certification class that was required by the
State Police/AG's Office last year. He seemed like a decent reserved guy to me at the time, but worked with a few idiot rambo types. Note that if you write bails in NJ, you are automatically entitled to persue your OWN skips only, this is one way a lot of hunters got to stay in the mix as MANY didn't have the 5 years/10,000 investigative hrs required by the state to be a hunter, NOR had any PRIOR SCHOOLING or TRAINING WHAT SOEVER.
A few years ago the AG's Office put out word to MOST of the NJ Court Judges (One per county to approve CCW permits), to NOT APPROVE & REVOKE "ANYONES" existing license including PI's who are affiliated with Bailbonding or Bounty Hunting. I found that a few of the Central NJ hunters get their CCW's approved by their LOCAL police Chiefs which is VERY UNCOMMON up here in northern NJ as it would be the Chiefs liability in a go wrong. Don't ya love politics?. It seems to me that that this fellow had a CCW but NOT the gun that he had to qualify with, so maybe? the pistol wasn't registered? or just not his qualifying weapon.
It ALSO says that he bailed out on a 5000.00 bond.
Reading the viewers COMMENTS in this artical is just standard fair as what Recovery Agents are viewed as by the public, but I will agree that PLACING your own/family photos or ANY INFO ANYWHERE can put you in jeopardy & possibly BLOW YOUR COVER , past, present & future. Just my personal opinion

Author:  DMARTZ [ Mon 06 Dec 2010 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

Just because he was licensed doesn't mean he has or had cents enough to pick up his own FTA. The man had multiple warrants all over Jersey which would indicate he was not a nice person so if caught he was going to do some time. (Come on Mr. Bondsman's) He was working alone on a FTA that he Knew was going to fight what would have happened if he would of been hit with the car. I guess he left the weapon that was legal in his other pants, he knew it was a illegal weapon no matter what the reason was. He portrays himself as a billy bad ass. I can almost bet he bailed the guy out didn't have any money to hire a professional someone to rearrest this person, most bondsman's that work with Rambo people use them for a reason they can pay them $3.50 an hour. I have been around way to long, this was just another person that had no business with a license.

There is some thought process that goes with this business, i know some times it is hard to believe

This is just my opinion

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 06 Dec 2010 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

http://www.app.com/article/20101205/NEW ... tive-flees

The latest news on this incident.

Author:  aequitasservices [ Wed 08 Dec 2010 16:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

I just wanted to add what I know about this situation. I have worked with Rich several times and he called me shortly after this incident. He is a licensed BEA in Nj. and has a valid carry permit in Nj. The prosecutor found that he was just in firing his weapon. The actual issue is not an illegal firearm but whether his CCW Permit was valid at the time of the incident. His permit is endorsed employment only, the LEO stated that because 007 bail bonds and not ARW bail bonds (Rich's Company) his permit was not valid at the time if the incident. He does have a contract to perform this recovery for 007, so this charge should get thrown out

Author:  DMARTZ [ Wed 08 Dec 2010 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

I can see more and more of this happening with CCW permits i

Author:  KARMA [ Fri 10 Dec 2010 21:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

It seems to me that that this fellow had a CCW but NOT the gun that he had to qualify with, so maybe? the pistol wasn't registered? or just not his qualifying weapon. ~Yak

Yak, here if we use a "revolver" to qualify with then that is all that we can legally carry.
I qualified with a semi-automatic so I can carry either / or. Is Jersey the same? Because as you state . . . therein may lie the problem.

Author:  aequitasservices [ Tue 24 May 2011 07:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: NJ Bounty Hunter in the News

Just an update on this. All charges were withdrawn on Friday May 20, 2011.

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