Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community
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Author:  BOUNTYBOY15 [ Thu 25 Feb 2010 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

Just to show that not all media coverage is bad or about arresting someone...bb15

http://www.b-roll.net/tv/view_video.php ... ategory=mr

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Thu 25 Feb 2010 22:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

Thats awesome man,more proof that not all agents are thugs and do actually care about the community.It is appreciated and keep vigilant on your task to show that there are professionals in this business.

Author:  speezack [ Sat 27 Feb 2010 10:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

That was great guys... positive media is absolutely what we need... thanks for the post. Keep up the good work, professional organizations like you guys is what will get us past the bad press.

Thanks again.

Author:  reddragon116 [ Mon 01 Mar 2010 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

I remember when you all did this, outstanding...I showed this to a bunch of my friends, girlfriend, and family. It's good stuff. Kudos fellas!

Author:  Outlaw_Recovery [ Wed 03 Mar 2010 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

Very nice to let the communities know that we can be nice also.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Wed 03 Mar 2010 12:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

Your team has the correct attitude.


Author:  AndyL [ Sat 13 Mar 2010 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

BB15, I watched a couple of your videos and I have to say, not bad. Im still not with the dressing like cops and driving cop like cars, but whatever works for you. I like to be a little more laid back. I do have a question though on one, just as an example.

I dont know which video it was, like I said, I only watched a couple. Tara was a methhead you got at a camping trailer. Whoever it was that detained the guy while the girl was arrested concerned me. I have a policy to not lay hands on or interfere with anyone other than our skip unless I have no choice in the matter. This guy didnt seem to do anything wrong, other than run his mouth, yet the BB made him grab some wall and even did a sort of Terry Pat on him. If one of my guys did that, I would be on their ass about it.

Just wanted your take.

And, Kudos on helping out in your community. Good PR. I sponsor a little league team among other things to try and give a good image.

Author:  BOUNTYBOY15 [ Sun 14 Mar 2010 00:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

I understand and appreciate your position. However, we don't dress like "cops" nor "drive cop like cars". We dress as professionals doing a professional job. We equip ourselves with the best tools of the trade to be as proficient and safe as possible. Bounty hunting has never been a prototypical career and considered by many to be unorthodox, unsafe and perhaps taboo. We have no desire to fit this mold. So for the guy that was, in your opinion, interfered with, well our policy is simple: safety before all else. As I was approaching the trailer the male in question made a haste movement towards me to perhaps interfere and engage me. My partner stop the threat and maintained his attention on him and the perimeter so that a safe arrest could be made. We don't have the right to wait and see what he my or may not do. We do have the right to restrain any and all threats no matter the situation. A pat down, not a search, was preformed for safety as well. Again, I understand and appreciate your position but subscribe to a different set of rules.

Best wishes- Stay safe- God bless

Author:  BOUNTYBOY15 [ Sun 14 Mar 2010 00:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

Rules 101:

F ools, only, rush in!
I nvolve back-up!
E valuate the situation
L ook around and be alert!
D istance, Demeanor, Detain

I nterview, don’t interrogate!
N otice the body language!
T ake mental & written notes!
E ntertain your audience!
R apport must be developed!
V alidate your authority
I nitiate an action or exit authoritatively!
E ffect arrest if safe and necessary!
W atch what happens after you leave!


Author:  reddragon116 [ Sun 14 Mar 2010 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bounty Boys Giving Back to the Community

I'm going to agree with BB15 on this in regards to his actions. If this is a means of protecting ourselves from getting shot, stabbed, or assaulted, or having a third party risk injury to the DEF., it's needed. The "Terry Pat" is acceptable and I have asked numerous LEOs about this practice during the course of our business. As far as cuffing/detaining someone, if they are a threat, then I would say do whatever is necessary to remove the threat from the situation. And if I, individually, need to answer for such in court, I would stick by my guns and state it was for the safety of us and the DEF. Safety is always first, as well as de-escalating a tense situation.

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