Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Who Here is from Montana?
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Author:  KARMA [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 09:14 ]
Post subject:  Who Here is from Montana?



Author:  MarshallSvc [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 10:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

Check out the APF website...............be very afraid


Author:  Robert Brunner [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

Be VERY VERY AFRAID, I went and checked out both pieces that LuVonda had listed and my computer froze on the you tube!!! Its down right criminal what our so-called Pres. has done !!!

Author:  DanM [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 11:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

Very interesting post. I lived in Montana for 14 years and used to drive through Hardin often. Here is some additional information:

Montana lawmakers want info on secretive California company

MATTHEW BROWN Associated Press Writer | Posted: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:00 pm

Montana legislators said Tuesday they want to know more about a secretive California company that wants to take over an empty jail in the southeastern corner of the state and build a military training center on adjacent property.

The company, American Police Force, has attracted widespread attention with its plans - but won't reveal its backers or where it would get prisoners for the jail, located in the rural city of Hardin.

With Hardin officials also saying little about the company, rumors have flourished. On a Web site run by right-wing radio show host Alex Jones, a posting claimed that employees of American Police Force had "occupied" the city and started patrolling its streets.

Montana Rep. Bob Ebinger said more rumors were likely until Hardin and the company provide more details.

"Always when things are secretive, you end up getting everybody - on both the right and the left - making suppositions about what's going on," said Ebinger, a Democrat from Livingston.

Ebinger and other members of the Legislature's Law and Justice Committee said they would ask Hardin officials to provide more information about the company.

In addition to taking over the 464-bed, $27 million jail, the company has said it will sink $17 million into a military training center and is seeking 5,000 acres or more for a live-fire training ground.

Company spokeswoman Becky Shay said there were no plans to reveal the project's financial backers.

"We're still sitting tight," said Shay, who took the job with American Police Force last week after abruptly leaving the Billings Gazette, where she had written extensively about the jail over the last several years.

Hardin built the jail two years ago as an economic development project but was never able to find any prisoners.

Its agreement with American Police Force - worth at least $2.6 million a year - has yet to be validated by U.S. Bank, the trustee on the construction bonds used to pay for the facility.

Those bonds went into default in May, 2008.

Author:  DanM [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 12:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

Source: wikipedia.org

Hardin Jail

In 2004-05, a Texas development consortium convinced Hardin's industrial development authority to float bonds to build the speculative Two Rivers Regional Correctional Facility, a $27 million jail for 464 inmates mostly dormitory housing located on a 40-acre field. Officials claimed that the understanding when construction began in 2006 was that the State of Montana would send some state prisoners there. The state has denied that allegation, and the economic feasibility study used to promote the bonds had not mentioned the possibility of incarceration of sentenced state prisoners. The facility was ready to open in July 2007, but no such transfer occurred. Although the consortium’s operator, CEC/CiviGenics, sought prisoners from various states, agencies and jurisdictions, they were unsuccessful in that quest. A county sheriff termed it “basically a "warehouse, " referring to its “24-inmate rooms. [4] The Authority bonds defaulted on May 1, 2008. [5] In the fall of 2008, the facility bid to house a sexual offender program for the state but it was rejected. [6] CEC ended its contracts and withdrew its last two of its few employees on January 23, 2009. As of June 2009, no prisoners have ever been housed there.[7] The Hardin City Council and the Two Rivers Authority have proposed that, when the Guantanamo Bay prison is closed down, some of the detainees there be transferred to Two Rivers.[8] Montana's state and federal officials have universally rejected its fitness and use for Guantanamo detainees.


About Two Rivers Regional Correctional Facility

Promoted by a consortium of Texan developers/operators, construction began on the Two Rivers Regional Correctional Facility, located in Hardin, Montana, in 2006 and was completed in July 2007. It fostered the hopes of creating 100-plus jobs and stimulating the economy of the small town of 3,400.

The prison, a 464-bed minimum security detention facility, was built with $27 million of high interest revenue bonds issued by the City's industrial development authority.[1] and sold by bond brokers Municipal Capital Markets and Herbert J. Sims.

Lacking any revenue and with its insurance having run out, the facility defaulted on its bonds on May 1, 2008.

In the fall of 2008, unsuccessful at attracting contracts from various states, tribes and federal agencies, it was proposed to the state of Montana to house a sexual offender program. That bid was also rejected. A Montana sheriff had described it as "a warehouse."

In January 2009, the contract between the Hardin industrial development authority was cancelled and the operator, Community Education Centers, withdrew its last two employees.

In March 2009, the Hardin city council voted 5-0 to back a proposal to bring detainees from the United States detention camps at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, although state congressional leaders have opposed the plan.

The prison has never housed any prisoners.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?


Sounds like the TRA has sold its' Soul and those of the Community they are responsible to.

Author:  DanM [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 14:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

ABC News

Author:  DanM [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

They seem to be just a private security company with no special protection under the law. I could be missing something in my research. I didn't find any specific legislation that would empower this company with special or privileged powers so to speak. If anyone else finds anything new it would be interesting to learn more.

They are filed in the State of California:

Number: C3202431 Date Filed: 3/2/2009 Status: active
Jurisdiction: California
Agent for Service of Process

The interesting part to me is the filing date which is soon after President Barack Obama had signed an order to suspend the proceedings of the Guantanamo military commission for 120 days, and that the detention facility would be shut down within the year. Then on May 20, 2009, the United States Senate passed an amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2009 (H.R. 2346) by a 90-6 vote to block funds to release prisoners held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Perhaps our private security company, AMERICAN PRIVATE POLICE FORCE ORG INC., has good financial backing and government contacts.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 30 Sep 2009 14:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

All of their "symbols" are Russian :|

Author:  speezack [ Fri 02 Oct 2009 17:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Here is from Montana?

The general agent that I am under and who not only owns a bonding company but is also a very capable attorney who has represented me several time on bond cases........ happens to be from Montana.... cowboy boots, silver buckles and all... but a really nice guy.

FWIW... I have been to Hardin, MT.... it is not that small a town and is on the northern edge of a very large Crow Indian reservation... in fact, Custers Last Stand is just down the road........ as I recall less than 5 mles southeast of Hardin. I did some truckin' down Rt. 212 through Montana and usually the people in this state do not put up with anything that is the least bit "UnAmerican" (for lack of a better term)

I find it hard to believe that they do not have a police force, however, I do recall that almost everyone I met was either of Indian decent or full blooded Crow and probably the fact, as mentioned, that it is located actually on the edge of a very large Indian reservation may have something to do with this fact.

If you have never been in this part of the country... it is beautiful, different and the people are very special but also very close nit.... they do not cotton to strangers, another reason I find this story rather unusual.... the police thing...

As for the prison that they are trying to fill .... that is another story.

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