Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

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Author:  midwestfr [ Sun 01 Feb 2009 20:39 ]
Post subject:  PINGING

Has anybody ever heard of a website called Covert Operations International? They claim to have a cell phone pinging system that actually works. High price though, $180 a ping. I know Scott H. has done a lot of checking on "pinging" companies. I'm going to shoot him an e-mail about it, but in the meantime, just want some feed back. I gave them a call and was told they route it out of the country and back with a location in 30 minutes. :?

Author:  SnoWolf [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 08:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

I was told by an insider (he worked for one of these companies) that pinging is "a scam" (his words). I will not give the specifics on what he explained, other than to say he told me to save my money and "skip trace" (which is the bottom line to what they do) the SIQ, myself. The chances of a subject being where the "ping" says they are is much less than 50/50 and each company has several "scripted" excuses as to why. Triangulating is more accurate, if you can find someone to do it, but that too has flaws. If you begin at 1:00pm and have to drive to the area, arriving at 2:00....the subject has probably left. If he were to go from one house to the next, you would never know and may not have any reason to search. So, bottom line is: Yes these two work but they are not as accurate or dependable as good ole self motovated, investigation. JMHO

Author:  AndyL [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 08:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

Speak for yourself Sno.

I know of many times I would have given my eyetoothe for a "triangulation or ping". Difference is, its not your 50k or 100k that you have nothing to go on but a cell number....

Just an example, but Ive been there. I believe you would have loved to have had the same if it happened to you.

Author:  Kathy [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 10:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

A legitimate company will not "triangulate" a cell ping without having the proper waiver signed by the person that owns the phone. What most do is pretext the person into maybe telling where they are. With the proper paperwork and LE contacts you might be able to get them to do it for you. They have the capability through GPS 911 tracking and don't charge you.

Author:  SnoWolf [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 15:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

:evil: Alright....evidently, I am wrong. I thought I could post my personal experience and information collected from a "ping company" and have people except it. I got the information from a company that conducts "pings" on a daily basis but after my latest PM, I will retract my previous post. :evil:

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

Actually both Sno and Kathy are correct.
The phone can be pinged with a "Court Order" but if the phone is turned off you will not get a response. However the 911 GPS tracking is done by triangulation and can be accolpished whether the phone is on or not. This is information that I was told by Law Enforcement.
The "pinging" (by Court order Only) gives an area of location. Had experience with this two years ago on a 50K that was floating back and forth across the border of Texas/Mexico. The "triangulation" narrows the field.
Now I can only imajine that the process has gotten better and I do believe that there was a member here working on getting better info . . .
I believe that Tsuggs weighed in on this issue on another Forum. Think he said, that if you are a crook, make sure and after you turn your phone off ~ pull the sim card :shock:
A company out of Colorado has the real inside scoop on this stuff and it is a 50/50 shot that it will work and a nice buck to pay for that.

In regards to having only cell phones on the Bail App. I have run into that myself and as told by my Boss there is someone somewhere that they know that has a phone. Get it. And I do :)

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 15:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

AndyL wrote:
Speak for yourself Sno.

I know of many times I would have given my eyetoothe for a "triangulation or ping". Difference is, its not your 50k or 100k that you have nothing to go on but a cell number....

Just an example, but Ive been there. I believe you would have loved to have had the same if it happened to you.

The information that he provided is correct and was not directed at anyone other than as an informational from personal experience. I think that we can all relate to that.

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 17:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

The info given to me by a ATT "person" was that you have to pull battery out of the phone if you don't want to be tracked. Even if the phone is "off" it is still sending location information to the cell towers.

You can pull the simm card. That will not let the phone transmit the phone number or registration number anywhere. Of course the phone will not be able to make or receive calls either.

Supposedly, there is or was a propsed law that all new phones would be capable of transmitting their location back to the phone company as long as the battery and simm cards are installed whether or not the phone is on.

If your phone has GPS capabilities, it probably has that feature installed.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 17:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

I was recently informed by my local LE that pinging is real and accurate. In our most recent case of the Decatur, Al. Sgt who staged his own kidnapping and stole confiscated drug monies from the safe and fled to Las Vegas, "Pinging" is how the detectives found him. The idiot left his pager on.

I was told this FIRST HAND by one of the lead detectives in the case while eating breakfast at a local restaraunt.

On a seperate note, there are several documented cases of cell phone triangulation (pinging) being used in rescuing kidnapped persons..especially women.

Other cases include vehicle accident victims who rolled out of sight of the roads and went missing for several hours to several days. 1 case in particular was a wheel chair victim whose cell phone died. She was smart enough to know how to rig power from her wheel chair battery to her cell phone, thus enabling her to call 911 and save herself. She didn't know exactly where she was, but they were able to "ping" her and come to her aid.

Just my .02 cents worth....:)

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 02 Feb 2009 17:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: PINGING

Just pulled up this article on the subject. I'm sure there are plenty more.


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