Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Introduction letter to local bail bondsman
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Author:  ANRBAIL [ Fri 24 Jun 2005 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Introduction letter to local bail bondsman

Im just getting ready to get into the work scene and would like to know if anyone has a sample letter of introduction that you would send a bail bondsman trying to get some more work


4 Captured in 2005!

Author:  rex [ Sat 25 Jun 2005 09:58 ]
Post subject:  Sample Letters

Deleted By Rex

Author:  ChuckJ [ Sat 25 Jun 2005 11:19 ]
Post subject: 


Your last post seems to be an unwarranted attack on Rex, the other industry professionals you mentioned do provide quality training through seminars and books, they charge for their training as they should and Rex charges for his training books as he should, I don't know many people that can give their work away for free, Rex often gives quality advice free of charge via internet forums and I don't see anything wrong with him promoting his work to those who seek a more lengthy in depth study of his writings on this profession.

I have read some of Rex's books and I find them to be well written accurate and informative, those of us BEA's who come here and post enjoy sharing our knowledge with others, lets not start attacking others because we may disagree with them on a particular subject, move on on to the next topic and proceed as a gentlemen.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Sat 25 Jun 2005 11:54 ]
Post subject: 

Scott Harrell,Scott Maclean,Scott Olsen,Robert Scott,Bob Burton,Rex ,Law
have all written books and all have good information in them. As far as nobody ever mentioning this there have been hundreds of posts about each of these people on this forum and many others. You will also find out that most of us old timers have met,spoken,etc. with each other for years.

Author:  Steve_Hedrick [ Sat 25 Jun 2005 12:23 ]
Post subject: 


I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND you check out Mr. Scott Harrell's manuel. His product cuts through the BS and hype that other manuels offer. He does not have flashy, staged photos of individuals dressed like a SWAT team holding automatic weapons. In his manuel, he covers ALL the current state laws and what we can & can not do. He also goes into great detail about how to market yourself and your services.

Mr. Harrell has a website, but I do not have the address handy. It is something like bondfortures.com or something like that.

I have been in the Biz since 1984 and thought I knew every trick in the book. But after reading his manuel, I said to myself, "Dang, why didn't I think of that scam!"

If I can be of any assistance to you, please feel free to call. And congrats on your 4 re-arrests so far this year! Happy Hunting & be safe.

Author:  HGUNNER [ Sat 25 Jun 2005 16:44 ]
Post subject:  attacks

Time to get involved again---here we go MINDTRACKER personalities aside i have been a poster and reader of this forum for a number of years and my backround is simple retired (line of duty injury 1987 forced to retire 1988 nypd detective 2nd grade)i have been arresting people since 1972 and can prove over 2000 pops both as a bea and cop-many people have checked my backround in many organizations and have verified my info--I have taken human life 6 times as a cop all in toe to toe gunfights so i have paid my dues many time over.my style is direct to the point and not pc--many people here can attest to that--feelings are for the weak not for the strong-a childs ryme attests to that--if words harm you you better grow a thicker skin

now here comes the judge---I have spoken to mr burton and mr harrell and mr olsen and mr mclean(he taught a nabe class i attended) and many other oldtimers in the business and i do respect them because they lasted in the unforgivable business we practise-
along with my associate LAW we teach the only NH accredited bea course
we also lecture at many colleges and police organizations throughout new england

getting to my point i have spoken to REX for years on this forum his advise and info has always been correct and on the point-he to has paid his dues wearing the badge of a sheriffs deputy in CA-his high tech approach to our field by fighting forfitures in open court is a very valuable tool to have in our arsenal

in short i have come to trust REX and would use his services in a minute if the need arose-with that comment there are many other people on this forum whom i trust-- again they earned my trust over time by showing expertise in our field--what i do not trust is a training organization that gives a 2 day or 3 day or 3 week or 6 week traing course than tells their students to go out and prosper as a bea--i spent many months in a police acadamy and another year with an fto before i could be safe on the streets--i still learn today-it is unfair and unsafe to the general public , the proffession the skip and the new bea to have thses newbies prowling our streets

another subject i have arrested people in wisconsin-kentucy-fl all legally and with the blessing of the states attorney.all it takes is a little knowledge and planning-lets all get on the same page and tell the new blood what this job is not what it was or will be--as in the west the cowboy days are gone-the buther baker candle stick maker days are over-this is a deadly serious business with many possibly lethal consiquencises and it demands a proffessional and well seasoned team to succeed and stay alive with out causing harm to our proffession--if you want to discuss this matter further feel free to email or call me any time

by the way LAW has been doing this for over 21 years and is one of the oldtimers and most well known still hunting--you can take his word to the bank

Author:  rex [ Sat 25 Jun 2005 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Deleted

Deleted By Rex

Author:  kittygrl [ Tue 13 Jan 2009 17:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction letter to local bail bondsman

Hello all!

you know, some folks don't have alot of money to spend on everyone's manuals,and so I would just like to cut through the chase, and ask,"who can put thier money where they're mouth is"? :roll:

My passion is really Skiptracing,and I read anything that I can get my hands on about this specific topic.

Author:  Kathy [ Tue 13 Jan 2009 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction letter to local bail bondsman

It all depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for "classes" to benefit you, there are several listed in the FAQ section that people on here have knowledge of and support. If you are looking for general info on the profession, many of us have benefited from Rex's materials. You can find them at www.uenforcebail.com. Some are more CA specific, but he has videos as well as his book, "Modern Bounty Hunting" available that are applicable to everyone.

I have lost two copies of "MBH" by being stupid and loaning them out. It is apparently considered so good that I can never seem to get them back (at least I get told that when I try to get it), so need to order another copy. I won't let it out of my office :evil: .

Author:  SpanielPI [ Wed 14 Jan 2009 15:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction letter to local bail bondsman

There are other publications out on the market by Bob Burton and other long time BEA's/Pi's. I would also suggest you take Scott H's course through bondforfietures.com.

Pick and choose what information is relative to your area, keep what you need and is legal, discard whatever isn't.

Also remember that an introduction letter to a bondsperson is really no different than any other letter of introduction for any other job/company. It is normally followed by a brief and professionally written resume. Also included in this introductory packet should be a professional business card. Simple, clean, brief.

I have seen some really creative, bright, colourful, and "busy" business cards. I personally don't like these, then again I am an old fart. I am old school corporate America. I operate by old school formalities, ettiquette, protocall, and professionalism.

You can often find corporate conservative professional business templates in alot of the computer office programs that are included on most computers.

Remember, less is more holds true for our business. Remember the old acronym "kiss"; "keep it simple stupid". Realize an introductory packet is exactly that...a request for an audience with a potential client. It is supposed to be a "tease" to entice that client into calling you in for an interview, just like with any other job.

Also, remember in this day and time, we are the "instant gratification society". People constantly only speed read or simply scan over a document as opposed to actually reading it. You make it too long, it will get tossed. Remember that most job placement counselers teach that a potential employer make sup thier minds with the first few minutes of meeting you. Same holds true regarding clients. They aren't interested in your military background, how many martial arts belts you hold, etc.

Also, don't call potential clients. Remember you are a salesperson. Dress and act professionally just as you would for any other salesman type job.

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