Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Friends...Help is needed!!
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Author:  kheely66 [ Sat 23 Sep 2006 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Friends...Help is needed!!

My friends...
Alot of you already know of the sexual assault case involving my daughter and for those of you that don't please check out the links below. As most of you know, America's Most Wanted took the case a few months back, but only put it on their website and did not air it on a show. As I watch AMW every Saturday, I continue to see them profile people that have committed less serious crimes than the guy that sexually assaulted my daughter (32 counts/$250,000 Arrest Warrant) I don't know how to get them to put this guys face out to the nation... but I do know that I have a lot of friends here, so here's the challenge... I challenge each and every one of you to forward this information. The second thing I would like you to do in support of me and my daughter is go to http://www.amw.com and go to their contact page and write in support of us... This doesn't even cost a dime to any of you and would mean the world to my little girl. Until he is found she will never rest, and his next victim could be your daughter, your grand-daughter, niece, or maybe even a friends daughter. Also for any of you in Texas, please have any associates or fellow LEO's in the Donna, Texas area BOLO for this man.
Friends...From the bottom of my heart, your help will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks ~ Kevin



Author:  SpanielPI [ Sun 24 Sep 2006 07:09 ]
Post subject: 


Have you contacted the center for missing and exploited children ? How about the Justice Dpt. The FBI, The U.S. Marshall's office, or any of your elected representatives ? How about any of the other TV Shows like Montel, Good Morning America, or any of your local news stations ?

Any or all of these venues can place enormous pressur or act as a catalyst to get people involved and keep your daughter in the spotlight.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Sun 24 Sep 2006 07:12 ]
Post subject: 

1 other idea, Phil listed in another section several websites that are linked to this one. Perhaps you could ask people to place your "wanted" picture and stats on thier websites ?

Most pi's/BEA's have a wanted section anyway, so why not "domino" your advertising through them ? You know 1 person tells 4 people, they each tell 4 more people, etc. Sometimes called a "Force Multiplier".

Author:  HoundDog [ Mon 25 Sep 2006 08:29 ]
Post subject: 

It says that it aired last November the 28th. I will send an email in support of you and your family asking them to air your segment again. Hopefully others will do the same.

Do you have any idea of where he might be other than Mexico? Where did you come up with the Texas reference?

Author:  kheely66 [ Mon 25 Sep 2006 13:44 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks guys for your responses... yes I have attempted contact with all federal agencies and some state agencies including the Colorado governor; no reponse back from them except for the Texas Rangers. I have sent emails and info into Montel and Ooprah - again no reponse! The entire case can basically be read at my website under "Wanted".... that explains where the information comes from on the case. His immediate family is in Donna, TX

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