Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Connection between FRN and NABBI
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Author:  speezack [ Fri 18 Apr 2014 07:52 ]
Post subject:  Connection between FRN and NABBI

I have had a few inquiries asking the connection between NABBI and FRN... I think this is an important question, so, let me clarify as follows...

FRN is a blog site that allows anyone to post related to any connection they may have with this industry... PI's, bail bondsmen, fugitive recovery agents/bounty hunters, attorneys, LE... those wishing to get into the business... actually, anyone that even wants to ask questions or for whatever reason have an interest, real or imagined in this business.

NABBI is a non profit association of LICENSED, COMPLIANT agents, in this industry and associated businesses but the members are vetted and as said... licensed and compliant within their states of operation. It is a networking association as is FRN but the difference is in the legality of the members. You cannot be a member of NABBI without a legal connection and we also have NO regulatory authority over the members. The only way you can post on the NABBI site is to place a message on the "comments" page and even then, it is checked by the webmaster and posted only after it is authorized by both the webmaster and the poster. There are no moderators on the site. Actually, I am the only one operating it's content... at the direction of course of the executive committee.

As for an official connection between these two sites... the only connection is in the definition of the two businesses, that is all... there is no official connection between FRN and NABBI, although discussions arise on FRN about NABBI simply as a discussion and posted information for general consumption.

One other addition... there are many members of NABBI and FRN that post on this site... usually you will find that those members will provide you with the most accurate information... however, there are of course those that are not members of either site that do provide good data, you be the judge on it's authenticity... as said often... this industry for better or worse is filled with all sorts of characters, some good some bad and the information you gain here is always subject to scrutiny... but again... "let the buyer/reader beware"

Hope that clears up any questions... I will post this under another thread on this site also...

Author:  tsuggs [ Fri 18 Apr 2014 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Connection between FRN and NABBI

As Bill stated, FRN is a public forum for the bail related community. NABBI is NOT the only association with members that post here.

You can check out the sig lines of the posters to see if they belong to any association.

Author:  KARMA [ Fri 18 Apr 2014 13:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Connection between FRN and NABBI

well spoke Bill . . .
The only thing that I would add is . . .
The confusion may lie in that . . . FRN is where NABBI was conceived, she was birthed in ST. Louis, MO. Having been conceived here, does not mean that FRN is in any way affiliated with NABBI other than, sharing the thoughts and minds (within these pages) of those that walk the halls . . . . period.

Author:  speezack [ Fri 18 Apr 2014 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Connection between FRN and NABBI

Karma, not to dispute what you are saying, however.... let me clarify something... first of all, NABBI was not conceived on FRN... it was discussed by Scott MacLean and Joe Stiles at a restaurant in southern Maryland many years ago... outside of FRN... it may have been discussed on FRN and I will certainly say that the core membership started out of the members of FRN... but the idea and the meat of the plan took place in another vinue... the first meeting was actually in Maryland, at the "Crab Smash"... then there was yet another "Crab Smash" in Maryland and then the 3rd. meeting in Las Vegas, not St. Louis... St. Lois was actually the 4th. meeting... where we formed it officially but Maryland was absolutely the kickoff then after those two meetings it went to Las Vegas where it was loosely formed further... then St. Louis where it was made official... Tony Suggs was involved also but the idea had been discussed many years ago and in fact other organizations had been discussed but NABBI was named and initiated by those two with Tony in the third spot... and those are the facts.

The progression was Maryland actually 3 times... then Las Vegas, then St. Louis, then Philadelphia, then Long Beach, then Va. Beach... and as said.... discussed many times on FRN but formed long before with two friends at a family gathering.

I might ad that the name NABBI.ORG was actually registered by L. Scott Harrell, who describes himself as... "Small Business Savage and Intrepid Entrepreneur", who, among other things has PI schools in many states... he is based in Florida, or maybe Cozumel, Mexico or maybe CuraƧao... but that is another story... 8)

Author:  KARMA [ Fri 18 Apr 2014 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Connection between FRN and NABBI

TA DA ! Well I would def call that absolute proof that FRN and NABBI are by no means affiliated ;)
I did indeed forget that NABBI was Scott and Joe's baby . . . DAMMIT . . . I really need to get more sleep :) It is a shame that Scott could not sway the folks over here :(

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 19 Apr 2014 07:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Connection between FRN and NABBI

Scott's mission was not to sway anybody. What started out as a regional east coast deal to u7nite bounty hunters, bondsmen, PI's and attorneys blossomed at the suggestion of others to take it nationally and pay it forward, leaving a better profession for those that follow, mentored by those that have been there. If one has a passion for this industry as NABBI.org members do, there is no convincing needed. Unfortunately, too many people let personal issues and egos hinder progress, losing sight of the big picture.


Author:  KARMA [ Sat 19 Apr 2014 09:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Connection between FRN and NABBI

Scott's mission was not to sway anybody
Sway was probably not the correct word . . . Nudge would have been a better one. I have not given up over here.

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