Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

$175K They don't have to pay!
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Author:  Charlie Deckert [ Mon 13 May 2013 07:30 ]
Post subject:  $175K They don't have to pay!

Well I just had to brag a little. We received a request from a Bondsman on 04/24/2013 who had a jumper who had fled to Mexico. While in Mexico it was reported to the Bondsman that the Defendant had died. The only evidence presented to the court was a faxed copy of Mexican Death certificate. The judge immediately rejected the document and ordered the Bondsman to either get additional evidence or pay the $175K which was due on 5/15/2013.

On 05/03/2013 we sent one of our Agents, Ryan Grayson to Mexico City where he then traveled to a small mountain village a few miles west. When he arrived he made quick work of meeting with Village officials, the Mortuary, the family, the church and the newspaper. Over the next few days he was able to get a hard copy of the death certificate with a raised seal, he was able to get a copy of the invitation to the mass from the church, and the best part of it and specifically what the judge was wanting in addition to the Death Certificate he got a copy of the newspaper that contained the obituary of the defendant. All the documents were translated and certified by the the Texas Secretary of State Apositlle.

We met with the Bondsman on 05/11/2013 and delivered all the original and translated documents. They were ecstatic to say the least. So though we did not actually retrieve a person in this case we were able get what the client needed in order to avoid paying $175,000.00.

Because the defendant was reported as deceased in this case we only charged 5% plus travel in this case even though sending an American to the heart of Mexico would normally be considered high risk.

So Kudos to my team, Ryan did a great job, got to be in Mexico City on Cinco De Mayo, Mexican Independence Day. He was told by someone in the village where the defendants family lived, not to return.

So if Anyone has any Mexico work please let us know. We are able to coordinate with Mexican officials to get individuals who are not Mexican nationals back into the US. We can also work to get Mexican Citizens back into the US but this takes a very longtime.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Mon 13 May 2013 09:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: $175K They don't have to pay!

Good Job - glad that turned out well for your client (not so much for theirs - being he was dead.)

Author:  speezack [ Mon 13 May 2013 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: $175K They don't have to pay!

This action reinforces what I and others have preached for years... the rule of thumb is... THERE IS NO RULE OF THUMB... and if procedure is followed, making the right moves and contacting the right people... most anything is possible... regardless of what you may think.

Never believe that something cannot be done... there is always a solution, it just may take little ingenuity...

... pretty much follows the old saying... "you just have to hold you mouth right"...

Congrats on the success of your case.

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Mon 13 May 2013 09:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: $175K They don't have to pay!

Good to know, Charlie! You just topped my go-to list for Mexico runners. Something that we get all too often in So Cal.

Author:  Charlie Deckert [ Mon 13 May 2013 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: $175K They don't have to pay!

Correction, Cinco De Mayo is the celebration of the battle of Puebla not Mexico's Independence day.

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