Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

"You still have much to learn"
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Author:  Reinere [ Tue 16 Apr 2013 20:46 ]
Post subject:  "You still have much to learn"

(Gripe time)

I've been working on a 15k for about 6 weeks, He was in either AZ, NC, or CA. I had this whako in AZ, and a professional bondsman in NC (that I won't name here because I don't think he wants to be a part of this) Naturally I found out why you don't have too many fingers in the pot. The guy that was hired 4th party to me in AZ bs'd me telling me he had confirmed the skips location.

So I put a very skilled, and professional bondsman work another state on hold to see if this guy in AZ can pick him up.

As it turns out, the skip was never there. He was in NC, where I had a trusted guy ready to go and pick him up at. But I believed this dipshyt in Arizona lies an lost 15k.

Instead, the bonding company picked him up. And I lost out.

To the "other guy" who I should have trusted from the get go, I apologise for wasting your time.

You know who you are.


Author:  B Williams [ Wed 17 Apr 2013 05:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: "You still have much to learn"


There's no need to beat yourself up on this one. Problem was, you gave too much info to folks that shouldn't have known what you knew and they took advantage of you. I think this experience has taught you a lot and if you learn from it, this won't happen to you again later down the road. BTW, you aren't the first one this has happened to. Remember the military thing..."Need to Know"

Take care

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 17 Apr 2013 21:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: "You still have much to learn"


I've been trying to find a bright side to this situation. Lord know's there are many dark sides to it.

First, the skip was apprehended by a bail agent (although from what I've read LE took the credit)

Second, It's a very good learning experience for you.

Third, This dude who held a shotgun to a 13 year old kids head is now in custody.

Finally, remember, had you not interviewed the folks in Mn, this guy would still be on the streets. Please remember this..."The need to know" Had the bondsman not found out the info you gathered, Schwenter would still be locked up and you would have collected your 15 grand. So, there are some positive aspects to this case and I hope a lesson learned.

Take car

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