Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

hooking and booking?
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Author:  fedcop082 [ Fri 15 Mar 2013 04:51 ]
Post subject:  hooking and booking?

I have a basic question which I did not see an answer for after looking through some old posts. When you guys hook someone up where do you bring them? The county jail? Back to the bail agent? How all does that part work?


Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Fri 15 Mar 2013 11:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

You would surrender the defendant back to the same jail where the defendant was in custody when he or she was admitted to bail. Typically, this would be the county jail, but it could also be a city jail.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 15 Mar 2013 14:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

The answer depends on where the subject is apprehended. Some states require Magistration at the closest location to the apprehension. This is true in TX and NABBI member Charlie Deckert has introduced legislation that would allow the defendant to be taken to the jail he was nodded from. If I am incorrect on my interpretation, Charlie will correct me.

Author:  B Williams [ Fri 15 Mar 2013 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

If it's my skip in NC, I can place him in the county he was bonded out of or the county where he is to appear. On a personal note, with rare exceptions, if I apprehend a skip for another bondsman, he goes to the bondsman or someone the bondsman wants me to hand him over to.

Author:  fedcop082 [ Fri 15 Mar 2013 19:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

So is in common practice for the bail bondsmen to tell you where they want the person returned to..ie them, the county or city jail?


Author:  speezack [ Sat 16 Mar 2013 06:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?


Here's the bottom line on your question... not to sidestep the correct answer, because from a technical standpoint, there is "always" the correct answer but in the shadow areas that we work, there are simply... multiple right answers and a lot of wrong ones...

Here is my advice... every jurisdiction, every state, every bondsman, every LE, jailer, court, judge and anyone that is remotely associated with answering that specific question may have a different answer and it can change on a daily basis...

What I do... and this is only my advice...

Make sure you have all legal documentation to arrest, detain and transport your skip within the state of apprehension and thru whatever states you must travel to return him. This should come mostly from the bondsman, although your authority will come from your home state.

In Virginia, your "supposed" to be able to turn in a fugitive at any jail and have the jailer sign the "bail-piece/surety capias" but that is not what usually happens. Often, the jailers don't even know what a "bail-piece" is and may refuse to sign it.... I have had supervisors that did not know proper procedure and refused to sign... it is a slippery slope...

I have found that it is absolutely best to return the fugitive to the jail in the jurisdiction of original release, at least then, you will have the best chance of proper return.


I have always said... "the rule of thumb is... there is no rule of thumb"... just make sure you are totally compliant and at least you are covered.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 16 Mar 2013 08:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

Know the laws in the area you intend to operate and do not rely on me or anyone else, especially the bondsman, to tell you what you can and cannot do. Print the statutes and know them so that nobody can buffalo you, as the police do not always no the rules either, and when challenged, if you hesitate or display any behavior that indicates that you may or may not know the laws, you will at the very least, be inconvenienced for awhile. Bondsmen are worried about. Their wallet, not your freedom. If you get cavalier, you will join your fugitive in jail. There were 2 bondsman that got locked up for kidnapping in MA, they beat the charges, but it took a year and a half and lots of money to do so.

Author:  B Williams [ Sat 16 Mar 2013 09:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

These semmingly easy questions that are asked, are really difficult to amswer. Each state has it's own Bail Laws and what I might do in NC might land me in jail in another state. The short answer is, do as Scott M has suggested and you should be fine. BTW, my statement about handing them over to the bondsman is just something that I do, doesn't mean it's the best way, but it's best for me.

Good Luck!

Author:  Reinere [ Tue 19 Mar 2013 07:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

I definately agree with Bill W.

The laws vary from state to state, take my state for example.

If I detain or arrest a skip anywhere within the state, legally I do not hove to surrender that person to a jail, or a judge.

I can simply turn that person into the first police officer I see, givin that I have the proper paperwork to do so.

After turning that person in, I simply have to take my notice of surrender to the county that he/she failed to appear at.

Author:  fedcop082 [ Tue 26 Mar 2013 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: hooking and booking?

Thanks for all the great info!....unfortunately the laws in AZ are not very detailed in this area so I will have to do some more research.

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