Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Mr. Joe Stiles
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Author:  Eagle [ Wed 06 Mar 2013 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Mr. Joe Stiles

Thank you very much for your help last night with our case. At first we were thinking they were at their address we found in South Dekota, a 17 hour drive if no snow, and thank God they stopped in your neck of the woods. I appreciate you and the rest of our networking family we have going here.

P.S. Other members of FRN, if you are not a member of N.A.B.B.I., you really need to be. It can trully help your business with networking across this nation of ours.

Thank you again Joe, and we definately need to do this more often :D

Author:  Joe Stiles [ Wed 06 Mar 2013 20:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mr. Joe Stiles

You're most welcome. Always great to work with your guys!

Author:  KARMA [ Thu 07 Mar 2013 08:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mr. Joe Stiles

Altho, I may agree that NABBI just might be the next best thing to sliced white bread . . .
I have the same fellas in my 'rollodex" and do not hesitate to use same

I have always said that landing in this site (FRN) is the best place to land, when looking to Network with those that can do the job liability free . . .

As always good job to all involved !

Author:  Joe Stiles [ Sat 09 Mar 2013 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mr. Joe Stiles

FRN is a good place to introduce yourself and exchange ideas, but there is no substitute for face to face meetings. All grandioso and pretentions are laid to rest because people are seen for who and what they are. That is one of the reasons that, even before NABBI, I tried to meet as many members that were on here as possible. FRN is an excellent starting point, but i have no doubt that eventually NABBI will be seen as the post graduate course.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 09 Mar 2013 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mr. Joe Stiles

Well aaid Joe, I couldn't agree more!

Author:  KARMA [ Sat 09 Mar 2013 20:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mr. Joe Stiles

Joe Stiles wrote:
FRN is a good place to introduce yourself and exchange ideas, but there is no substitute for face to face meetings. All grandioso and pretentions are laid to rest because people are seen for who and what they are. That is one of the reasons that, even before NABBI, I tried to meet as many members that were on here as possible. FRN is an excellent starting point, but i have no doubt that eventually NABBI will be seen as the post graduate course.


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