Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

More food for thought... Chicago stats...
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Author:  speezack [ Sat 19 Jan 2013 06:58 ]
Post subject:  More food for thought... Chicago stats...

Here's a little something for you to ponder.... of course, no one will pay attention and most will just shrug their shoulders and refer to us as Nazi's... which is what someone did when I posted this on another site... typical response, unfortunate but then what can we expect....


Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what?
Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago?
Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago.
221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.
President: Barack Hussein Obama
Senator: Dick Durbin
House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
Governor: Pat Quinn
House leader: Mike Madigan
Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
Mayor: Rahm Emanuel
The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .
Of course, they're all blaming each other.
Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country.
Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.
Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country.
Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois.
And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us???
George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in the big house. Of course he was replaced by Rob Blajegovitch who is...that's right, also in the big house. And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned a couple of weeks ago. That is because he is fighting being sent to...that's right, the big house.
The Land of Lincoln, where our governors make our license plates.
But you know what? As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go broke before the country does.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 19 Jan 2013 07:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: More food for thought... Chicago stats...

Simple facts, no spin or opinion. They get what they deserve. MD is close behind. If you are an elected Republican, they will redefine your elective district so that no Republican can get re-elected. How is that for representative democracy!
Excellent post Bill!

Author:  KARMA [ Sat 19 Jan 2013 13:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: More food for thought... Chicago stats...

The Land of Lincoln, where our governors make our license plates


oh ! AND now the City Council is wanting to BAN energy drinks. Like that will fix everything . . . Ryan is set to get outta the Big House end of this month and if everything goes well maybe Jessie will be passing him thru the door. . . . Oh, that's right . . . that Trial will take some time . . . he no feel good, you know.

Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 19 Jan 2013 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: More food for thought... Chicago stats...

You all haven't seen nothing yet.

California is not completely controlled by Democrats or their new nick name, Progressives. They have a super majority in the state house.

All the major city mayors, both senators and majority of congress critters, state legislature and governor are Democrats.

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