Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report
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Author:  speezack [ Wed 09 Jan 2013 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

Jason, I didn't know you were so.... articulate.... you did a great job here and the info should prove to be very helpful to all who read it....

Thanks and keep up the good work....

BTW.... who does your hair???????????? 8) :roll:

http://www.aboutbail.com/articles/1405/ ... mping-bail

I originally posted this in the private section but it should prove helpful to all that read it and the article itself was on the open net so public view should be good.... so I move it...

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 09 Jan 2013 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

Just read the article Jason. Very nice!!

Take care

Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Wed 09 Jan 2013 21:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

To Bill and Bill: Thank you both!

Well, my "EX- Ol' Lady" used to cut my hair on a regular basis. She was a hairdresser for SuperCuts, so my mane grooming was free. She even used to trim my facial hair. Well, when she became my "EX," my hair grooming privileges got revoked, so I have gone with the long hair for quite a while now. I guess I got tired of the short hair cuts. After having been required to maintain extremely short hair to satisfy employment grooming standards for such a long time, it grew old. I don't have a clue as to how much money I've saved on skipping hair cuts over the years, but it's no small sum by any means. Sure, I get funny looks from time to time, but nobody ever pegs me for what I truly am, so it isn't all that bad.

I don't mind the long hair. As a matter of fact, I'm kinda diggin' it. To me, it's a sign of freedom.

Nowadays, after I hop out of the shower in the morning, I just give it a few licks with the ol' brush and I'm good to go. It ain't gotta be perfect, heck, the wind's going to mess it up anyway.

It's interesting to note how people change with time...

There will probably be another article or two in the future...

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Thu 10 Jan 2013 06:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

Great article and I too am jealous of all that hair!

Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Thu 10 Jan 2013 15:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

You guys are all great and you really made my day! Thanks for that!

Author:  agenovia [ Thu 10 Jan 2013 15:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

The write-up gave an insiders POV that is greatly appreciated even for someone like me, who has no bail bonding experience. Kudos!

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Thu 10 Jan 2013 19:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

It is, indeed, a well written article, indicative of Jason's experience as both a bail agent and fugitive recovery agent.

Author:  ChuckJ [ Fri 11 Jan 2013 11:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

Jason, good advice and very well articulated :D

The fellow that posted on there in disagreement mentioned that he was in the bail business, perhaps if he had heeded advice such as yours he would be a current bail agent instead of a former bail agent.

In the past I've written some training pieces and I may look into posting them as articles. Particularly one about immigration bonds, IMHO they provide some cash flow in the short term but by all accounts they are a losing proposition in the long term.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 11 Jan 2013 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

perhaps if he had heeded advice such as yours he would be a current bail agent instead of a former bail agent
a very astute observation!


Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Sat 12 Jan 2013 22:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason's article in AboutBail; bail report

Again, thank you all for your kind words!

Chuck J: I would really like to see those pieces that you have written, and I'm quite certain that the other folks on our forum would like to see them as well!

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