Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

2013... Get ready people... here it comes...
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Author:  speezack [ Sat 29 Dec 2012 10:06 ]
Post subject:  2013... Get ready people... here it comes...

Well, another year has drawn to a close... well, Yippeeee sht....

New Years revolutions... uh... recollections, reservations... uh... resolutions...........

I have been a bit lacks on my posts of late... to the joy of some and the chagrin of others...

I will promise to be my old jovial, self centered, egotistical, azzhole, cracker-head, politically incorrect, opinionated and several other uncharitable adjectives that I will refrain from posting here... cause I know some of you have never heard or do not wish to see in print ... uh... bad words... 8) :shock:

I will "endeavor to persevere" ... as I always say... or quoted from other sources.... namely... "The Outlaws, Josey Wales"...

I will try my best not to post anything that is offensive... but that may not happen... I will try my best not to send PM's to everyone in the continental USA... I will try not to embarrass anyone on FRN... or anywhere else for that matter... although that also, probably won't happen and I promise not to tell any females that seem to not be able to control themselves when conversing with me after I apparently piss them off.... "You need to take a very large dose of Midal... and take a nap" (I ain't talking about the" long German natural gas pipeline, which connects the North Sea with southern Germany" Mitte-Deutschland-Anbindungsleitung) :mrgreen: .. which apparently is not what you say to a female who is either in menopause... or otherwise is having a bad day or time of the month or whatever you all refer to when a man irritates you (which happens rather frequently, with me... :oops: )

ALSO... I will try very hard to uphold the standards of professionalism in my industry... now that is a serious note and promise that I will work toward and one which I hope we all will aspire to ...

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all on FRN and anyone else that happens to drop in here for a visit....

Never take what I say or post to the bank... verify all I say and anyone else on here... much and in most of what I say is often hidden in ridiculous phrases and posts so please read carefully and if I irritate you... no problem... send me a PM and tell me what a complete imbecile I am... I will take it to heart and pay absolutely no attention to you.... :shock:

... and always.... always... read and believe what is reflected in my "sig line"... that about sums it up.... and that line from Will Rogers is absolutely something to remember....

added a bit later..........................
PS: I was only able to write and post this because my lovely wife.... refused to allow me to go hunting today... she insisted that I give her today as HER DAY.... and since I am such a devoted, loving, attentive, proper and consummate husband... I complied with her wishes................ I told her I had to check my emails and snuck (redneck for sneak)............... :shock: 8) into my office for 10 minutes... which provides you with how much time it took me to think up this BS.... :shock: :mrgreen:

Author:  KARMA [ Sat 29 Dec 2012 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2013... GET READY PEOPLE... HERE COMES...

LOL . . . what He said !

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 29 Dec 2012 14:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2013... GET READY PEOPLE... HERE COMES...

Cheif Dan George
My favorite movie. It causes me to hear " you watching that again? You must have seen it 100 times!"


Author:  B Williams [ Sat 29 Dec 2012 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2013... GET READY PEOPLE... HERE COMES...

Bill, Just keep being Bill Marx, a man I've come to know and respect and I know many feel the same way!! Hope 2013 is everything and more you and your family could ever hope for.

Love ya Brother

Author:  speezack [ Sat 29 Dec 2012 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2013... GET READY PEOPLE... HERE COMES...

B Williams wrote:
<<>>keep being Bill Marx, <<>> Hope 2013 is everything and more you and your family could ever hope for...

Well, first, I probably ain't gonna change now.... at 68... and second, I wish the same good luck for you Bill and Sandra and your boy... hope things work out on that one.... life is always throwing sht at us to see how tough we are... and you are one of the tough ones... hang in there bro.... hope to see ya another time... sorry we missed in Asheville...

Author:  indybail [ Sun 30 Dec 2012 07:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2013... Get ready people... here it comes...

And Happy New year to you and everyone else. Enjoy 2013.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Sun 30 Dec 2012 21:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2013... Get ready people... here it comes...

I promise nothing for 2013. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

Happy Holiday's

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