Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Because of people like this!!!
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Author:  CantHideFugitiveReco [ Wed 15 Aug 2012 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Because of people like this!!!

This is why its becoming harder to become a Fugitive Recovery Agent, in our industry....this guy needs to be shut down....or better yet in jail!!!


Author:  Joey_R [ Wed 15 Aug 2012 22:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

That was very cruel. But treating people in that manner
usually tends to backfire. One day someone might grab that dude by some place and drag him around. What a shame that this industry has idiots like that!

Author:  k9_centery [ Wed 15 Aug 2012 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

Wow no need for that I felt for the family as well as the target.,fine example of what not to do

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Thu 16 Aug 2012 07:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

Saw this video a long time ago and my mouth dropped wide open... its disgusting...this Bounty Hunter was wrong from the get go .. No need to grab him by the hair and drag him out of the house like that.. the subject was not resisting one bit.. ALSO ? How many handcuffs must one carry to make themselves look COOL ? ... If you are going for a pickup of 1 subject .. then I would think 2 sets of cuffs at most in case the guys arms are too large for one set to fit... This Hunter is nothing but a Glory Hound and wanna be show off that most likely never made it into Law Enforcement... I wish we could find the guy that was arrested and have him bring this video to the State Attorney and Dept of Insurance for charges to maybe be filed against the Bail / Bounty Hunter that grabbed him and carried him by his hair..

of course this is what the Public Sees and Believes that ALL OF US DO each and every time we cross paths with John Q Public (Thanks to YouTube and A&E and all the Money Hungry TV Producers).. but in all actuality this video and the way the apprehension was made is far from the truth of how many of us here on this site work day to day in effecting apprehensions of fugitives and are professional and apprehend our people properly without incident.

Author:  TRAPteam [ Thu 16 Aug 2012 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

Uneducated, untrained, and unprofessional does not even begin to describe the actions of the individuals making this apprehension. They should at the very least lose their licenses, and probably be incarcerated themselves.

Author:  B Williams [ Thu 16 Aug 2012 13:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

Unless I'm mistaken and I don't think I am, the person that was dragged by his hair died of cancer, approx 2 months after he was dragged like a damn animal. It was stated that the skip was using passive resistance, therefore dragging him was the only way to apprehend him. If you've been in this business more than 15 minutes you know how to deal with passive resistance and it isn't dragging somebody by the hair. If you don't know how to deal with passive resistance check on a pressure point behind the ear. Your skip will go anywhere you want him to go and it's much more humane!! There are other pressure points that will do the same but I use the one mentioned.

Author:  findersinc757 [ Thu 16 Aug 2012 13:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

Ya know, I have seen some shit in this industry, but literally speechless after watching that. I want to go to his area and get arrested and skip and call him to come get me. I am literally blown away. What a tough guy, I tell ya. Absolute disgrace!

Author:  B Williams [ Thu 16 Aug 2012 14:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

Matt, you couldn't throw him on you. People like that only do that crap to people they know won't or can't do anything about it. Life has a way of taking care of people like that. But I'm preching to the choir again.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Thu 16 Aug 2012 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

this was discussed to death on face book awhile ago. It never ceases to amaze me how so impressed with themselves some of these guys are. I never countenanced a bully, and that is all this POS is.


Author:  JstiffBEA [ Fri 17 Aug 2012 12:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Because of people like this!!!

I am a rookie by all sense of the word but I know there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. I know everyone in here remembers the "force continuem" where you can only use the amount of force to counteract the level of force being used against you. I don't see where dragging someone out by their hair constitutes the use of the least amount of force required. I saw this video when it first surfaced on Facebook about a month or so back and it disturbed me to think that someone in this industry can be so stupid. I know that if I personally did something like that and posted it on Youtube I would be fighting to keep my license and probably my freedom as well. I can justify kicking in a door if I know my fugitive is inside, but I cannot even begin to figure out how to justify dragging someone out of their residence by the hair when they are obviously not putting up any kind of active resistance.

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