Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

What Can Be Done?
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Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 14 Jun 2012 17:08 ]
Post subject:  What Can Be Done?

I found these sites on another forum. With all the problems we have in the profession already, my question is this.

What if anything can be done about this and who should do it?

http://questinternationalcompany.create ... 0F636196AB


http://www.ripoffreport.com/adultery/hu ... -d5543.htm

I know it is a lot of reading but, there are probably dozens of sites out there or Youtube videos with people trying to make a quick buck at the expense of public safety.

Author:  speezack [ Thu 14 Jun 2012 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

Tony, frustrating as it is and frankly as illegal as may be.... I don't think we can do a damn thing about these folks.

Regulatory agencies, if sanctioned, certified and legal in their endeavors can maybe stop or curtail them but you and I and unauthorized agencies... (like the UBA in Virginia) can do basically nothing official.

About all we can do, I think, is be professionals in our own light, work to get the word out and maintain our cooperation within the legal regulatory agencies we are controlled by and hopefully work with.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Thu 14 Jun 2012 18:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

you can report them to the local authorities of their home ao.

Author:  Kevin H [ Thu 14 Jun 2012 19:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

Guys I've had been deciding for at least a year before I made a move towards Fugitive Recovery, AND even still, I am moving with care and caution making sure that I am legal and learn the laws before I step out. Yes I want to catch that fugitive. Yes I want the reward; but in time it will come. I have seen many Craigslist ads like the one you revealed and it just makes me think sometimes that I'm moving to slow......but I'm still moving forward hopefully in a right direction. Eyes open, watching, waiting, and learning. If no one else says it, --- thanks for the posts.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Thu 14 Jun 2012 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?


Just fyi,

If your badge or id rags use the same symbol as your FRN Avatar, then please be advised they are illegal in a number of states and could get you arrested.

Author:  Kevin H [ Thu 14 Jun 2012 20:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

Whoops!!!!! See there..........I'm still learning! Thank you for that info.

Author:  DSI [ Fri 15 Jun 2012 05:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

No conditions or requirements to receive this identification, which in accordance to Taylor vs Taintor, 16 Wall, 366, ALLOWS YOU TO CARRY UNUSUAL WEAPONS.

Man this is great !!!, I just sent for my credentials because I need to be able to carry those unusual weapons while working this job... :roll: :lol:


Author:  Kevin H [ Fri 15 Jun 2012 07:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

I saw a video on YouTube of a bounty hunter out west who is using that exact model of "unusual weapon" except he spay painted his "tactical black" and filled it with some kind of liquid tactical high-tech pepper solution stuff..................yep............I guess this is another certification-training class endorsement to go get...................yep.............

Author:  Kevin H [ Fri 15 Jun 2012 07:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

Hey SpanielPI,
When I attended my TAPBA class this past May, I actually met the owner and his wife of a Fugitive Recovery business, who is also the Fugitive Recovery Agent, for 2 years in KENTUCKY! ???? And he is trying to start a Bail Bond company here in Tennessee and he don't understand why he is not able to do that, and that no one seems to want to help him get started. I guess the statement is true---------you meet all kinds of people.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Fri 15 Jun 2012 08:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Can Be Done?

Well I can't comment on either Ky. or Tn. I had heard, over the past year, that Ky. is going to start allowing commercial bail, just like Oregon allegedly already has done. Whether or not that's happened, I don't know.

As for Tn. I defer you to Joe S. He can answer any question anyone has regarding the bail business there.

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