Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Professional Respect....
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Author:  DSI [ Thu 07 Jun 2012 09:06 ]
Post subject:  Professional Respect....

As a member of this forum I really enjoy the professional relationships that are developed here and the informative posting by its members. With that said what I did not like is the disrespectful manner in which new members are sometimes treated by some of the so-called experienced professionals. Not all new person(s) that sign on here may be as apt as the next, many have no idea of what this job is really about yet they are here willing to learn, yes they may have lots of questions they what answered.

As experienced professionals in this industry we also teachers and mentors, while I think you learn best by doing sometimes they need help. No one starts on the top, someone had to reach down and give each one of us a hand when we first began our professional life whether it was as a police officer, custodian, bail bondsmen, bail enforcement agent, or military .

Sometimes when responding to postings our words and verbiage can be cruelly insightful to others. You only get one chance to present a first impression in both your professional and personal life, therefore why would you want to treat others with malice and contempt all the time. If you have an issue with someone reach out to the individual via personal message, do not subject him or her to public ridicule.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Thu 07 Jun 2012 15:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Professional Respect....

I completely agree!

One of the things that helps separate professionals is the manner in which they reply to visitors!

So what someone asks a question that has been asked and answered before - how do they know that! How do people who visit this site know how to use the forum search feature - which by the way was having troubles until I updated it yesterday.

Those that are active members here should understand that newbies are going to ask questions - the old cliche comes to mind... "if you don't have anything nice to say..."

Simply point them in the right direction. Provide them some information and help them discover other details on their own.

Just saying that they are lazy is an insult. I have visited other sites and often I am confused about the proper procedures - so I ask. If I get a rude comment - guess what - I judge the whole site by that one comment and move on to another. Maybe that's not right but that is the way it is.

That is also why many that visit this site never return and call the members of this site "uptight" and "egotistical" - among other things.

The only way to help educate someone on the proper & professional methods is to inform them.

Yes, this website and the forums contain a lot of information - but not everyone can read all of it. Some have been on this site for a long time and know exactly where to find certain items of interest. Instead of saying that they (the newbies) should "search for it" - give them a link to read. Show them where the search feature is. Let's help educate the visitors and not insult them.

This website can grow into a real networking tool as well as help keep the public informed of what the REAL professionals do or don't do!

Please keep this in mind when replying to a visitor. I am trying to build this site into a terrific location for others to learn about the profession. Later, when & if they become active in the industry - you will be glad to know that they are doing it right and you may have another connection to increase your business.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Thu 07 Jun 2012 16:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Professional Respect....

Thanks Gene for the courage to speak up. I have made si liar comments but not so eloquently. We have to make sure we don't get so full of ourselves.


Author:  speezack [ Thu 07 Jun 2012 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Professional Respect....

Ghee..... you might take a look at what I just posted on another thread.... before I read this one..... Gene... did we go to different schools together? 8) Anyway, I agree 100% and rather than rewrite or move what I wrote... you can just look for yourself, thanks Gene, Phil and Scott.

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