Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Excerpts from ~ intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN
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Author:  marc_spector [ Mon 04 Jun 2012 22:38 ]
Post subject:  Excerpts from ~ intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

Please don't take this as skepticism, but how do you balance this with being a full time school psychologist? I notice your certification was renewed not that long ago.

Author:  marc_spector [ Tue 05 Jun 2012 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

MARSHAL5M wrote:
Thanks Vereor for the concern. 90% of private consult assessment work

I was referring to the public charter school that the MNDOE has you listed as being the full-time public school psychologist on their staff.

As for addressing me as 'Vereor", you might want to brush up on your latin. :twisted:

Author:  MARSHAL5M [ Tue 05 Jun 2012 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

Marc, Sorry for that error you noted. I was about to cut and paste the Fear No Evil Latin phrase. I know next to nothing in Latin and wanted to save that phrase but the first word wasn't deleted before I hit the "send" tab.
For future reference, when ever using the MDE data site to locate, the MDE website only upgrades their list with the last known assignment submitted by a school district. They don't remove it until a another district submits their new staff. I went to private work in August of 2011 so that out dated reference will be there for a long time.
I could be wrong ( the moderators would know best ) but I am assuming that discussing anyone's details about employers or other related work history directly in this forum's Introduction section probably is better done through members email for respectful privacy concerns. I recall, it was just 10 months after leaving the force and entering graduate school, when my info of prior police dept. service was attached to other info and low and behold, this parole discovered such and made an effort to remind me he really hated the 2 years prison term from my arrest and testimony by threatening to rape my wife and harm my kids. Please don't take offense, but ever since I am sensitive to keeping some sense of personal privacy. Private E-mail is always good.

Author:  B Williams [ Tue 05 Jun 2012 18:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

I agree, that things of that nature should not be in the open for all to see Mr Spector. I am not impressed at all with your checking on people's personal lives on here. You had one thread shut down, that's enough. I'm not a moderator but wrong is wrong!!

Author:  marc_spector [ Wed 06 Jun 2012 00:02 ]
Post subject:  intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

but wrong is wrong!!

Any and all information contained in the referenced post is public information and as such not protected by any stipulation in law. Furthermore, any and all information contained in the post which you, "B Williams", referenced, is also public information and as such not protected by any stipulation in law. Any and all information released in the referenced post which has been applied to this thread was, is, and and this juncture in time, will remain to be public information. As for your quite rude comment about checking on people's "personal lives", there is a difference between personal and business. Nothing that was referenced in this thread had to do with personal life, however, if you were to claim business life, you would be correct. As for you referencing a thread I had "shut down", I posted no personal information there either. I did make a statement as to what can be done with certain information as a warning to someone who had posted an image of a document received through the postal service. You can take these things however you want, I have a vested interest in what goes on in my home state, where I currently make my home. It was not all that long ago that I was witness to a "Bounty Hunter" shoving a handgun in the face of a cooperating individual and an assault ensued. When something like this happens in front of you, and so close to where your wife sleeps, you become cautious of the hunters around your area. As for your implied claim that I am trying to "impress" people, Mr. Williams, you are dead wrong. If I felt a need to "impress" you, there are things, items, particulars, about certain MN BEA's that I could have made known, however, I did not. Even when viewing a post regarding a particular BEA in MN with a record for impersonating, I did not say anything. Some things smack of conspiracy and fraudulent intentions.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Wed 06 Jun 2012 05:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

Ok, this thing has gotten way out of hand now so I respectfully ask the moderators to intervene, separate the original intro, but remove the rest.

I don't have a dog in this race 1 way or the other, but we do have rules here at FRN. Issues, disputes, etc should be taken off forum. Not played out publicly. It only makes everyone look unprofessional.

As for you Mr. Spector, it appears that you want everyone to know that you are the expert authority regarding your state, that you are fluent in Latin (and ?), and that anyone who crosses you runs the risk of being illegally investigated by you and having whatever information you discover published in the open.

Others have tried tact, diplomacy, and professional discourse with you to get you to stop. Obviously to no avail. The message you have missed is this:

You are bordering on the edge of being a cyber bully, most people don't like/appreciate your behaviour so far, and some will never hire you because of your actions on here.

I know....from 1st hand experience, being publicly confrontational on a professional forum hurts you...when you argue publicly, everybody loses, especially you. There is no telling how much money I've lost over the year's because of my online persona.

Mr. Marshall has done nothing to deserve your harsh treatment of him. I firmly believe you owe him an apology. You are not the forum police, and it isn't your job to "vet" anyone on here.

To you Mr. Marshall, I say this: Welcome again to FRN. Please understand that Mr. Spector does not, in any way, shape, fashion, or form represent FRN or the rest of her membership. I have requested that the moderators remove all of this garbage, save your original introduction.

Take care and God Bless,

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 06 Jun 2012 06:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

The law, who said anything about the law? Did I say your post wasn't protected by the law? I'm not a lawyer Spector and I'm not going to play one on here. Nor am I going to investigate everybody that makes a comment on this forum. If you enjoy that kind of thing I guess you can do that. What good do you think you are doing by investigating the people that post on this forum? If you have a complaint against someone take it to the authorities. Hell man, how do you think posting here is helpful? This is a forum man, we don't regulate anything. I have read your posts and I think you are trying to get attention and yes, impress people on this forum. You're getting attention, but doubt you are impressing anyone. I can assure you I'm not impressed. I don't like bully's, never have and won't start now. Try to calm down Spector, this isn't rocket science, if it were you and me wouldn't be here. You really want to protect this industry, join NABBI, then you'll be walking the walk instead of just talking.

Take care

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 06 Jun 2012 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: intro: Marshal 5M Assistance Group, in MN

Unlocked so that the threads could be merged

Mr Spector . . . this is not the first time that you have been a bit on the nasty side . . . it needs to stop.

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