Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

can find anyone to pick me up
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Author:  Russ [ Fri 16 Mar 2012 23:07 ]
Post subject:  can find anyone to pick me up

Hello everyone my names is Russ....I've been trying for weeks now to get in with other agents in the philly and bucks area and no one will pick me up because I dont have any experience.......Can anyone give any suggestions or a chance......thanks alot ......Russ

Author:  speezack [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 07:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

Expand your profile with your training, education, background.... tell us about yourself in regard to this business... you may not have much luck without training and you get that yourself through schools and classes that are directly related to this business. Lists of the schools and related info can be found on this site... use the search engine and read, read, read... you will need to do this yourself... searching and researching yourself and on your own is a talent that you must build and is an activity that is cultivated through hard work... no one is gonna 'spoon feed' info to you... you must do the research yourself... good luck.

Everything you need to know is located on this site.... search...

Author:  Russ [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 08:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

Thank you for your kind words but I've posted my information and my certifications so I could get positive feed back I did get some information and it helped....I took the information and ran with it . I'm running into the no experience wall and no matter what I said everyone said they couldn't help

Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 08:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

As it has been pointed out a gazillion times before, this is a tough business to get into. Many bail bondsmen are not writing as much bail as they used to. Therefore there is less work for recovery agents.

With a glut of agents and little work to go around, many recovery agents just don't have room for anymore "helpers."

Many others have stated, get or keep you a day job and just keep knocking on doors. It may take you years to get established.

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 09:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

I'd back down on how I came here and posted my certs for "positive feedback", too. You stick it out there...don't be afraid to get it chopped off. You've been given the answers, or at least the path to the answers, you need. It will take time....no matter your methods or whether you are happy about that. Learn your craft, and in the meantime learn whether or not you really want it to BE your craft, keep at the contacting and networking, and have some patience.

Author:  marc_spector [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 10:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

Right now starting out it isn't so much about experience as much as it is about who you know. With the recent reduction of written bonds over the past few years, as others have stated, there is less work. When you add to that the economy as it is and has been, many bondsmen who were once farming out their recovery work are now pursuing their skips on their own, or with help from family or friends willing to lend a hand as a favor.

If you really have an interest in BEA work, the easiest way into the bail industry at the moment is to become a bondsman. It would also allow you to make contacts that could get you in with a recovery team later on. It would also allow you to gain experience around the bail industry and that knowledge can be very helpful in the course of BEA work.

If you get in the door at a bail agency, you may decide a month later that you want nothing to do with it and nothing to do with recovery. Finding a way to make the right connections can take awhile.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

I'd just like to add 1 thing: You will also make more money as a posting agent then you will as a recovery agent.

Author:  Russ [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

Thank you everyone for the information. It is very helpful....Now its time for a different approach.......thanks again.

Author:  ChuckJ [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 19:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

Most people in this business do fugitive recovery part time and have to work around their full time job. When I consider an apprentice/assistant I look at a lot of things but their availability and willingness to do the "boring" work is a big factor.

Another thing you may want to consider is process serving, you can earn some money, learn how to find and deal with unpleasant people. This would help you prepare for fugitive recovery work.

As has already been stated, this is a relationship business, you need to know and earn the respect of the right people in your area if you want to get a foot in the door. Bucks County is not a bad place to work, I've been out that way working as an FRA, and when I was a PA State Constable.

Author:  docmike [ Sat 17 Mar 2012 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: can find anyone to pick me up

Another good option for you is to get your Bail Agent License and try getting into the system that way. You can make money posting bonds and recover skips for your own company as well. It has worked well for me and my partner.

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