Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

PBUS Conference
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Author:  ken1 [ Sun 19 Feb 2012 10:45 ]
Post subject:  PBUS Conference

I did not see anything on PBUS website about the Chapmans being there, even though Beth has a reason to be there. I seen on twitter where Dog stated they were leaving for the conference in Vegas. I wanted to go this year, but I'm glad now that I didn't make plans to go. Since the PBUS has promoted them the last few years, I wonder why there was no mention of them coming this year. Maybe because Beth is running for office. If she gets elected she could be president of PBUS in a few years. Terrible thought!!!!!! Then there would be a whole conference of Dog wannabees running around. Any thoughts of why it was not mentioned they were coming

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Sun 19 Feb 2012 14:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

She (BC) is on the ballot for Senior VP.

Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 19 Feb 2012 18:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

They are not invited as speakers, they are only there because she is running for office.

The only other times that they attended were when they were speakers. Last Feb was their last appearance and the attendance was the worse ever if what I heard is true.

So, we will see how this years turn out. I will give you all a first hand report as I AT THE CONFERENCE RIGHT NOW!

BTW I stoppoed for a potty break at Jean, put a few bucks in the slots and won $1200. Lets see if I can make it back home with it all.

Author:  speezack [ Mon 20 Feb 2012 07:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

I have an observation and comment about this situation at PBUS....

I believe that all people, to a varying degree, are self centered and basically interested in "feathering" their own cap... IMHO this holds true from the lowest street urchin... to the highest office of corporate or governmental positions. It is a fact of life and there is pretty much nothing that can be done to change it...

So... having made that monumental observation... how can we deal with it when it enters our own house... be it personal, political or in our case just business.

First of all... people that run for office, do so for a very wide variety of reasons... of course they all will tell you pretty much the same thing.... "were gonna fix it"... whatever is wrong or whatever needs fixin'... their gonna do it... and they are the only ones that can do it.... "the right way".... uuuhhhhh ok....

So, I don't particularly look upon "Miss Dog" as doing anything other than.... "feathering her own hat"... it is after all...just human nature...

We certainly may not agree with her agenda... but hey... she probably doesn't like ours either and to that end... we each have to work in "convincing the voting members" who can best serve their combined interest.

This is pretty much true of any public or private elected position...

One other observation... if the rank and file of PBUS decides that a particular person can best serve their collective interests... and we cannot change their minds in our direction... then maybe we need to get out of that organization and form our own....

BTW.. I am not a member of PBUS... I'm not smart enough to decide for myself to join or not to join... I just try to decide based on the observations of people I know and trust... and of course that is a bias opinion...

..... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... NABBI.... point made... end of my post.

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 20 Feb 2012 17:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

News Update!

They are here without the cameras. They have posters, tables and other tawdy stuff all over the conference area soliciting votes. They also rented an exhibitor booth staffed with people I have never seen before, but that doesn't matter.

So far he has not come up to me to kick my butt. Even though I wish he would try. :wink:

Folks it is a possibility that she could win. If that happens, in my opinion PBUS is done having any credibililty as a professional association.

Secondly, big suprise. Mr. Scott Bernstein is here as an exhibitor also. He is plugging his bail recovery services and his up coming April "convention."

More to come.......................

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 20 Feb 2012 22:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

And you want to know why I am not a member?


Author:  tsuggs [ Tue 21 Feb 2012 09:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

Scott I agree. I thought it was safe to get back in last year thinking the "luster" had worn off. And what did they do, brought them back.

So when I found out about the election, I had to make sure my voice will be heard so, I am spreading the word as much as I can while I am here.

If the worse happens, this will be my last ever meeting with PBUS.

Other a better note, I met a few guys who said they are going to come to NABBI next month. One agent Tim Beshea knows Joe S. and said he also knows you. He is from Knoxville. They seemed really interested iin joining NABBI and being invovled

I hope they do make it to St Louis.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Tue 21 Feb 2012 13:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

Mr. Beshea is a great guy!
...and he dresses real well too!

Author:  SheepDog562 [ Tue 21 Feb 2012 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

Being new to the business we thought we would go to the conference last year. Then I saw the dog and his gang were going to be there and speaking. He and his gang are nothing but white trash. I get so tired of when I tell people what I do, they say,” Like Dog the Bounty hunter?” I tell them, “No. We are professionals. That is a TV show and he is a convicted felon.” His claims that he has arrested over six thousand people. Bull ****. I was a street cop for twenty years, and I arrested a lot of people in a very target rich environment. But no where near his claimed six thousand. White trash watches that show and see white trash on the show. They think, “Hey, Their just like me! I could do that job.”
Makes me sick. Makes me ashamed to tell people what I do. When I talk to the local cops wherever we are, I always tell them I’m a retired cop. I don’t want them for a second to think my partners or I are like that low life.

Author:  tsuggs [ Wed 22 Feb 2012 08:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: PBUS Conference

News Flash,

The Chapmans were awarded a "special presidents recognition" award last night for their "contributions to the bail bond industry."

What exactly they contributed that was good for the "industry", I haven't a clue.

As soon as I figured out who the award was going to I got up and walked out right in front of them.

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