Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

New School/ Old School
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Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 16:23 ]
Post subject:  New School/ Old School

For what ever reason, the old days of remaining covert, staying off of the grid, staying under the radar, making no wakes, whatever you choose to call it is gone. There has been an increase in individuals who are doing everything they can to become famous on the internet, YouTube, Facebook etc. in this industry, as if they invented it.

I had my mentors and I am sure that they had theirs, going back generations. I will admit that this craft has evolved since when I began 2 weeks ago to now and I have endeavored to persevere, as Bill is fond of repeating.

We don't need to go into a discussion of the information age, or that young people need instant gratification or any of the myriad of reasons for this behavior. I find it quite sad, that individuals find a need to disparage individuals that they have never met, know nothing about their respective experience or background, or their contributions to this industry as a form of elevating themselves. I am not quite sure to whom this behavior is directed, or why, but am quite sure that it is a hollow victory. When you only end up impressing yourself, you have accomplished little. There have always been claims of grandiose accomplishments in this industry, often from people that would post as a beginner on one website seeking advice, and then as an expert on another website with more years in this industry then their young years will allow. I am quite sure that a hollow vase rings the loudest.

I am going to make a concerted effort to go back to the old ways, not for anything other then to distance my industry from these individuals intent on destroying it. You cannot successfully explain the loss of an industry to someone with no stake in it and therefore nothing to lose. I have had my fill of wanna bee experts with no financial investment in this business, save a set off cuffs and a fire extinguisher full of mace. To add insult to injury, they attack those that are known industry wide, not by their words, but their accomplishments, dedication and solid reputations.


Author:  B Williams [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

You only know old school. That's a really good thing in my book. If ever I find myself trying to impress someone in or out of this business it's time for me to disappear into another profession.

Scott, you don't have a new school bone in your body. But that fine waitress you were hitting on was impressed with your sense of humor. Sure glad Bill hooked her up with your home number!! I just hope you can handle a woman that weighs 150lbs more than you.

BTW Sandy has asked me several times if we'll be meeting you guys again. I think she has a thing for Bill M, and I'm gettin jealous. :wink:

Hope Bill is doing ok, haven't heard from him.

Take care

Author:  speezack [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 19:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

Oh yeah... I'm fine... just working on some things around the house... Gail has me putting up blinds and some shutters and she just informed me that my office needs an update... leather couch or sofa, love seat (not sure what that would be for...) and a new leather recliner (since I shot a hole in the other one?!) and she wants me to clean out the attic.... and my garage... uh.... whatever...........

... and also, I have to be in court in the morning on a show cause.... no big deal, the guy is a local businessman that just missed a court date... and he should be there... if not... well, here I go again... and my NY trip is on hold for a couple of days... may be some extenuating circumstances that could come into play.... I took a bit of advice from Scott... we shall see where that goes...

Only comment I have on this old school/new school thing is.... I don't think anyone needs clarification on my MO... I do have some handcuffs and I think I have a really nice shiny badge but not sure where it is.... oh, I also have a pair of nite vision binoculars... but I can't use em cause when you look through them, everything is sort of 'funky green' and sort of out of focus and I also have a pair of 'shackles' for the feet... but I don't use them much cause my pool girl left them in the pool and they rusted... I do have a really neat pair of sunglasses that have a video recorder in them but I can't locate the batteries for them.... and I do have a couple of really nice guns but I usually forget to bring them so that wouldn't work... my briefcase is nice but the zipper is broken and all my pens and paper falls out all the time... (luckily the zipper in my pants is not broken, although what difference that would make is unknown)... my walk i-talkies are ok but the labels are worn off the buttons so you have no idea what channel you are on... and all I can every hear is a bunch of raunchy truckers cussin' and trying to find out where all the "lot lizards" are???

So I guess I'll just have to keep being 'old school'... mostly cause I can't afford all the neat jackets, cuffs, electronic gear and all the other stuff that these 'new age' agents have and are using.... water pistols are cheap and as long as I continue to use Clorox in the washing machine... I have plenty of ammunition....

Just got a call from Blackstone.... they arrested a guy and have him in custody at the station... wanted me to come over and bond him... his mother called.... he went to Walmart and sort of went a little crazy... started shooting up the place... shot a couple of cash registers and I think he hit one or two people ..... everyone ran and hid and he continued to shoot... the police showed up and the only way they were able to stop him was when his pistol ran out of ............... water............................................................. ??????????????? :lol: :mrgreen:

Had ya goin' didn't I Bill.................. 8)

Yeah, they stopped me from going in the local McDonald's over in Blackstone.... they said I was too old and fat to play on the swings... and Walmart told me to leave the other day.... the only way they got me off that horse was when I ran out of quarters.................... have a nice day Bill... 8) oh, and tell Sandy hello too... I did think she was rather cute... oh, sorry Bill.... no need to worry... I'm too old and fat to cause any trouble... although I did lose 3.6 lbs at weight watchers this week... look out 120 lbs... here I come!!! 8)

I thoroughly enjoyed our meeting... see you'all next time. I'll try to be a bit more serious in my next post....

Author:  DMARTZ [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 20:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

Not completely gone. I am still pretty much old skool still. I do have some new age tools i work with.

Author:  speezack [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 20:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

DMARTZ wrote:
Not completely gone. I am still pretty much old skool still.

Tell ya what Dave, if anyone could emulate your MO, they would be a better person for it and quite successful... you are the archetypical, quintessential professional in this industry... and in that, I am serious. I look forward to meeting and speaking with you in St. Louis. Take care.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 20:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

My issue may have been to veiled. I don't like the attacks on Phil publicly, myself privately by telephone, and others by whatever means that are completely unfounded.
I guess we should never let facts enter a good argument!

I just don't understand when people who have so many successes, why they have time to play on the internet?


Author:  speezack [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

Mdbtyhtr wrote:
My issue may have been to veiled. <<>>I guess we should never let facts enter a good argument!

I think we all know exactly what and where you are coming from Scott... I would certainly agree that the new age as it relates to this industry, is rather upsetting... that is why members like you and Dave, Gene, Tony and several other serious members need to stay the course and keep the true faith. Hope you aren't too upset with me and my off the wall humor... I know you are being serious here... I think the true professionals in this business are the ones you hear the least from... maybe you guys need to speak up cause the cowboys are creating problems that are taking us down a rather rocky road and the changes don't appear to be good.

Thanks for all you and others like you do to promote the real deal...

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 18 Jan 2012 23:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

Thank You, Lil Bro, as always well spoken (written) and to the point. I

Love your "Vase" statement . . .
I shall couple that with, "The empty can rattles the most" ~ Metallica

Author:  Eagle [ Thu 19 Jan 2012 07:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

Scott, so well said. With your permission I would like to share this on my company FB page. Thats exactly what all of the Bail Agents in my AO need to understand.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Thu 19 Jan 2012 08:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: New School/ Old School

all good, public domain


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