Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...
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Author:  speezack [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 18:20 ]
Post subject:  Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

You know, it's easy to see how these situations arise... how newbies trying to enter this business or a similar one get cold feet or disenchanted and leave.... it really is quite confusing for the newbies out here....

A person becomes interested in this business, maybe through TV, maybe through reading a book about bounty hunting or maybe he took a CJ course in school, or his dad is a cop or he is ex military and believes that that endeavor is what he needs to get into this business... or whatever... he moves toward this business... in doing so he Googles or searches the library or the computer and comes up with training schools that tout providing you with the proper training... now how many of those are out here.......... would you say hundreds.... yep.... so... he picks one and pays the money, takes the class and after the fact receives some sort of diploma or certificate or registration... maybe a badge, maybe an ID card or something that looks official.... now if that school is not one of the few that is real and that actually explains what he needs to do in his chosen state to become compliant and legal... he may stumble into the street looking for a bonding company or another BEA organization and drop what he believes are true credentials on the table only to find that he has been hoodwinked... happens all the time and many, many very good meaning individuals get a bad taste in their mouths when they get flamed on here or other sites that deal with the real world... and they find that there is much more to the business than they had ever thought... the tough ones and the ones with a bit of thick skin will stick it out... the others may fall by the wayside because they are now very disheartened and after having been 'shot down' so to speak... may drift out of the business.

How often have we read new posts from the excited new member that is really looking forward to this business.... after a few weeks... or months.... or even maybe a year... they discover the truth and the facts that were not pointed out in the beginning and they often drift out for various reasons.... many are not self starters and fall out because they could not get motivated over the long haul.... some just need more money and can't survive on the slim pickin's we sometimes get handed, some can't stand the competition or the danger that sometimes surfaces... but for whatever reason they drift out and we stop reading their posts or comments and as the saying goes... "another one bites the dust"...

I would venture to say this happens more than not. I do believe that is one of the main reason we try to point these folks in the right direction.... but as I have said in other threads... it isn't always easy to deal with folks that are looking for the easy road and all they find is the hard one.... but if they will listen... they may build a solid career.

This is a rough business, TV makes it appear exciting, rewarding financially and something all adventure loving guys and gals would really like to get into.... the reality is often quite different... yes it is and can be all those things but for the most part... well... now the rest of you can jump in...

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

Jump in where?? You didn't leave much room, Mr. Marx! Just kiddin'. Well said as usual. Concur.

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 18:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

AS always, Well spoke. Concur.

Author:  speezack [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

I just added another paragraph... I think while you two were posting.... I just thought I would say something about all the new folks that seem to be dropping in... and often dropping out.... just my thoughts... as usual, I do not shy away from speaking out... sometimes I make sense... sometimes... :roll: but I try to start things so you professionals can jump in and add your comments.....

... now pardon me... I think I will play some "Call of Duty 3"!!!!!! My excitement for the day................ 8)

Author:  AWOBB [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

With the help from Scott H., I was able to make things happen. It was exciting, it was the biggest rush i ever had. Well, almost. Other then meeting the wife for the first time.

But anyways, I made it work and now I own two bail company's. So the newbies can make it work if they wantit to.

Author:  AWOBB [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

... now pardon me... I think I will play some "Call of Duty 3"!!!!!! My excitement for the day................

Will have to hook up online and play some Madden NFL 12............. :mrgreen:

Author:  B Williams [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 19:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

Bill, as you may know I also own a Bonding company and do recovery work as well. I can find a good recovery guy much faster than a good Bail Bondsman. There is so much a Bondsman has to do that a recovery person doesn't. You have to evaluate the prospective client, make sure the indemnitor is on the up and up, keep up with all cases until they are disposed of, be a good money manager, keep your company's image in a good light, advertising etc, etc.

And without a Bondsman there would be no need for a Recovery Agent. This isn't meant to take anything away from Recovery Agents but a Bondsman who does the job correctly see's a much action as a recovery agent. Frankly, as I've stated before there isn't a lot of action in being a Recovery Agent if the job is done correctly, with the occassional exception. Just my opinion.

Author:  Eric [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 21:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

Hello Bill,

I have been working on getting into bail enforcement now for 6 months. I have been knocking on doors, networking, talking with people on here and other sites as well. I have not had any luck as of yet but have learned a ton of information from here which is priceless.

A lot of people get sucked in by the glamor of the shows and the sales people of the academy's out there. It is made to sound that once you leave here you can run right out and pick up people. Obviously when people find out they can't then they get discouraged.

Most people whom want to come into this line of work honestly do not realize just exactly how many different aspects there are to bail enforcement. From licensing requirements from state to state. Local laws, federal laws. Then the differences between bail agents, bondsman, Surrity companies. This is where people get discouraged and go do something else. Then there is getting connected up with the right company. One thing I have learned from here is this is very important if not the most important. I will honestly say I see the people on here actually helping other people, that's what makes this a great site to be on. Until I get a chance to work for someone I will continue to listen, learn and participate in any way I can. Good post by the way. Thank you.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 22:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

Nice work Mr. Marx


Author:  SpanielPI [ Mon 12 Dec 2011 22:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Yes it is rather confusing... this BEA/BBA/PI thing...

If I may add to the post: Most newbies also fail because they are tunnel visioned....i.e. Focused solely on skiptracing fugitives.
They ignore the M.R.S. concept (Scott M). Unfortunately they don't market themselves in other fields such as serving papers, executive protection, asset recovery (not repoing) skiptracing rental equipment...marketing gps and monitoring services to heavy equipment companies, Procuring contracts from companies to perform background checks, etc etc.

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