Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Needing to find someone in Nashville area
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Author:  Danfike [ Sat 19 Nov 2011 15:22 ]
Post subject:  Needing to find someone in Nashville area

Am needing to find someone in Nashville area that has a warrant out on them. Warrant was issued in Oklahoma. Sheriff office is not being successful in this. Can someone give me ideas as to what I need to do and how much will this cost.
Thanks. Dan

Author:  AWOBB [ Sat 19 Nov 2011 18:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

Who are you? Are you a Bail Bondsmen or a Recovery Agent?????? Lot of people are not gonna answer questions for someone that they don't know......

Again, Who are you????????? :?:

Author:  SpanielPI [ Sat 19 Nov 2011 19:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

Is the charge a felony or misdemeanor ?
What level of extradition, if any ? Local, surrounding states or nationwide ?
How serious is the alleged crime ?
Warrant units aren't going to give out of state requests priority if it isn't a big deal.

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Sun 20 Nov 2011 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

I am in the Nashville area,unfortunately I do not know who you are or what you do.
It is difficult to just say yeah I will recover your fugitive when I am not certain who I am working for.
Please make an introduction in the intro section.After that we can discuss your issue a little further.

Author:  Danfike [ Sun 20 Nov 2011 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

I am not a bails bondsman or any law enforcement agent. Person we are looking for is a health care CEO . The company he is CEO of stole wife's 401 k. He has been charged with contempt and obstruction of justice by Tulsa ok judge. He has had a warrant on him for two weeks. He has allowed two of his fellow employees to get arrested and sent to Oklahoma and has done nothing. He is hiding from local law people now. His bail is set for amount of lawsuit damages,, once he is apprehended. Willing to pay someone to find him. This has been two year ordeal with this situation. Just wanting him to rot in jail or pay. Thanks, dan

Author:  B Williams [ Sun 20 Nov 2011 18:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

Jay, I pm'd this guy when the post first come out. Haven't heard a word.

Another guy pm'd me wanting to know how to get in the bonding business in NC. I responded as best I could in hopes of helping this guy. I went through every detail I could think of to get him on the right track, which took some time to do. Haven't heard a word since.

I'm more than willing to assist where I can but this is getting ridiculous.

Note to anyone looking for help. If you choose not to tell me something about yourself and why you want a particular question answered, don't look to me for any help. For those that do the right thing I'll help in any way I can which might be referring you to someone with more knowledge than me on the subject.

Author:  rfrielly [ Sun 20 Nov 2011 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

I sometimes think people fish for info on here....or as I seen one nite just drop names and try to throw somebody under the bus....ie Scott M.....it was funny, because Scott M was standing there when the guy was talking to me about Scott....he didnt have a clue who Scott was yet he said Scott had given him a case to work in DC.....First time I ever seen Scott speechless....it was priceless when Scott got the shock out of the way.... and told the guy who he was.

But before these people want info they got to understand that before people will work with them....we got to know who they are...period....I dont want to end up being sued or in jail because I didnt do my homework. I am just thankful I got all you folks on here...knowing I can go to you for help if I need something answered.


Author:  KARMA [ Sun 20 Nov 2011 20:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

Dan, Is your person's warrant entered NCIC ?
You state that the warrant has been active for two weeks and that the SO is being Un Cooperative in the area in which you believe him to be. Altho I can appreciate your frustration you must also understand that your 'criminal" is not the only one that is of concern to that Sheriff.
That being said, a BEA, FRA, BRA (whatever you want to call yourself), cannot make an arrest on this person unless he is on Bond and a bondsman is looking for him. In that case you would best be served speaking to that person.

Author:  B Williams [ Sun 20 Nov 2011 20:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

The charges are misd. I have his address if anybody wants it.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Sun 20 Nov 2011 20:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Needing to find someone in Nashville area

What you really want\need is a pi to perform a target locate. This entails actually hiring a licensed Tn. Pi and paying them to perform this service.
Once the target is located, the warrant verified in ncic with nationwide extradition, then the Ok. S.o. Can coordinate with local leo's in Nashville, Tn.
For further assistance you should contact Jay c. or Joe Stiles.

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