Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

firearms possession
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Author:  AEmpey [ Wed 16 Nov 2011 13:20 ]
Post subject:  firearms possession

Good day all,

I am posting this todayto bring up a piont that I mentioned on my first post last week, and also in responce to what Scott P. mentioned on the posting of skips on the reservation. For those living in and/oropperatng in AZ. or passing threw.

Just because we no longer need a CCW to cary conceled (IN PUBLIC) dose not mean you no longer need a permit. It is exactly what it meens IN PUBLIC.

If you are driving or riding in a vehical down some raod in Az. and you get pulled over, You could very well be in violation of the law. Your vehical or a friends is considered privet.

Now this is not set in stone. It is usualy up to the LEO and his dicretion doing the stop. He can very well be one of those "I have a badge, so Im god" types and charge you. If you live here & travel outside the state this law IS NOT in reciprtory agreement to the best of my knowlage as I'v heard of a coulpe incidents ofpeople traveling outside Az. and getting busted.

Now gun laws on reservations are Different. Some reservations have a dedicated rout that those passing threw can drive on with out being in violation. Stray off that rout even just a little and your done Game Over!

Don't take my word for it as I am not yet an expert. Nore will I ever be. (Dispite working on instructer certifications)

The point is those of us who doocarry for the job, pertection, sport what ever it may be, KNOW THE LAWS! Do your home work, Study the laws of the states, cities, you are traveling to. and be in compliance.

If anyone has any other imput feel free to add it
A Empey

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 16 Nov 2011 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possetion


I mean no disrespect and not being a smart **** but I would appreciate your sharing some information about yourself with a sig line. Once that's done, I'll respond to any post you may have if I feel I can add anything usefull to the post.

Thank you

Author:  MarshallSvc [ Wed 16 Nov 2011 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possetion

I second what Mr. Williams posted.
Additionally, please use the spell check to assist you in writing a quality post.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Wed 16 Nov 2011 19:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possetion

Performing due diligence research regarding ccw reciprocity laws is not only common sense but a basic requirement of your case file.
Same holds true regarding everything related to our industry.
1) regulated vs unregulated states
2) id rags
3) ucea
4) licenses/permits
5) magistrated extradition hearings...etc, etc, etc.
Furthermore, if any part of your apprehension is illegal and the def.'s attorney discover this, you may very well have blown the case.
How would you feel if a child molester,rapist, cop killer, etc. Beat their case because you screwed up ?
Please remember....everything we do, say, post, or print is subjected to scrutiny by EVERYONE.

Author:  KARMA [ Thu 17 Nov 2011 00:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possession

The point is those of us who do carry for the job, protection, sport what ever it may be, KNOW THE LAWS! Do your home work, Study the laws of the states, cities, you are traveling to. and be in compliance.

Exactly !

Aaron, Do you have a link that you can provide to the new "Open Carry" regs there in AZ.

I knew that they had changed to where one did not have to have a permit to "Open Carry", my question would be, does this affect those that have a CHGL there ?

Here (AR), if one is "Permitted" to be able to carry concealed and one displays said firearm then one can be charged with illegal carry of a weapon.

I am curious as to whether it is the same there. I am hoping that you have something for us as most often if is a bit before actual Online info is updated.

Oh, and use your User Control Panel and add a sig line . . . Name and location will suffice . . . Thanks !

Author:  speezack [ Thu 17 Nov 2011 07:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possession

Now this is not set in stone. It is usually up to the LEO and his discretion doing the stop.

After all is said and done... after all the rules and regulations have been passed... after compliance with the state... it still has to 'pass muster' according to the one person looking at you.

As mentioned so many times.... "the rule of thumb is... there is no rule of thumb"

You can be very legal and still get thrown into the sh*t...

"Just cause it's legal don't mean it's right... and visa-verse"

... about all any of us can do... is be sure we are totally compliant wherever we might be... and even then, you best watch your azz.....

Author:  AEmpey [ Thu 17 Nov 2011 11:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possession

I think I got the Sig Line down. And I do apologize to all for that as well as the spelling.

Yes, there are 2 places online that are use for firearms laws. National rifle Ass. under gun laws click on that state u are inquiring about, and gunlaws.com. These are both updated regularly as laws change. There is also a book that is published every year. But you have to by a new one as laws change and it is not always up to speed. The web sites are better.

Arizona has no firearms registration laws. As long as you are not a Prohibited Possessor you can own a gun. You can carry open as well in this state. This dose not affect any one with a CCW as you have that added protection with the permit to cover your butt and it supersedes state requirements.

All the previous restrictions as to where you can carry are still in place. Ie polling places, schools, fed. buildings. post office. This is all on the NRA website under gun laws. they do also leave it up to businesses as to if they allow it or not. Those business that have a posting of NO GUNS have made the reasonable request, and you can not carry in those places.

You may now also carry a gun in a bar, or restaurant that serves alcohol. |As long as it is not posted saying no guns. My opinion on this is that it leaves too much to chance, so I never did it. You CAN NOT consume alcoholic beverages while carrying in these places.

And yes you are all right! it is cover your butt, due diligence, and research but the extra work that goes into it covers you in the long run.

Author:  tsuggs [ Fri 18 Nov 2011 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possession

Hopefully some of this will not be an issue as the U.S. of Representatives passed a National Reciprocity Act. There is nothing currently in the Senate but it could be attached to another bill.

So, down the road a bit, if you have a CCW permit in one state it would be good in any other state that issues permits.

Of course this applies to concealable hand guns only.

Author:  rfrielly [ Fri 18 Nov 2011 16:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possession

Doubt it get passed the senate, but lets hope!

Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 19 Nov 2011 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: firearms possession


It is not as bad as it may seem. The plan may be to attach it to another bill that has to be passed, like an appropriations bill.

But this will not happen before next year.

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