Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Website etiquette, design and publishing information
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Author:  speezack [ Fri 26 Aug 2011 06:22 ]
Post subject:  Website etiquette, design and publishing information

Ok, a few questions for the more informed on FRN

Given the exposure and changing face of the internet and the applications and business exposure available to us all... what are some of the actions that we as site developers and business owners and promoters should keep in mind when developing and publishing our sites.

For example... what are your thoughts about posting short excerpts concerning fugitives or wanted posters and along with that... what are your thoughts about pictures of same.

I know that publishing actual names is a no, no and also personal information but in the case of skips and other info related to fugitives... what is proper and I guess 'legal' as to personal items published on your site.

I notice that some of you post fugitive pictures (as I do) and others just post basic info to your business. I post the pictures for public information and to garner interest in my business and site. I don't mention names although I will sometimes post pertinent content for the search or request for info, but I stay close to the hip on info so as not to particularly inflame or create a problem. I have found it to be helpful and as mentioned, provide interest to the viewers. I follow the line of not saying anything extremely 'negative' and always keep things true and factual and never too personal. No names, addresses of persons re-arrested or captured... however, when describing fugitives/skips I certainly mention physical areas of interest and of course in this light, their names are certainly given, but removed after capture.

I might mention briefly that most on here know that I certainly tell stories but I do try to keep personal information out of the public eye and although they do get a bit 'colorful' at times... I think we need to keep them 'in general terms' rather than 'specific' with no names or personal info published...

Having said all this............. what are your thoughts on web etiquette?

Author:  Phill Cross [ Fri 26 Aug 2011 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Website etiquette, design and publishing information

Web Etiquette or as I refer to it "Netiquette" - varies among many each having their own logical reasoning.

My belief and the reason I provide such a service (Wanted Section) is that if the person sought is indeed a validated/confirmed fugitive - you can provide as much detail as possible on the wanted person, (including their name and aliases) without fear of libel/slander, in order to apprehend them.


Further, I believe in this day with the extremely wide use of the Internet - if one does not have a website for your company you might as well be out of business.

A website is an online representation of your company - it should obviously have a means of contacting you, as in a contact form & telephone number clearly available on the site.

(NEVER put your email address on your website! - There are 'SpamBots' that search the web for these emails and add them to a list which is often shared with multiple email listing services!)

Additionally that should not be the only means of advertisement that your company has. DO NOT expect that because you have a website the world is going to find you and ask to do business with you! - I have been developing websites since 1994, you would be amazed at how many people believe that because they have a website it should automatically increase their business - this isn't true however, without a website you can certainly expect a decrease in business!


One other item of importance is content! Make certain that your website has lots of content (information that is about you, your company, the industry you are in, the services you offer, and exactly how you provide them.)

DO NOT copy content from another website! This can not only lead to a potential copyright violation - it can lower your overall value (ranking) with search engines!


One of the easiest, least expensive and valuable means of self promotion is by having your own domain name.

By having and using a domain name that represents your company it sets you apart from many that do not.

You should ALWAYS use an email address that promotes your company!

For example: (anyname) @ xyzcompany.com helps promote XYZ Company much better than xycompany @ yahoo.com or xyzompany @ gmail.com, etc.

Additionally, also in your email signature have a line with a link to your website.
Self Promotion

If your company doesn't have a website or if you feel that your website isn't producing the results you desire. Contact me - I offer web hosting, development, domain name registration, and much more...

Author:  indybail [ Sun 28 Aug 2011 09:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Website etiquette, design and publishing information

In a criminal court the case status is within the public domain. If a defendant has failed to appear and a warrant issued that is public information. Being a fugitive is not privileged information. If I were you, I would not have any qualms about posting pictures and names.

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