Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED
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Author:  speezack [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 06:38 ]
Post subject:  2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

THIS SHOULD START THINGS OFF WITH A "BANG"... I leave the comments to anyone that would offer an explanation or comment to this photo... taken in the "back seat" of my truck... I will hold my comment at this time.... :shock:


I WOULD LIKE TO ASK PERMISSION FROM THE ATTENDEES.... "FRN as you may be aware, has a facebook page... I can add, for public consumption, pictures and/or comments of the entire crab smashing on that facebook page, which may provide a larger audience. I wanted to ask if that would be ok with the attendees... there is nothing risque or improper with any of my pictures although as you all are aware... I do often take unusual snapshots of groups and meetings I attend. If you do not... I repeat... if you do not wish for your picture to be on that site... simply shoot me an email fsbb@embarqmail.com and let me know and I will attempt to edit you out of the picture... short of that happening... you are gonna get posted.

I will give you guys a couple of days before I add pictures to facebook although I may stick a couple on here.

Yes, Tony... sorry, but I had to stick this on here... Tony is actually much more intelligent than this photo would appear to provide.... I will remove it quickly if you want... as you all are aware, I like laughing at myself and others... some may find certain pictures or content offensive and if so... just shoot me that email.... and it will be removed....

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 08:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

I would like to thank all that attended the 2nd Annual Southern Maryland Crab Smashin' and we missed those that intended to attend. We had people from CA, MD, NJ, NY, VA and TN. All in all, it was great friendship, fantastic discussion regarding NABBI and the direction and order of formation moving forward. We are looking to have a national meeting sometime in March 2012 in St. Louis, as it is centrally located. To that end, please make plans and adjust your budgets to allow attendance, as you have plenty of advance notice. As this will be the formal formation meeting, start talking it up now and recruit your friends and foes alike to attend. When we pray for our enemies, God blesses us greatly, so start it out with a unifying conversation about NABBI. We have discussed a National Executive Board, Regional Directors and State level representation. We feel that in this manner, a Regional Director can assist in establishing the State level Directors in his/her region. It is imperative that we have boots on the ground in each of your states so that there is a uniform direction that is not exclusionary. This group is the definition of grass roots and you will only have a voice in the formation of this organization if you attend and participate in the discussions. In person discussion and debate is vibrant and someone may present a position you haven't considered, which may cause you to amend your position. We have had many pledges of support, now it is time to step up to the plate and share your feelings with the rest of us.


Author:  KARMA [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 08:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

March 2012 in St. Louis

If I am still breathing . . . I will be there.

Author:  speezack [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

I am moving the original thread/first thread on the 2nd. annual crab smash to the moderator section since the event has been held and the results and discussion will be on the new thread... this thread...

Anyone requiring info from the old one.... just ask and the info will be provided... but for clarification this will be the only thread on the 2nd. annual crab smash.

Scott has critiqued the event well and pictures will follow as I get them sorted. A good time was had by all and a very informative discussion was held on NABBI and it's future. Comments, ideas and all other forms of serious help are and will be greatly appreciated.

<<... moved from the first thread... >>

Commitment and wide spread involvement will get it done. The crab smash in Md. was a success and the discussion on NABBI was on the table... literally... along with about 50 lbs. of crabs and beer. The discussions were, however, quite serious and brought much into the mix.

I will leave it to the top dogs to relate those discussions to the members here and it appears that others from all over the country and with varied levels of training and experience are becoming involved and frankly, that is exactly what needs to be coordinated and brought to the table.

FRN may be a large part of this endeavor but as mentioned by many, it has to be inclusive of all walks of this industry... training, experience and commitment from many levels.

I am putting together a picture thread of the crab smash which should be up in a day or so. The discussion on the NABBI meeting can come from other much more qualified secretaries.

Author:  B Williams [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

The picture of Tony and his date brings back memories of my own. I've been there many times Tony....In fact she looks a little familiar....hmmmm

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 17:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

I will sooooo be in St. Louis. Although you coulda' made it in April so I can catch a Cardinals game. Just sayin' :roll:

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 18:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED


Didn't we say," What happens in the back seat, stays in the back seat?"

When I figure out how to post my own pictures, I will show you guys my other "date" from Catawba, VA.

BTW, I sampled another taste from a "mason jar" over in Catawba. It had a real hard kick to it. Those mountain boys sure know how to make a batch of "cider."

Also, Bill you are going to get a call from Curtis. He wants a hat like mine!

Author:  speezack [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 18:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

Sounds like my kinda guy... I hope you are on the plane headin' home now brother... I posted a lot of pictures on the FRN facebook page... gonna try and get a few on here too... fly safe... I really enjoyed your visit... hope you didn't catch anything while in southern Virginia... Mildred liked you.... talk later.

For everyone's enjoyment.... here is Tony at "Mildred's Meals"... the infamous little 'eatery' in downtown Kenbridge, Virginia... 'speezacks' hometown and base of operations....

Here is Mildred, Tony and Mildred's husband... who also happened to be the former and retired police chief and town manager... also, Tony outside below the sign....

Image Image

I tried to get a picture of Tony in my kitchen... sipping, uh.... well... uh.... taking a little nip of.... uh...
but I couldn't get my camera to focus in the dim light under the kitchen table... which is where he was lying after the glass of.... uh.................. right............... :oops:

Author:  speezack [ Mon 22 Aug 2011 19:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED

4 Amigos... and a few more of the event.

Image Image
Dave, Bill, John, Tony and Chopper (in the van)... Capt. John's Restaurant, Cobb Island, Md.

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Mr. Joe Stiles.... and a more serious discussion regarding NABBI...

Image Image
There was some serious crab smashing and a little beer drinking going on here.....

Image Image
Moved to the parking lot where a major discussion took place after hours....

... had to stop to go write a little bond... back in a few or in the morning... I will add a few more pictures later...

Please also visit the FRN Facebook page... it has more pictures and is open to the public... click on this link... it should take you there....

I might mention that you do have to have a facebook account, but then you can log into your account and then come click this link and it should take you there.... after you have logged into your account.


Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 10 Mar 2012 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd. Annual Crab Smash- 8-20-2011-UPDATED


I may be a little bit early on this but, Scott, have you look at any possible dates for the 3rd Annual Crab Smash?

The Boss really wants to meet all you guys again even though she will see you all in St Louis. But she really wants to be able to meet Gail.

So, when you get a few dates in mind, let us know so that we can make travel arrangements.

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