Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Extreme networking frustration
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Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Wed 10 Aug 2011 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Extreme networking frustration

I've noticed, with the continuing frustration mentioned in the thread title, the increasing glut of forums, message boards, websites, Facebook groups, etc. geared specifically toward networking in bail and bail recovery. Really these are all just new places and things to monitor and keep track of. The real group of true, active bail bond and fugitive recovery agents is quite small...comparatively, and most of us can be found in one or two of these locations. Conversely many, or even the vast majority, of us can be found on ALL of them! And the same articles and discussions keep making the rounds as well.

IMHO, the reason for this glut or explosion of "networking opportunities" is the slow, often drudging pace of the current ones. It is quite possible, on some forums for example, to check back and not see anything new for days!! I realize that people have lives and jobs but, this is to moderators and forum owners in general not you in particular Phil, it is down, to some degree, to those who create, run and maintain the forums...to keep them alive so to speak. Then...it is down to the members, are you listening to yourself Mr. Duprey?, to keep the responses going and interesting AND to regularly submit the goings on in our professional lives. I am going to cut down some of my other avenues and give FRN, and one or two others, its shot...what say you all??

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Wed 10 Aug 2011 17:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

And, for the record, this is on FRN because it is the best sounding board not because FRN is guilty of this. Just a good rant spot!

Author:  DMARTZ [ Wed 10 Aug 2011 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

It is very hard to come up with new things to talk about after being on a forum for as many years as some of us have been here(10-15 yrs) I would bet that there is not a topic that has not been discussed and the basic business has not changed, I've been in this business since 1975. We have had to change some tactics do to law changes and thanks to Modern Chemistry with the introduction of the Crack Monster, we have learned that we can clean up liability by picking up the phone and never leave the office, some of us have learned to use the court system, we have learned to network but the basic job is the same. Do you know that the bond fee was 10% in 1975 so there hasn,t been any raises in 40 years or more it's still 10%. All the members here have done a wonderful job of keeping FRN number one and of coarse Phil for keeping the web portion up.

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Wed 10 Aug 2011 17:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

Indeed. As I said, or self corrected, rather...it was a rant ON FRN not AT FRN. And that's crazy about the rate changing....or rather NOT changing!

Author:  DMARTZ [ Wed 10 Aug 2011 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

I can tell you it cost about 8 times more for business overhead. we thought we were going to get a raise down in LA when they notified all the agent that it would be 12% bond fee but found out the other 2% was going to go to the Sheriff Department in each county you wrote a bond in.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 10 Aug 2011 21:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

Dear Tom . . . David could not have said it any better.
As for the "networking" . . . I do not believe that you will find a better spot on the east side of the Mississippi . . . shoot I will go all out . . . the whole Dayum Country. Each Forum out there offers something . . . FRN is not a "message Board" even tho we sometimes leave one another little "heys" here. We strive to keep things flowing and on task. However when we "edit" anyones behavior we are accused of "over Moderating" as well as a few other choice things.
The core Group will be here "networking" and making things happen when others give up, have tantrums, take their balls (or boobs) :shock: , and go home. As David said, some of us have been around a LONG time. Not a lot has changed.
David, we got our first raise since 1989 in 2003 and then a second one in 2006. It is still 10 % but minimum bond is now 50 + 50 State Fee + 20 Jail Fee. From 1989 to 2003 it was 25 and then from 03 to 06 it was 35. Minimum is written for anything up to and including 500$ after that the actual 10% will kick in on bonds from 501$ up. Sometime the work is a LOT of baby bonds . . . but writing those babies at 0300 will get you the big bonds.
Tom, the key to success is to never need that Recovery Guy or Gal. Write smart, write tight. Never write for the money for when you get greedy . . . you will get burned.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Thu 11 Aug 2011 05:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

What Luvonda is referring to is "Premium Writing" and it is called "Running a Wheel" where I live. It involves writing all of the bail that you can, with enough volume, the ones that run are paid for in the volume of new bonds. This is not the way to run a business, in my opinion, but there are many that have come and gone in this business that tried it that way. All it takes is a major slow down in bail, like the introduction of Pre Trial Release, and you are out of business because the wheel slows or completely stops. My method is "Multiple Revenue Streams" and it is what I have always taught along with "Low Impact" Fugitive Recovery. Both philosophies have suited me well over the years. Those that have been ion the business for a long time will tell you that commercial surety is a cyclical market and changes with the politics of the day. You must be able to ride out the ebb and flood to be able to remain solvent and survive. I will add another peeve ofd mine: Be conservative, that applies to everything you do, don't drive a fancy car to the jail to post your bonds, don't wear allot of bling, be humble, be professional and be courteous. Do house calls for even the smallest of bonds, you will be the first call when the big ones come.

I could go on and on, but that is the core of it.


Author:  KARMA [ Thu 11 Aug 2011 07:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

Those that have been in the business for a long time will tell you that commercial surety is a cyclical market and changes with the politics of the day. You must be able to ride out the ebb and flood to be able to remain solvent and survive. I will add another peeve of mine: Be conservative, that applies to everything you do, don't drive a fancy car to the jail to post your bonds, don't wear allot of bling, be humble, be professional and be courteous. Do house calls for even the smallest of bonds, you will be the first call when the big ones come

I agree ! I will add . . . I think to be HUMBLE is the greatest virtue of all. My Dad told me . . . "Sis, you must remember . . . this is a service job. You must remember they are doing you a service by you getting them out of Jail. They could have called anyone else. Always make sure and thank them for using your service and be sincere"
I have yet to bond anyone that I have not thanked for using my services and I have yet to not be referred . . . even years later. Just got two of those yesterday.
Bling ! I have seen some of those folks . . . they come . . . they goooooooo :)

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 11 Aug 2011 16:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme networking frustration

Tom I agree.

I know almost everyone here has a facebook and linkined account. I am sorry but I can't keep up with them everyday.

Besides I am not that social of a guy. Just ask the Boss. She will tell you that I am very quiet and reserved.

Not much to say at all. :mrgreen:

BTW Scott, I brought up being humble at the PBUS last month. I warned the attendees at my session that I would offend some of them, by telling them to leave the bling and Mercedes Benz at home when posting bail or attendinig meetings with LEs or the courts.

The reason is, if bail agents are crying poor when it comes to paying SJs then they jump into a luxury car and are wearing 50 lbs of gold jewery, what impression is that going to make?

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