Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

The Cowboy Theory
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Author:  Chris waya Pope [ Mon 04 Jul 2011 12:14 ]
Post subject:  The Cowboy Theory

I have heard the term cowboy used in military , law enforcement as well as bail enforcement. To me the term is a person man or woman who wants to run around guns drawn by themselves kicking in doors. I have recently learned though that like any office job I have to dress differently at work than at home because mostly ...the term cowboy. I wear a black hat and jeans and boots at home but truth be told our society instantly judges us because of our appearance. So I now treat it like a office job and dress according to what I need to be dressed depending on the client. Any input?

Author:  Spnewman [ Mon 04 Jul 2011 14:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory

I would highly suggest wearing a feather and scalping your skips! Hah. But seriously look professional, but don't sacrifice safety because of your image. People who matter will know that your not a "cowboy".
Btw...this is coming from someone who is new...so wait on other responses

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 04 Jul 2011 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory


The above topic should address your query . . . there are MANY threads here as well on the topic

Author:  Chris waya Pope [ Wed 06 Jul 2011 08:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory

Yesmam thank you. I read those. I was more or less making a statement than asking about why or what have you. It just seems that with what I have been doing the past almost 6 years that I should be allowed to dress comfortably without someone at a desk judging me is all. Thank you for the links.

Author:  tsuggs [ Wed 06 Jul 2011 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory

We all "pre judge" people every day. Fair or not, we do it.

I do it when a person walks in my office and wants to bail someone out. Until I determine otherwise, I plan for the worse case scenario.

In court, people assume I am a lawyer or cop because I wear a suit and tie. Once they find out I am a bail agent, they still treat me with more respect than the average "Joe."

Sometimes image is more important than experience and knowledge.

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Wed 06 Jul 2011 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory


Unfortunately it does not matter what you think you should be able to do in a "client is king" service/sales environment. You may be the best at what you do but if that particular bondsman does not know that, their first impression will be your appearance and carriage when you walk into their office. For my regular clients, meaning those I have closed cases for, I come into the office, to pick up new cases and whatnot, often in sweats and a t-shirt. I would never present myself like this to a new client however! An alternative that has shockingly actually worked for me is this: going to the office somewhat "tac'd out". Typically this is a big no-no and invokes "Dog" type responses however...my partner and I go under the guise that we are actively working a case in the area and just dropped in. It works!

Author:  MadMadi [ Wed 06 Jul 2011 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory

Whats wrong with cowboys? Who dosent love a cowboy??

Tight jeans, big belt buckles, boots, and dont forget the cowboy hat!

I want to see more cowboys!!!! :wink:

(being that I am one of only a few females on here, I think WE deserved that!!!) :D

On a more serious note... pet peeves of mine when meeting new people in the industry...

#1. Stinkin like cigarette smoke
#2. Cockyness
#3. Dressed like Ramboo, Militia, Dog, or Gangsta where I can see what color undies you got on (really, we DONT want to know!)
#4. Sunglasses when not needed. Take'em off so I can see your eyes!

Any of those will get you a handshake hello and goodbye! :arrow:

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Wed 06 Jul 2011 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory

here is an example for you....When you go to buy a vehicle,what is the first thing you see? right than you create your first impression of that vehicle correct? now that vehicle could look like a rust bucket complete with floors rotted out and all but you do not know and usually dont care either that it runs like a top.It is that first look at that vehicle that makes you decide to even give that vehicle a second glance.

We as recovery agents need to dress to impress so to speak in order to get our second glance and thay goes for bondsman as well when they are looking for new clients as well as getting the respect from thier peers they deserve.

Tony is right on all of us pre judging people,it seems wrong but untill that person speaks to you and proves your pre judgement wrong or right we have nothing else to go by.I have found in my time in this industry that my prejudgement has been pretty accurate,now I have been wrong as well a time or two but did not know that I was wrong at first untill after seeing a person in their true element.I was taught to watch the way a person carries themself and their reactions to questions to make an educated theory of their character.Up to that point I must remain suspicious especially if they are dressed in a unfavorable manner.

Now that was my long winded way of saying that image is a VERY important part of our continued success in this industry!!

Author:  RCrew [ Wed 06 Jul 2011 16:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory

And to add to Madi's list:

One of my pet peeves is the person who meets with me wanting to work with me and they are wearing their Bluetooth wireless device on their ear. If your phone calls are more important than talking to me, don't come in!!

Author:  Chris waya Pope [ Fri 08 Jul 2011 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Cowboy Theory

All very interesting points. I still consider myself pretty new in the industry. I see the prejudging point and we do at some point all do it.

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