Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

ex skipped to mexico
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Author:  wifeburned [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 09:48 ]
Post subject:  ex skipped to mexico

is there anyway to apprehend my ex-husband in mexico?... he skipped on bond and has left me hanging! ... iam currently in tj trying to find his ass , but iam having no luck!... he might have gone further south twords cabo , possibly to go further into south america!... is there exoneration laws as far as the courts are concerned if he is known to be in another country!... he will not answer my e-mails , but i think he might not have access to the internet at the moment!... any help will be greatly appreciated!... thank you

Author:  WyomingRecovery [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 10:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

It will be at the descretion of the courts of the jurisdiction of where the bail bond is out of. I do applaud you for wanting to get him back to the US, but you risk kidnapping charges. You will need to contact your bondsman and/or lawyer to request a stay of forfeiture while the process of extradition can be started on getting him back from Mexico (at your expense, unfortunately). If this bond warrant is a misdemeanor, I would recommend just paying the bond to get off of it, as well the same with low felony amounts. If the bond is high, I am sure the courts may work with you. But don't quote me on that.

As a fellow poster will say, "The rule of thumb, is there is no rule". Your situation when from gray to black the moment you crossed that border.

Author:  wifeburned [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

it is a 10,000 bond for a firearms charge and i put up my home for collateral! ... the bondsmen says that since he went to mexico there is no grounds for exoneration , but i have done some research and some say that if he located and the state wont extradite then that is grounds for exoneration of bond!... is that true? ... also how long do i have before the bondsmen can begin forclosure on my home? ... is it 180 days? ... if i can convince him to turn himself in who gets him the u.s. marshalls or the bail enforcement agent contracted by the bondsmen? ... ugh , this is such a nightmare!

Author:  WyomingRecovery [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 13:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

I would love to be able to give you an answer, but I cannot without knowing where you are from or the bond is out of. There are plenty of professionals on this site that would be willing to help you out the best they can as well, but certain things need to be done.

most importantly a signature line. It helps if we know who you are and more details about the situation. Such as whom sent you to Mexico to get him? Bondsman, Recovery Agent, or did you go voluntarily. Secondly, the courts will have the final say on whether or not to exonerate a bond. It's the little details that you can give us (aside from the major key notes) that will help us guide you in the right direction. So, if you can bare with us, and share this information with us, we can better assist you. There could be the possibility that one of the professional agents and/or recovery agents have had experience with the court in your jurisdiction as well as with the bondsman/recovery agent.

Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

Please tell us your state and county where the court charges are filed and when he fta'ed.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 18:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

I have two thoughts... first... I do not believe the bondsman can foreclose on your home... he can however, put a lien on it and if you have a first mortgage already... he is in line but not first and as long as you are paying the mortgage I don't think he can force a sale... he can however put a judgement on you in most cases... and if the judgement is awarded to him... then he may be able to get a garnishment but force the sale of your home... don't think so.

If you live in NC you are safe from a garnishment but not a judgement... other states may have similar laws.

Second... and this is just a bit of advice to this website and you.... you may want to carry this discussion into PM's or emails as it is not actually known who you are, or who is reading this and I don't think you want your husband knowing your plans or in another light... this may be the husband trying to gain info on the workings of someone coming after him... that has happened before... take this discussion into a private venue... IMHO.

After you have contacted a member in private, then discuss whatever plans you may be considering... but verify identity of 'who you are talking with' and to the BEA.... verify the identity of 'who you are talking to also'.................. just an old bondsman talking here... 8)

Trust no one and do not take my word for this... verify this also.... 8) Always remember this .... "you can be anyone you wish on the phone... on the internet... even in person.... verify everything".... and this industry is absolutely filled with unqualified and illegal wannabees that will tell you anything.... be very leery and aware...

Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 18:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

If she is in CA and I suspect she is because of the 180 day forfeiture period plus going to TJ to look for the ex, then as a bail agent we can start forclosure prceedings on her house as soon as he breached tyhe contract. He already has a lien on it.

It take about 3 months to get all the "procedural" stuff out of the way in CA. Once that is done, if the court does collect on the summary judgment, then the agent can set up the trustee sale.

But as Bill pointed out, if there is a first or any other liens on the property, the bail agent will be in line behind them. With the values of CA property for the most part below what is owed, he may not be able to get his $10K out of it.

On the other hand, many bail agents became millionares by taking property on small bonds and then forclosing on them and taking them over.

Once the market turned around they made a nice profit.

Author:  KARMA [ Sun 24 Apr 2011 22:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

Property can be taken here as well.
You do not say if your spouse is a Mexican National.

Author:  wifeburned [ Mon 25 Apr 2011 08:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

first.... the case is out of mesa county , co ... he failed to show for his trial on march 17th! .... the bond is for $10,000 , .... and i agree with the idea of keeping anynomity! .... i doubt he would even search out this type of site cause he knows that as long as he is in mexico the laws for bail hunters are nil! ... my hope is to get him to just turn himself in , and do his time! ... he is an ex-con , and knows the ropes a bit , but is also a complete dummy on other things! ... his friend i spoke with yesterday said he is headed to cabo! .... from there who knows! ... question: can i make payment arrangements with my bondsmen in order to stave from a lien or forclosure!... and yes i make the morgtage payments!.... thank you... sena

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 25 Apr 2011 08:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: ex skipped to mexico

Colorado passed or was trying to pass a law that would hold the bondsman liable if they knowing posted bail for a foreign national and that person ran or was deported out of the country.

I don't know the status o that law.

Anyway, you may be able to set up a monthly payment schedule with the bondsman if he actually has to pay off the bond. He would not release the lien on your home until it is paid off.

You might consider getting a loan from a bank for $10K if you qualifiy or a home equity loan to pay him off right away to have him release his lien on your home.

There have been situations where a bail agent had gone out of business and the lien was kept on the property and it took practically an act of god to get it cleared.

Is he a U.S. citizen or not? If he is, Mexico would want to get rid of him if he was located and the police were informed about his CO case.

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