Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Gun Control
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Author:  speezack [ Sat 16 Apr 2011 06:25 ]
Post subject:  Gun Control

I know this is a touchy subject but it really flips my trigger when discussions come up... here is a post I placed on my facebook page that I think sums it up fairly accurately in a short statement.

I am sure there will be comments pro and con but these are my thoughts only... your comments are welcome...

A gun is only a tool, it does not have a life, it cannot do anything until it is in the hands of a person... the person is responsible for the weapon, the weapon is not to blame for the actions of the person. Remember that when legislation comes up 'against the gun'... legislation should address the person, not the inanimate object he/she uses for whatever purpose... an automobile does not kill people, the person behind the wheel does the deed. That is a very important fact that too many people seem to overlook. When someone says to you... why do you need a weapon that holds 18 rounds... ask them why they need an automobile that can travel 50 to 100 mph over the speed limit??? It is exactly the same idea. Neither is needed but it is our right to have it and if that right is removed, what rights will follow?

I only have a short follow up here...

I personally own a number of weapons... both long guns and handguns... I have hunted for many years and I practice with my handguns monthly. I served in the Marine Corps many years ago... so I have been around all sorts of weapons for most of my adult life... having said this, to this end...

I have never harmed anyone with a firearm or any other type of deadly weapon. I have practiced safety throughout my life and even as safe as I have tried to be, there are still accidents that happen, but with all my handling of firearms over the years, I have managed to remain unharmed and no one whom I have been in contact with during my firearms handling has been harmed.

There are millions of Americans who are involved in shooting sports and own firearms who have never and will never harm another person with their firearm. It is unfortunate that there are those that would attempt to remove our right to own firearms, simply because of misguided facts and personal opinions that are based on misinformation.

I only ask that anyone who forms opinions on gun legislation seek out the truth and apply that truth to their reasoning and ultimate decisions on guns, people and laws. Banning guns might seem to be the answer to the violence in our society but I absolutely do not agree with that. There are too many thoughts on this volatile subject to get into here but it is something we need to really think about because it could mean the difference in where this country may be 50 or 100 years from now.

I am sure this will light up this forum but remember this.... Nazi Germany came into total control of its people by banning personal ownership of all firearms... when a government (regardless of how wonderful they may seem to be) wishes to take control of its population, one of the first steps is to disarm the population... a disarmed society cannot stand up to a government that wishes to widen its hold or tighten its grip on the people.

Author:  Bill Williams [ Sat 16 Apr 2011 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun Control

Interesting . . .

A modified version of the concept and the "tool" could read:

"A mouth (free speech) is only a tool, it does not have a life outside the control of its master, the brain and the reactionary impulse of a human. It cannot do anything until it is connected to the hands of a person's brain and its human instincts... the person is responsible for the mouth, the mouth is not to blame for the actions of itself, only the person. Remember that when legislation comes up 'against the mouth'... legislation should address the person's innate instincts, not the slave object of the mouth he/she uses for whatever purpose to mouth off ... Like the mouth, an automobile does not kill people, the person behind the wheel does the deed. That is a very important fact that too many people seem to overlook. When someone says to you... why do you need a mouth that holds the power to kill billions ... ask them why they need an automobile that can travel 50 to 100 mph over the speed limit??? It is exactly the same idea. Neither is needed but it is our right to have it and if that right is removed, what rights will follow?"

Author:  flymedia [ Sat 16 Apr 2011 20:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun Control

Hear Hear, both well said and if neither of you mind I shall add both to the personal diatribe of my life.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 17 Apr 2011 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun Control

check out this avatar... thought it was kind a cool....


Wonder how many are in ........... that......... magazine????????????? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  Bill Williams [ Mon 18 Apr 2011 19:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun Control

speezack wrote:
check out this avatar... thought it was kind a cool....


Wonder how many are in ........... that......... magazine????????????? :shock: :shock: :shock:

That's a great "signature" to use when I am replying to some client emails who expect my team to sanitize an elected official in a foreign country (such as South Chicago). Then again, the "forward" feature to Homeland Security works just as well.

Author:  flymedia [ Thu 21 Apr 2011 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun Control

If it takes that many to "stop the threat", then your target is either: Al Qaeda, Somali pirates, LA Laker haters, Oakland Raider haters or Rush Limbaugh's big behind. Either way, hit the range.

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