Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!
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Author:  speezack [ Fri 04 Feb 2011 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!

The stuff that happens to me in real life beats most of the stories I tend to make up....

Today was no exception...

I left home at 9am to go to Richmond and pick up some new glasses and of course, stop in at a couple of gun shops...

I started to go to the gun shop first but decided to get the glasses first in case I had to actually "look" at something... I might need the new glasses and they help me drive better.... really!

"Eyemart" is a little glasses place in Chesterfield county... so I pull up into a parking spot and go into the store... I am standing in the front window just looking out and waiting my turn... when out of the corner of my eye... I see and hear a car approaching from somewhere at a high rate of speed... I wasn't really paying too much attention but here comes a black 'something or other' through the intersection in front of my store... he is going at least 60... he clips the front of a small pickup truck, glances to the right and comes toward my store... he then runs into a guide-wire that is holding up a large utility pole... breaks the wire and jerks a big transformer off the pole which instantly turns everything bright white when it explodes and all the lights go out in the store.... at the same instant, the car does a complete flip and lands on its top and it is still moving at about 60mph.... it then slides across about 35 or 40 yds. of grass, through a hedge and contacts a parked car in the lot I am in.... it glances off the front of that car and goes completely airborne!!! I'm looking at this like a Nascar wreck.... in slow motion... it then flies through the air for about 50 ft. and lands in the middle of the lot along with what was left of the other car that it hit coming in.... it finally comes to rest up against another parked car... all this sht is flying around and the parking lot is filled with pieces of the cars.... it is sitting upside down and gas is pouring out... and there is a guy hanging from a seat belt inside... not moving... I immediately called 911 and gave the location and several of the guys standing out front run to the car and begin checking the guy out.... I start my video on my phone and take a few pictures... there is already 6 or 8 people trying to get this guy out of the car so there is nothing I could do except watch... the rescue squad shows up along with about 20 Chesterfield cops and a bunch of EMT folks... so now I am trapped in the parking lot... thank God the gas did not ignite and the first thing the cops do is throw a bunch of fire retardant all over the place get the people backed up in case the thing blows... well, it didn't... anyway, I am trying to upload the video to my 'you tube' which I will put a link on here if and when that is finished and here are a couple of still pictures to give you an idea of the crazy wreck...

I cannot believe that no one was injured or killed, this is a very busy place and yet no one was in the line of the car when it came sailing through the air. Anyway... I managed to drive out the other end of the parking lot since I had my 4 wheel drive pickup and I only had to drive across a couple of big ditches... no big deal... the Burger King didn't mind.... and then I went to the gun shop... but nothing happened there, thank God.

Image Image Image Image

Top left you can see most of the results... the gold car was parked about 50 ft. to the left... it bounced along with the black one when they hit... the bottom left sort of give you a birds-eye view of where the black car came from... from across the street through the hedge... the fireman in the bottom left is standing in front of where the gold car was parked when it was hit, in fact, the lady in the green jacket, bottom left picture... owned the gold car and is standing where it was parked... she had just parked and was going in to Mattress Warehouse... she was really lucky... as were everyone else.

Anyway, just thought you might be interested in seeing this little exciting afternoon... I just love coming to the big city?!!! :shock: :shock:

Author:  KARMA [ Fri 04 Feb 2011 20:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!

FREAKIN' WOW is right! Looks like something from a movie set and you did very well in the telling.

Author:  custombonds [ Fri 04 Feb 2011 22:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!

WOW thats crazy.....Carrie and I go to that Eye Mart and the optometrist right next door, oddly enough I have an order of contacts waiting for me there and was considering going by there since I was at the Mall across the street(carrie has a gift card to Macy's burning a hole in her purse).

Author:  derek317 [ Sat 05 Feb 2011 06:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!

WOW. That's amazing no one got killed.

Author:  speezack [ Sat 05 Feb 2011 09:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!

Sorry for the shaky video... best I could do under the circumstances...

Not a lot on this video... I was egging these two ladies beside me on... to see, what they had seen... too bad I didn't have my phone in my hand when that black car sailed across the lot... something out of NASCAR.

Author:  BigDave [ Sat 05 Feb 2011 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!

Did I here correctly Bill.....You thought it was a transformer? :lol:
Good thing you got them glasses.....Transformers haven't been spotted since the last movie.
You sure it wasn't? I didn't see you go poke it.

Author:  speezack [ Sat 05 Feb 2011 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Wow, what an exciting day this was...!!

BigDave wrote:
Bill.....You thought it was a transformer? :lol:

I was just trying to get that lady to tell me a story about what she had seen.... I liked the transformers!!!!! especially the yellow Camero one.... beautiful......... how would you like to have him as a friend???

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