Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

BEA certification
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Author:  Robert Brunner [ Mon 16 Aug 2010 20:04 ]
Post subject:  BEA certification

We(My girlfriend & I ) just spent a very enjoyable and educational weekend over in Media,Pa. at a bail enforcement class given by Aequintas Services, it was a shame that more couldn't attend the class, out of 10 ppl there was only 4 of us there,hopefully next month or when there is another class there will be more people to inter-act with and share stories and procedures that they have used that worked and not worked, Thank you Brian Raybold & Luke Farrell

Author:  aequitasservices [ Tue 17 Aug 2010 17:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: BEA certification

It was great meeting you the other day. It was the first time in a long time we had such a small attendance I thought it was kinda nice I was able to spend a little more time interacting with you guys and was able to answer a lot more of your questions then I am usually able to. I am glad you enjoyed it hopefully you were able to take away some useful information. You have my personal email so feel free to contact me anytime.

Best of Luck,

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