Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved
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Author:  S_Thompson [ Wed 21 Jul 2010 22:18 ]
Post subject:  Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

I just wanted to say a BIG thanks to Pittsburgh PD Zone 2 and Pittsburgh's SWAT team for helping out on my most recent arrest. I got a call from my bondsman on Monday and after getting a good address from the defendan'ts brother (Indemnitor) in Pittsburgh I was on my way. After having the residence under surveillance since Tuesday and seeing no sight of my skip until late Wednesday night (what I thought to be him, couldn't get a definate confirmation), he walked into the house around 9:45pm and didn't come out so I left and grabbed a hotel room around 1:30am and the plan was to be there early and catch him leaving.

A few more hours of surveillance and i get confirmation that it is in fact him, he came out and was teaching his daughter how to ride her bike in the middle of the street around 10:30am. Knowing that he has preferred to barracade himself into houses and threaten LEO's lives, he had done this before in Ohio, I called Pittsburgh's finest to see if they were able to back me up and cover the back.

We knocked the front door with another officer around back, and were allowed entry from the homeowner who said he wasn't there. Once the main level and basement were cleared me and an officer headed up stairs towards the bedrooms and as soon as we got near the top of the stairs he started screaming at us saying he would kill anyone that got into his way and was hiding his right hand. We retreated back down into the back area of the house and took cover, trying to talk him down. About 10 minutes go by of him screaming and threatening everyone, and SWAT was on their way, so we went out the back door and took cover behind another rowhouse. He continued threatening everyone from a second floor bedroom window and still wouldn't show his hands. I started trying to talk him down again and eventually got him to come down and out the back door to surrender. I got him into cuffs under the cover of 4 officers.

SWAT arrived about a minute later and after securing the scene and blocking off the street they went in, to make sure the house was clear and to try and recover the weapon. Turned out there wasn't a gun involved, just alot of empty threats, but I cannot praise the Pittsbugh PD, every dept that was involved, enough because they were some of the best people I have ever had to work with to date.

BTW the original bench warrant from Ohio that I was trying to serve was for Failure to reinstate a drivers license.

Here are some links:

VIDEO - http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/video/24344969/index.html

ARTICLE - http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10202/1074461-100.stm?cmpid=latest.xml

Author:  Yinzer [ Thu 22 Jul 2010 05:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

Great Job! There's a lot of guys who would've ran their mouth and made the situation worse. Good on Pittsburgh PD too. Don't forget that letter thanking the officer (as well as the others in general) who assisted you.

Too bad Ch4 referred to you as a constable.


Author:  reddragon116 [ Fri 23 Jul 2010 15:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

Smart move, way to play it safe instead of play it cowboy and use what you had available.

Author:  KARMA [ Fri 23 Jul 2010 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

Yinzer wrote:
Don't forget that letter thanking the officer (as well as the others in general) who assisted you.



Author:  AWOBB [ Sun 25 Jul 2010 08:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

I just wanted to say you did a good job on the case, But I found out that the Judge on the case Didn't forfeit on the bondsmens case. Plus, Franklin county Municipal Court is not going to come get him from Pittsburg. Plus, the new bond is now a ROR Bond. Just make sure you get paid from the bondsman. The company you just did the pick-up for, is a new company here in Columbus, Ohio.

He has Four outstanding warrants in Columbus, Ohio. Again, Great Job.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 25 Jul 2010 08:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

Yinzer wrote:
Great Job!Don't forget that letter thanking the officer (as well as the others in general) who assisted you.
Too bad Ch4 referred to you as a constable. Mike

Actually, if I am not mistaken... and Marshall can verify this... constables can do bounty hunting in PA, it is sort of a in between thing.. I had occasion to work with several on a skip we had a few years ago... they are LE but also do private BEA work... and as for the letter, that is a great, great thing to do and can not be over stated.... Steve (AWOBB) and me... (well, I watched, Steve did the deal and I actually did not... did not, pee in my pants :mrgreen: ) did a recovery in Hampton VA several years ago and the first thing I did was write a letter to the local chief, thanking him and praising his department for their help... it can never hurt and always helps... IMHO.

Author:  S_Thompson [ Sun 25 Jul 2010 08:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

AWOBB wrote:
I just wanted to say you did a good job on the case, But I found out that the Judge on the case Didn't forfeit on the bondsmens case. Plus, Franklin county Municipal Court is not going to come get him from Pittsburg. Plus, the new bond is now a ROR Bond. Just make sure you get paid from the bondsman. The company you just did the pick-up for, is a new company here in Columbus, Ohio.

He has Four outstanding warrants in Columbus, Ohio. Again, Great Job.

I know, but I got all the appropriate paperwork from Pittsburgh so that the bondsman can get the bond stricken. I have already been paid from the bondsman and I trust them, he is an affiliate of my main company out here in Frederick, and I haven't been treated wrong yet.

The funny thing is is that the bond we had him on already had an ROR set. I knew he had other warrants in Columbus, hopefully they are bad enough to extradite him back to Ohio. Either way, he will do his time.

Author:  AWOBB [ Sun 25 Jul 2010 10:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

The funny thing is is that the bond we had him on already had an ROR set. I knew he had other warrants in Columbus, hopefully they are bad enough to extradite him back to Ohio. Either way, he will do his time.

That's not going to happen. Not on traffic cases. Again, why would they go after someone, if there was no forfeiture on the case? They just have a order in on the case.

Author:  Yinzer [ Sun 25 Jul 2010 13:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

speezack wrote:
Yinzer wrote:
Great Job!Don't forget that letter thanking the officer (as well as the others in general) who assisted you.
Too bad Ch4 referred to you as a constable. Mike

Actually, if I am not mistaken... and Marshall can verify this... constables can do bounty hunting in PA, it is sort of a in between thing.. I had occasion to work with several on a skip we had a few years ago... they are LE but also do private BEA work...


I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't commenting on Constables moonlighting as BEAs, rather the fact that CH4 incorrectly stated Constable instead of FRA, BEA or even bounty hunter. At least the Post Gazette said Bondsman. We need all the non-negative (positive will never happen) press we can get, especially in Pittsburgh/Western Pa (as do the PSCs).

Good job on not peeing your pants :mrgreen: .

Mike <-- Completed PA State Constable training

Author:  S_Thompson [ Sun 25 Jul 2010 18:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pittsburgh Recovery, SWAT Involved

AWOBB wrote:
The funny thing is is that the bond we had him on already had an ROR set. I knew he had other warrants in Columbus, hopefully they are bad enough to extradite him back to Ohio. Either way, he will do his time.

That's not going to happen. Not on traffic cases. Again, why would they go after someone, if there was no forfeiture on the case? They just have a order in on the case.

From what I understand, he wasn't specific but Mr. Fullen told me he had bad criminal warrants in OH. That's why I was guessing that they would eventually extradite. Obviously if they are just traffic, they won't but judging this guy by his overall demeanor I would say he probably has atleast on felony warrant in OH. You know better than I do tho, being from out that way.

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