Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

crown vic. for bail enforcement?
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Author:  ctbailagent [ Thu 10 Jun 2010 18:59 ]
Post subject:  crown vic. for bail enforcement?

Hello my Name is Billy and I'm just getting started in Bail Enforcement and i was wondering what every one thinks about using a crown vic.
(ex police car) for the job. Let me just say that I currently drive a mercedes because I got a really good deal on it and I need to pick up a car for work. Here in CT. we have access to a lot of really good condition crown vics. for really cheap and I know they are great long lasting cars. I am not trying to look like a cop but I do want a good comfortable long lasting inexpensive car that can take a beating. I would love any input you could give on this. Thank you very much for any help you can give.

Author:  MarshallSvc [ Thu 10 Jun 2010 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?


Please go to the "Introduction" area on the forum and properly introduce yourself so we all may know to whom we are spaeking.

Thank You.

Author:  RCrew [ Thu 10 Jun 2010 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

I use a Dodge Neon! :D

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Thu 10 Jun 2010 23:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

One of my guys has an old Crown Vic. They're durable, comfortable, will hold the team and the gear....not so good for surveillance though, LOL.

Author:  ChuckJ [ Fri 11 Jun 2010 02:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

CV's are usually good for one thing, and that's transporting skips, especially long distances. The reason being is that someone cuffed riding in the back of a CV is less likely to look like a kidnapping victim than someone cuffed in the back of a Toyota. The other thing is to use it to spook them out of one location while your waiting at another confirmed address.

That being said, for obvious reasons CV's are no good for surveillance unless they look like a Taxi. And, if the Police get the idea that a BEA is some nut riding around in a CV trying to play Cop then the CV will draw all the wrong type of attention.

If your just starting out and you don't expect a lot of long trips transporting skips, then I'd stick with a plain package vehicle i.e. a Dodge Intrepid or an SUV with privacy glass in the rear.

The name of the game is keep a low profile, get paid and move onto the next job with as little drama as possible. Keep in mind that this is a business and the goal is to use your skills to make a profit. If your main goal is public service then your best to go into law enforcement, not private contract enforcement.

Author:  S_Thompson [ Fri 11 Jun 2010 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

I use a Jeep Grand Cherokee, it has tint which is absolutely necessary and obviously has enough room for what I need to bring along. I know people who use or have used "police style" vehicles and it is really up to you, I personally do not like using them because you are usually spotted way before you get to your target location, and as stated before surveillance is out of the question. ChuckJ is right, they are good for long distance transports but as long as you use something that you are comfortable with and in you will be fine.

Author:  bail_maker_582 [ Fri 11 Jun 2010 08:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

I use my wife's car. That way, if it gets shot up or somethin'... :mrgreen:

But seriously, Billy, every point that could be made on the subject, has been made. Good luck, keep reading and don't forget that intro.

Author:  MSTFLocklear [ Fri 11 Jun 2010 13:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

I ride in my trailblazer. It has 20% tint and is low key for the most part. Then we have a chrysler cirrus..which is pretty much a dodge stratus.

Author:  tsuggs [ Fri 11 Jun 2010 16:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

It is definitely not a choice for surveiling. I have one and it would stick out blocks away.
Don't use for p/u's unless I happen to get caught using it and a hot tip comes in on a skip.

Now it is great for when I go to court because if the parking meter runs out, the meter maids just roll by without leaving a ticket, which in the Bay Area is about $75 for expired meter violations.

Stick with the mini vans, pickups, economy cars, etc to blend in.

And please, don't anyone start trashing pickup trucks and taking our wives along, as some other guy did on another post months ago!

Author:  SnoWolf [ Fri 11 Jun 2010 19:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: crown vic. for bail enforcement?

First off I must stick with Mr Suggs.....My wife has been on several pick ups. She is certified and trained, though and she is usually only on female cases.

As far as vehicles go.....Lets see, I have used a Dodge Ram Crew Cab, Nissan X-Terra, and a Ford ZX2 plus worked out of Dodge Avengers, Chargers, Ford Explorers, Town and Country Mini Van, Chevy Mini Conversions, Sebring Convertable, once in a full sized Ford Conversion Van, and a Honda.....something or other. Another member might have to address what make the Honda is because I can't remember. pretty much, whatever is available and at my disposal will be used. I would suggest four doors (with child locks) with gas consumption as a consideration.....one of those do as I say not as I do moments :wink:

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