Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

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Author:  MarshallSvc [ Mon 24 May 2010 02:53 ]

It seems that lately a lot of newcomers have arrived here on the forum. As such, some have asked the question of “how do I get trained?” and others have asked “what did I do wrong?’ referring to certain situations they have encountered.

I cannot express this enough, but Training and Professionalism is of the utmost importance in this industry.

I don’t just mean training to get started, continuous training throughout your career. Do not just take the beginners course and think you are good to go, because you’re not. Consistent and repetitive training will make you more skilled at what you do as well as reduce liability against you. Also the ability or opportunities to learn new skills are just as important.
(Please see the FAQ section for school information)

Professionalism is an acquired skill, however it is so very paramount to the job you have chosen to do. Being a professional is not worn on a uniform or a badge. Professionalism is how you act and carry yourself in all situations; how you relate yourself to the persons you have to deal with as well as law enforcement and others in this business. Being a professional also allows you to critique yourself and take constructive criticism to enable you to learn from each situation. This obviously reverts back to training as well.

I remember my first capture. I was working for another agent and I thought I did such a great job that day. Boy did I get my butt handed to me. But the important point here is that I have never forgotten that lesson and it made me better at what I do.

So please take the time to read as much as you can on this forum, get the training you need to continually improve your ability to do this job, and learn how to become a professional person as this will get you further in this industry than most anything else.

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 24 May 2010 14:39 ]

So please take the time to read as much as you can on this forum, get the training you need to continually improve your ability to do this job, and learn how to become a professional person as this will get you further in this industry than most anything else.

As I always say . . . . READ READ READ

Author:  rab2344 [ Thu 27 May 2010 22:44 ]

Both above are 100% correct. If you don't read and take the free words of wisdom from the experts here, you won't be around long. Take their advice and have some patience. While waiting, read the posts daily if you can. And don't give up your day job until you have made a good name for yourself in the industry (which will take at least a year in my humble personal opinion and I still got 11 months to go :oops: ).

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