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Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds
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Author:  J24BAIL [ Sat 15 May 2010 10:21 ]
Post subject:  Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

I was watching the Discovery channel & one my fav shows, I wished they would bring back Future Weapons any way they were showing the new X-12 Taser which is a Mossberg Shotgun Using the new XREP sytem from the newest X26 but shrunk down into a shotgun shell.

I have to say after seing the vids and from personal experience of using the M26 and M18L Taser International has proving time after time there a Reliable and Reputable Company that Cares about there Product and Customers Need's.

The only downside is the cost New product = super high price but well worth it, not diging it being all yellow though the X-12 and the X3 way out of my Budget.

X-12 Taser and Demostration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtHi_0Qc3Ts&feature=related

X26 Taser and Demostration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeu7JIUk3MU

X3 3 Shot Taser Demostration funny kinda of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7uTLLF34_g

Product Page for Law Enforcement Only http://taser.com/products/law/Pages/default.aspx

haha I keep advertising Taser I want a cut on there Profit or Discounts 8)

Author:  SnoWolf [ Sat 15 May 2010 10:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

The X-12 has been around for some time now. I know very few that have had personal experience with them due to availability and cost. This was discussed.....what......about two years ago, in a post that first introduced X-12 to this forum. It was the feeling of many that the cost would deter many from using this as a tool. I now know that the US Military had these during trial periods but have decline use, in most occasions, since that time. The X-26 suits our purposes better and fulfills our needs for less cost. Until the cost drop dramatically, I do not see this being something that will be a typically used tool, in the arsenal of those that I associate with (Although a couple of these people could buy Taser 10 times over LOL they still would not pay these prices, I don’t believe)

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 15 May 2010 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

<------Cheap Bastard!

Jay, get the red off of your website, it has to be hurting you because it is not easily read, at least for my old butt!


Author:  J24BAIL [ Sat 15 May 2010 12:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

Mdbtyhtr wrote:
<------Cheap Bastard!

Jay, get the red off of your website, it has to be hurting you because it is not easily read, at least for my old butt!


haha yeah I think we all are cheap have to be.

But Im thinking on Captira already approved with Earl Harley great guy and IRB is killing me 15 bucks one ss run how you like the free data base searches Unlimited and 3 dollar full credit reports for $150 a month???

Thanks Scott , (Just for Old GuYs like Scott going change it lol ,, Joking)

But yeah it is hard for some to read so def a complete re haul is on the way have to hurry especially Because Im advertising with baltimore Raven I'm a Sponser only Bondsman in MD :D , waiting on my Final Logo Design next week Should go to Printing press I'm Siked.

I'm also in process as we speak a complete new Website orig I had wrote it in dhtml, hand coded took 3 months looked great but then recently made the mistake of buying Microsoft Expressions 3 which I used to edit it for 8 hours and all my colors text, words came out funny and every where I del something or moved something shows up in every browser otherwise how do you like the site, I've tried everything to fix it but, best to start over.

Your new site that greeen Yikes got to go, hard on Us young guys and No offence makes me want go blahh :lol:

With microsoft after 2 weeks with every Indian Tech reading a script on their pc, I decided send product back get my money back.

So how you been and Dans in SC now just got a new guy to Add him on wanted me to Appoint em but no way, I don't think so hes to high Risk Lol :wink: and You still teaching in VA Stay in Touch JaY

Author:  J24BAIL [ Sat 15 May 2010 12:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

SnoWolf , sorry couldn't quote keep getting a error

Yes X-12 it was first Shown in 08 as a Prototype then in Sept I think 09 was shown at Shot Show as final build, man ohh Man I searched for 2 Hours trying make sure wasn't a double post

For sure its $2 grand from the factory, way to expensive and it's not in my Inventory, But we can dream eghh

Well X-12 it's expensive but the Older M26 Police Taser is only $399 cheaper then a Glock M26 shoots 35 feet and has a 1 sec bust compared to 5 sec as the M18L does which only shoots 15 ft

And is it me or does the new X26 which I hate look like a Vacume or something off of Star Trek The Next Generation lol

SnoWolf been a while How you been ??? old SN jmh, been off for a while got tired of the forums changing and post getting lost, been working my butt off to re establsh My Company J24BAIL and expand to where I'm happy

The Forums died not many post's which is a shame this is I think about the only site left AB shut down to recently, hope this site picks up again I remember the wealth of Information use to get and share Miss those days

Author:  mikeyj19d [ Tue 25 May 2010 21:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

I have spoken to a few LEO’s that I have known for a good while one of them is a firearms and Taser instructor for one of the sheriffs departments out here and trust them when they give me advice. The 3 I spoke with that have trained with the X-12 or have seen the demonstrations, all swear that it would be an excellent tool and very productive. Like everyone else they are not able to get past the price not only is the unit itself $2,000 but each round runs almost $300. As far as the X-3 3way Taser I only know one person who has used it and it was a demo said it is effective IF it hits its target, he said it was to inaccurate for his taste and he will stick to the X-26 and swears by it. If you thought those demos were fun to watch I encourage you to check out the Taser Shockwave that I first saw on the Deadliest Warrior on Spike TV now that was entertaining feel sorry for anyone who tries to RIOT with those around.

Author:  J24BAIL [ Wed 26 May 2010 01:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

mikeyj19d wrote:
I have spoken to a few LEO’s that I have known for a good while one of them is a firearms and Taser instructor for one of the sheriffs departments out here and trust them when they give me advice. The 3 I spoke with that have trained with the X-12 or have seen the demonstrations, all swear that it would be an excellent tool and very productive. Like everyone else they are not able to get past the price not only is the unit itself $2,000 but each round runs almost $300. As far as the X-3 3way Taser I only know one person who has used it and it was a demo said it is effective IF it hits its target, he said it was to inaccurate for his taste and he will stick to the X-26 and swears by it. If you thought those demos were fun to watch I encourage you to check out the Taser Shockwave that I first saw on the Deadliest Warrior on Spike TV now that was entertaining feel sorry for anyone who tries to RIOT with those around.

I totally agree with them on the beneficial value of using the X-12. But the cost $ 2 grand unfortunately is beyond what I can afford wow $300 a round its not going in my Inventory Ed Mc Mann where are You !!!

The X-3 I’m not really Impressed with and I could see how the weight and design of firing 3 rounds would throw it Off for Accuracy

I've never used the X-26 have used extensively the M18L which until a year ago I used everyday but after almost getting shot with a man running out with a shotgun and the Taser dropped Approximately 10.3 feet rated for 15 Feet, I decided to sale it I do miss it.

But after playing with the M26 Advance Taser for Police rated at 35 feet and Being shot By it I’m highly Impressed was shot by the M18L a requirment to get certified

The X-26 I have read and heard is much better but Booth the M-18L and M-26 have a Glock look and when holstered and yellow removed with grips looks like a Glock and makes People think you have a Lethal force on your side

The X-26 has that future Star Trek look to it and kind of looks fake , I don't know lighter smaller, uses the XREP system which is nice but also cost allot more than the $399 for the Police M-26 they run I believe $899 for X-26.

Cool deal Taser Shockwave when, Im more awake will look for it, But if you can shoot me the link.

But Mike appreciate you sharing and hope to hear more from you

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 26 May 2010 07:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Taser Shotgun 65 ft Non Lethal & new Taser fires 3 rounds

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