Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Helping clients out after the arrest
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Author:  reddragon116 [ Sun 02 May 2010 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Helping clients out after the arrest

Before I ask this question, I must state that I have only been in this industry almost a year now, that I am idealistic, and sometimes my "big heart" (as my girlfriend states) gets the best of me.

We had a case that involved a young girl who is pregnant, the COS. (her dad) is in jail (and has a record), and was at one point on the run. Using an account online I was able to apprehend her; we became friends, she gave me her address, and still hasn't put two and two together (that I am the guy she was talking to). The father of the child (her "baby daddy") was the one who got her arrested for trespassing.

She does have a good family, when we effected the arrest we met with them and got that vibe 110%. After we brought her in another bonding company who is also a client of ours got her out. The questions I want to have answered, and please be brutally honest, are these:

1) After the case is settled, would there be any ethical concerns with this job if I were to ask members of my church to see if they'd be willing to raise a couple hundred dollars to start a savings account for the baby (since the dad is out of the picture)? If this was accomplished I wanted to work with the mom and see if we could get a trust started so that the money would not be squandered.

2) Should I even do this as a recovery agent?

I know I haven't been in this industry all that long, but I've closed so far close to 60 cases, and this is a first for me - a case that I look at and put a lot of personal investment into - but I want to do the right thing, as a professional bail recovery agent and as a person. Have any of you agents and bondsmen found a situation similar and if so have you done anything or not done anything? I don't want to overstep any boundaries, nor discredit the clients I serve, I just want to help and do the right thing if that is possible - ethically and professionally.

Thank you all, your guidance in past posts has been very helpful.



Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sun 02 May 2010 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

We have helped in the past and will continue to do so when appropriate. I had one rather large hispanic women ride my back beating and cussing me down the hall to her husband, who I took to jail. There were 3 or 4 kids in diapers and they did not look like they had two dimes to rub together. It was a 10K bond and our team made a grand in 45 minutes. All of us being fathers, we took a vote and went grocery shopping. We will not give cash. We knocjed on her apartment door and she started right back into the cussing and we just pointed at the grocery bags on the ground and walked away. My thing would be that if you decide to help, do so privately without involving your church, to the extent that you are led to do so. Be careful that you don't end up with a Babby Daddy coming home from jail jealous at who has been taking care of his girl, instead of being thankful. Drama of that nature, you don't need. You are a squared away young man and will do what is prudent given the situation.


Author:  Jayc4929 [ Sun 02 May 2010 23:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

Very well put scott and i have to agree,if you are to help do it privately.There is no need to involve your church in that way anyway.Do not help hand the woman cash or even a trust fund.You can however offer to help her find work,you know the saying"you can feed a man a fish and he wont be hungry for the moment but if you TEACH him to fish he will never go hungry again" or something like that!! but you get my meaning.
After breaking down my fugitives door (yes i did see subject enter the residence and yes LEOs were present at the time) searching the home and ultimately having to use oc spray on a 21 year old father of a 2 year old boy.My team had to take him to the emergency room to get cleared to enter the prison.While in the examining room the young man came to the conclusion that he knew he was headed down a wrong road and somewere in the conversation i asked him why he couldnt just join the military? and that he needed some discipline.He agreed and said he wanted to join when he got out of highschool but never tried hard enough.I simply gave him my card and told him to give me a call when he got out and i would put him in contact with a very good friend of mine that was a recruiter.The young man was released about a month later and he used my card, I kept my word and my friend told me the boy was scheduled to enter boot camp back in march.Which he attended.So all i am saying is there are many ways to help without actually dealing out cash or becoming to personaly involved.

Author:  bail_maker_582 [ Mon 03 May 2010 07:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

There's not a thing in the world wrong with helping out. However, my experience has been that such things are best done anonymously. This keeps the drama to minimum, as pointed out by Scott, and also keeps you from being pegged as a mark by those who may later seek to take advantage of your good nature.

Never let kindness be mistaken as weakness...

Author:  AndyL [ Mon 03 May 2010 09:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

Nothing wrong with helping out. If that is what you want to do.

I guess Im a hard hearted asshole. I look at it as this is my job. For the most part, it doesnt get personal. A few do, and not in a good way. I did nothing to put those people in the position they were in. I do this job to feed my wife and kids and see to it they have a decent life. I pay taxes which a huge portion goes to help people who wont or cant help themselves. Too many wont help themselves. In reality, she made the choice to spread her legs for the jerk in jail. She probably, truth be known, made choices that included not listening to her good family and getting into drugs or whatever. Our semi socialist society loves these kind. They can get them on the governent teat and get them to vote democrat and she can get more to do the same, furthering us into socialism.

I guess as I see it, its not my problem. Its societies problem. And since Im forced to live in a semi socialist wold, let Obama take care of her. Seems to be all her cares about. Nobody is helping me out.

JMHO And Im not sorry if it pisses someones sensitivities off.

Author:  AndyL [ Mon 03 May 2010 09:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

Just so you know, I had big plans for taking over our company. Things were going great. The anointed one put things in place that has killed our business. No one has any money for bail. That coupled with medical problems that keep popping up have drained everything I had and it is still going. But I wont take a dime from these socialist bastards.

So, what Im saying, as I see my dreams go down in flames, I dont have much compassion from some crackhead bitch that got pregnant from some pos in jail.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 03 May 2010 10:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

You are a good and decent man, and I am sure that you too have a compassionate side that few will ever see. This current business climate is very hard on all of us. Please do not let the current conditions of the Bond Industry harden your heart, we will all get through it together.


Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 03 May 2010 13:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

I have given people money to help with this or that. Each time, it was never repaid as promised.

So if you do it, give something other than cash. Also be prepared to be disappointed. Many people will not keep their word.

However, that should not make you prejudge everyone. Just be prepared for the worse and hope for the best.

If even just one person or family changes, then you can consider it worth it. That one person or family will be your best booster.

We have been "adopted" by several families. I am a uncle, cousin, godfather, and son in law. My extended family includes hundreds of clients and their family.

All this came from just doing our job in a humane way.

Author:  reddragon116 [ Mon 03 May 2010 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

Thank you all for the replies, I'll figure out something and do so anonymously - minimize the drama as you all have mentioned repeatedly.

Again, another reason why I love this forum. :)

Author:  KARMA [ Sat 08 May 2010 21:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Helping clients out after the arrest

What each and everyone of my Brothers have said . . . .

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