Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

new reality show
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Author:  Jayc4929 [ Fri 16 Apr 2010 03:02 ]
Post subject:  new reality show

wow im not sure how i feel about this"southern fried stings" show on TruTv just yet.appears to be extremely fake but yet still bad publicity for P.I.'s.Also if this show was real and not staged i cant really believe that what they are doing is legal.upon further inspection i do believe that the R.A.I.D group that is owned by the main character of this show"Jay Russell" got into some trouble in south carolina when searching a school for drugs in 2003.
Anyway,like i said i am conflicted on this show.check it out and add some input please, maybe clear up some of my conflictions!!

Author:  jory 12 [ Fri 16 Apr 2010 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

I just watched a clip from the website and it has to be fake. There is no one, besides LE or feds that can just take people out like that on suspician of drugs or whatever. I could be wrong but it looked liked assault by a vigalante....

If it is fake and illegal then it is disturbing because others watching this show might think they can do this too....

http://www.trutv.com/shows/southern_fri ... index.html

Author:  rab2344 [ Fri 16 Apr 2010 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

Reddragon might have better answers on this being in GA, however, this is not a good impression. Each State has it's own laws and I don't know GA so I can't comment to their laws. With that said, what I am being taught in VA is that it is the job of the PI to collect information for a client. If there is probable cause of felony criminal activitaty, that information must be given to LEO's without giving out the clients info unless the client gives the ok (I think that's right - have my ginal test tomorrow so I will double check after dinner).

Since it seems the woman was not his client initaitily, a prosecutor might be very upset because she could have been involved and now she can claim she helped in the investigation. Certainly gives the defense the opportunity to claim she was the ring leader and only helped after learning of the crimes being caught on camera. In regards to the issues of taking the person into custody that depends on GA law in regards to arrest authority and felonies, (especially since he was on private property, but when he jumped out of the window, it appears to me he is on public property) but a PI really has no more power than a private citizen in VA other than being allowed to basically stalk. Someone will correct me quickly if I am wrong on that part :oops:

I suspect sadly it might be real, which will ruin the lives of a lot of people if all the rules are not followed. Also, in some states, to be a canine handler, you must be licensed (Again, Reddragon might know GA laws on this part). I have a post coming up that some should read if they are smart as this board helped me with my practicals.

Author:  SnoWolf [ Sat 17 Apr 2010 14:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

Georgia laws are very laxed in many cases. As in most areas, a contract will supersede almost anything. Get contracted to search a school; it can be done. With a signed contract; you can watch a hotdog stand. Agree through a contract to find a missing person; you are legal to find a missing person (Although, a court may feel different if your not a lisenced PI; it depends on the Judge and court room). As far as K9 goes....well, it is required that K9 and handler be certified. Many people get around that by going through private training and avoiding the title K9. I took my canine with me, several times, and never had any problem but even if we had been questioned...."he is my canine companion not my K9 Agent/Officer", even though we are both trained.

When it comes to PIs in Georgia, they are the same down here as in Va (from what I understand). No powers to arrest; No authority to pull personal info; No chance of using thier position to get out of trouble :lol: They have no special authority or power.

Author:  reddragon116 [ Sat 24 Apr 2010 14:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

I'm not a PI, have no idea about their powers/limitations, but after watching this I am definitely intrigued and slightly disturbed. I mean REALLY car chases? And cuffing them? Really? Is that legal?

Author:  DMARTZ [ Sat 24 Apr 2010 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

There are many PI's that are commissioned LE, Security people can arrest, There are some of us that have a special Commission from our Sheriffs Dept and can arrest so you need to know each of the people as you could be surprised what someone is or has the power to do also as snow said a contract could very well be in place and it is all legal. K-9 people here must be licensed and may upon contract search a school.

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Sat 24 Apr 2010 19:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

yes you are right on the school searching part as the mans company has been around for a good bit of time and that was the main part of the business.I was mistaken as well,there is only one of the group that is a P.I. the others have other experience that is semi related to the business.More geared toward thier original profession in my opinion which is searching schools for drugs and educating on drugs.I will not knock them for that aspect but still see something wrong with the way they handle themselves on the show.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Sat 24 Apr 2010 21:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

I agree Jay, It's TV and it has to sell to sponsors $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Author:  reddragon116 [ Wed 28 Apr 2010 21:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

It definitely had that "Repo" feel to it...but I think that it's interesting that PI's can perform certain tasks and have certain powers as mentioned above. I really have had no interaction with any thus far so I didn't know.

...but the show is a bit over the top, we've got to say that!

Oh well, good "junkfood" television for when I actually have a minute to breathe!

Author:  Outlaw_Recovery [ Sun 02 May 2010 10:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: new reality show

I think it is bad publicity and appears to be staged, but you do get a laugh out of watching it.

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