Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Dog the Racist, again
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Author:  Kathy [ Mon 04 May 2009 23:54 ]
Post subject:  Dog the Racist, again

This hasn't hit the local news yet that I know of, but I got a call last week while I was in Texas with some inside info on Dog's latest racist actions in CO.

As most know, the Chapman's also bounty hunt in CO. CO doesn't require licensing for BE, and Dog has exceded the 15 year felony time period to work here. Beth (real name Alice Smith) used to have a license to write bail in CO, but was rejected on her last renewal a few years ago due to her non-residency after moving to Hawaii. As was posted in another thread, Duane has never had a license other than a drivers' license. Some of his family has at various times been licensed to write bail in CO and HI, but not him. Research showed that there were legal issues between him and a sister in CO after he tried to stop her from competing with Beth after they got together. He lost. For a long time, Leland was the only one licensed to write bail in HI until the state came down on the others for writing illegally. That is when Beth applied for a bail license there. This is all a matter of public record, and anybody can do their own research to determine the facts.

The Chapman's want to think they have power, but last year when a pre-release Bill was being considered in CO, my legislative leaders specifically told them that they weren't welcome. They showed up anyway, and caused a ruckus at a dinner meeting. This was even after that part of the Bill had been removed. They are definitely a detriment to our industry, and a reason that we are being even more heavily regulated. Their arrogance and refusal to follow state laws continue to plague those of us that do things legally and work so hard to build a good reputation.

Anyway, apparently the Chapman's have had difficulties in HI, so have been spending more time in CO trying to maintain some semblence of their ridiculous TV persona. For whatever reason (I don't know the specifics of why he is contacting people outside his normal contacts) he contacted a team in Denver. What I was told that he told them was that he wanted to build more contacts here, and was looking for new people to work with to get more work. The team leader agreed to meet with him, and took Dog on a job with the team. This person, not caring about a person's skin color had (OMG) blacks on the team. Allegedly, Dog told the team leader to "send the "niggers" home, because he wouldn't work with them."

Understand that I am only reporting this as hearsay from a person that I know and trust, and she got it from the team leader that she certified and trained. Supposedly he has it all on film, and the tape has been turned over to a prominent attorney. I won't post her personal info, but she told me to give it to anybody that personally requested it. She can then give the contact info of the team leader.

I don't know what will be done, but with any luck this will further the exposure that he in no way represents us or our industry. If this is made public as it should be, I doubt A&E will bail him out again. He and his crew have created too many problems and expense for them to keep justifying the continued demands and expenses.

A&E has benefited about as much as they are going to, and so have the Chapman's. They used each other, and I don't feel sorry for either of them. A&E wanted the hype, Dog wanted the fame and money that A&E was willing to pay. They both sold their souls for entertainment value. They all claim that our reason for negating them is jealousy, but in reality, it is because no legitimate agent would sell out to the trash that has been broadcasted. Others were considered, but refused to sell out. That is a sign of integrity that is completely lacking in the show. With any luck, this last incident will soon become public and the show will be permanently removed.

Author:  kittygrl [ Tue 05 May 2009 07:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

if this is true, the Chapman’s day's are numbered. Hopefully, this will all come out in the news, so we all can see the results of his long history of vulgar rheumatics.

I personally, want to work with people that I can trust to have my back, as well as me having theirs, no matter what color of anyone’s skin. (A Band of Brothers And Sista's)

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful

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Author:  Rob Graff [ Tue 05 May 2009 11:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

Doesnt surprise me

Author:  bail_maker_582 [ Tue 05 May 2009 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

I’ve been a licensed bail bond agent and working for just over a month and a half, and already, I’ve endured more references to the “dog” show than I care to count. One man even came into my office and said, “You don’t look like a bondsman. Where’s the long hair, tattoos and leather chaps?” I politely asked him not to compare what I do for a living to what he sees on television, stating that our work was the real deal and not some half-baked reality show. I went on to explain that my salary is earned by hard work, and comes from premiums paid by clients and their cosigners, not from a TV network selling commercial air time. I sincerely hope that he left my office with a renewed perspective.

I’m sure the Chapman’s are basically a fine bunch of folks. However, while they’re certainly colorful and entertaining, it’s painfully obvious that the persona they’ve forged for the bail bond industry is less than flattering. To make matters worse, I’ve personally observed agents that emulate the characters on the show, both in appearance and practice.

Add to the persona, the seemingly never ending stream of legal issues that follows the group on a near weekly basis, and you have the makings of yet another media fueled pre-conceived notion about an industry that not only doesn’t deserve the bad rap, but certainly doesn’t need it.

The best that we can hope for, is that shows like this will pass as most fads do, and be forgotten as time wears on. The best that we can do, is to continue conducting ourselves responsibly and professionally, putting our best foot forward when dealing with the public. Maybe when people see what a real bail bond agent is all about, they’ll forget about the hype and sensationalism that tarnishes the industry today.

Author:  midwestfr [ Tue 05 May 2009 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

I am and never will be racist. I treat everyone with the respect they deserve. I know people that are white, black, oriental, etc. If they show respect, then they get respect. If they're an arshole, I'll treat them like one. I would love to take Dog with me on an apprehension in north Minneapolis! He'd sputter a racial comment once and wind up in a hospital or worse! :x

Seperate vehicles of course. :)

Author:  Kathy [ Wed 06 May 2009 00:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

I was raised in a very old-fashioned half racist home. My dad was born in 1903 and grew up in the era that promoted the KKK and racism. He also villified "hippies" and any other open changes in society. Fortunately, my mom was more open, and I grew up to be independant of any preconceived ideas about race, religion, sexual preferences, and politics. I was able to form my own opinions, based on my own personal experiences. Just as my ancestors come from various countries, I further have relatives with bi-racial relationships.

The only problem that I have with others is when they refuse to accept anothers opinion. I allow you your right to yours, so allow me the right to mine. We may agree or disagree, but we have to accept each other's right to have our own opinion and agree to disagree if our opinions vary.

Author:  Yak [ Wed 06 May 2009 05:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

Kath, ... Funny that you brought this subject up at this point of time. It was just yesterday that I finally recieved 2 of their very first vintage pilot episodes of the show before they were revamped and fine tuned before only then being syndicated & seen nationally on the silver screen. We personally love this posse and have learned tremendously from his vast knowledge of the industry. I'd like to share them with all of you and hope you can learn some of these skill sets as we have. Please pay close attention to video # 2 and familiarize yourself with the " Repelling Equipment " used as we have made many captures using this method ourselves.

Enjoy & Learn!!! .............. :mrgreen:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz5OnQGwuEc

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMJ4nx_j ... re=related

Author:  midwestfr [ Wed 06 May 2009 07:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Not too far off the real thing!

Author:  DSI [ Wed 06 May 2009 10:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

On its surface I am sure that some members maybe somewhat appalled at the comments attributed to Mr. Chapman if in fact the comments are true. Mr. Chapman has the right to chose who he works with and when he works with them just as anyone of us does as we go about our daily duties.

His alleged comments should not shock the conscience of the media or the nation for that matter, insofar as he is only a product of his up bringing and his carousing with others of his ilk. No one is born a racist that is something that must be taught by family or friends and accepted by the individual. Mr. Chapman’s alleged comments should only remind us that racism, bigotry, and segregation is still a part of American society.

Mr. Chapman’s so-called television show has not done anything to help our chosen profession; it has however brought out a bunch of yahoos and cowboys. These same yahoos now want to dive fast cars, bust down doors, drag subjects out kicking and screaming and carry a large can of pepper spray in a tactical holster like “Dog”.

We as professionals need to take every opportunity we have to educate the unwitting public on what this business is really about, and do as much as we can to dispel the cult following that Mr. Chapman has created with his television persona.

Author:  Kathy [ Wed 06 May 2009 10:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dog the Racist, again

OMG. Freaking hillarious!!!! Go Youtube!

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