Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Hung up on CCW
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Author:  B Williams [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 11:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

This is so damn funny. I had this great comment, my spelling was good I did ok in making my point and my computer froze...dang...Let this guy keep talking, we'll know his shoe size before it's over, in spite of his TRYING to hide his idenity. Watch out Dan, keep addressing these guys in the same manner as you have been and you will lose big time if your purpose is to try and impress someone here.

One question, why didn't you apprehend the guy? You saw him, you shot back and let him "WALK" away? Man, this is too funny...

Author:  speezack [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

Bill, I had the same question... but I decided not to ask... if he was close enough to see and shoot at... how did he just "walk into the woods?"... and there were two of them???? armed or not, there would have been a pursuit... I would venture to say that if it had been you.... the story would have had a different ending.... :shock: :shock:

and hey, Dan... you provided the article for clarification but it seems all it did was raise questions????
I can only say... if the news article is flaud... where is the follow up article with corrections or additions....???

Author:  Danbo1972 [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 13:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

Interesting how you guys all ASSume I fired at an unknown target. They pulled particles of wood, lead and copper from his chest and leg. But, as ignorance goes, if it's not in print
To read, you don't believe it. Go ahead cowboys, shoot to kill. I'll remember your names, and if I ever hear of an
Incident you're involved in where you discharged a weapon, I'll be sure to forward this forum on to your friendly DAs office. It says a lot about a cowboy when you hear him say, I'll say one thing, but mean another. Great integrity you have there bud. On another note: I couldn't imagine thinking, I'll kill someone if....
I don't know where you get your morals from, but you should have them serviced.

Author:  Danbo1972 [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 13:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

B Williams wrote:
This is so damn funny. I had this great comment, my spelling was good I did ok in making my point and my computer froze...dang...Let this guy keep talking, we'll know his shoe size before it's over, in spite of his TRYING to hide his idenity. Watch out Dan, keep addressing these guys in the same manner as you have been and you will lose big time if your purpose is to try and impress someone here.

One question, why didn't you apprehend the guy? You saw him, you shot back and let him "WALK" away? Man, this is too funny...

He was hit: stumbled out of the trailer with gun in hand but didn't raise it or threaten to. He tossed the rifle though. His handgun was in view but never a threat after exiting. He turned the other direction and walked away. I understand you guys may have shot him in the back when he wasn't posing a threat, but I chose the better path. Oh, size 10 1/2

Anyway, you all have fun in pretend land. If you ever want to learn the laws on defense let me know. I would be happy to cover them for you.

Author:  Danbo1972 [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 13:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

Mdbtyhtr wrote:
Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame. What I referred to was your case, not mine. Withh all if your condescending attitude and weapons training, please cite for me where they teach you to fire upon an unacquired target. It wasn't clear, were you on trial? Finding a defendant guilty does not automatically mean that you did not err.
I am afraid that exposure is unbecoming to you. Your reaction to the requested search of your activity is as you requested, I was sincere in my response.
Apparently age and maturity are not always in the same box.



Author:  Danbo1972 [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 13:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

Joe Stiles wrote:
If this article is truly about our Mr. Danbo, then I believe he has been a little misleading. He wrote in another thread that after twenty years he finally had to use his weapon. The defendant shot first and he shot last. In a discussion about legal terms for homicide, I believe he intended for us to infer that he had actually killed someone in the line of duty. After re-reading his post, I see that he did not explicitely say this, but I feel that it was implied.
As far as you having never heard of me or the other people on this forum? My guess is that you are either not as connected to the industry as you say or you haven't discovered how Google works yet. Either way, I'll be glad to stack my reputation against yours anyday.
One other thing, that 100% recovery rate on twelve hundred captures, approximately 150 of which were difficult felonies in twenty-two years? It comes out to about 1 every six days which is still pretty incredible consider all the private investigating, phone repair, navy assignments, and, lest I forget, fence painting that was going on during this time. I have never said this to a newbie before, but I am done with you. From now on, unless you specifically name me, I will ignore you.

Ummmm.. So to be a professional, I have to know ans associate with the likes of this crew. OMG... THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN MISSING

Here, I'll give you some more info too. I had a team of 5 people when working full time, so I guess I actually shouldn't take credit for all apprehensions even thought did the research on them all. Some of them my guys picked up for me.

Again, you guys are arguing my experience but not the facts of the conversation. You are all acting like liberals at election time. Avoid the question with re-direction.

No use I guess. I'll be getting off of this forum. I don't need association with the likes of this group. Stick together. You'll need someone to send you commissary money.

Author:  B Williams [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

Hey Dan, Don't worry about forwarding anything. My wife who isn't involved with FRN except she liked the page, just called and said "Who is this Danbo Jerk" You See Dan, when you make those stements anybody and everybody that has liked FRN on Facebook see's your post....So it's out there buddy for all to see including your fire fight..lmao and if you are trying to intimidate someone I can assure you, you have come to the wrong place.BTW I've been shot at on a few occassions. The last time was sumter SC, but both of em came back to Buncombe county with me and there was no newspaper write up about it. Maybe I missed it...He walked away? Are you serious. Keep talking there are people that aren't members of FRN that are loving your BS Keep em laughing Dan, it's tough out there and they need the entertainment. You are now a STAR!!! I'm thinking your words about being shot at and you shot back, implying you killed the guy might come back and get your ass . You haven't a clue who you are dealing with on here, forget me, the others are known all over his country for their professionalism, now you;re known as well for some other things....AND HE WALKED AWAY??? You gotta be kidding me.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 14:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

and another one bites the dust! I find it absolutely hysterical that the guy that refers us to an article, then gets upset when the article that he referred us to is used to expose his hypocracy. No where in the article does it say the defendant was hit at all, no where does it say that he exited the trailer with a gun in his hand, it says that you testified that you thought he had a gun up his sleave...I could go on, but I have had enough. It is a significant pattern of behavior, that you are not alone in displaying, that when your own words are used to bring light to what you have said, and are then contradicted by more of your own words, the discussion becomes futile. Do I need to also point out your Ad Hominem remarks as a retort and the psychological statement that that alone makes? No need, I am sure you have learned and taught that too, hundreds of times.

Would you like fries with that?


Author:  B Williams [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

You understand we would have shot him? Nope, would have walked a little faster than he was, cuffed him and off we'd go. Now who's Assuming? And he walked away? Damn, this is a first for me.

Author:  speezack [ Fri 01 Mar 2013 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hung up on CCW

well, didn't take long did it.... I give up.... he really is an idiot.... we tried but he just kept diggin' the hole deeper... and deeper.... oh well... no loss.

BTW... I hope you spell my name right when you call the CA... (we don't have DA's in VA)... he'll get a good laugh...

.. one more thing... does this guy remind you of someone a few years ago... from Colorado.... "did someone say c..o..w..b..o..y...... 8) partner??? 8)

............ "telecommunications technician"...uh... is that what I think it is????????????????? :shock:

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