Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Help with new Uniform
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Author:  speezack [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 07:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

I have to admit... I do have 4 or 5 pairs of 511 pants.... and a dozen or so golf shirts with "Bail Bonds" and my name... and I also have a little vest that I wear when shooting IDPA... but it doesn't have anything on it but a small "Harley" sticker on the back...

I also have several sets of hand cuffs... even got a "pink fuzzy" pair for other purposes.... in fact... I wrote a bond last nite on a rather nice looking young lady... whom I had to transport home (I knew the family)... no, I did not put her in cuffs.... and I kept the video/audio turned on just in case (that is another thread that needs to be addressed)...

My tactical sandals are intended for summer wear.... during cold weather I usually wear insulated, white tennis shoes.... preferably New Balance... with white socks... and my 2.50 Dollar General reading glasses on my head... I considered an X26, long range (21') Taser but the last time I messed with one... it went off and it was not pleasant.... my wife Gail was not impressed... in fact she divorced me and we were separated two years before we got remarried.... uh.... anyway...

Uniforms are great.... I once worked at a Texaco station and had a complete set of nice blue shirts and pants... in fact... I still wear them if I want to go.... "undercover".... "Yes mam... I am here to fix your car... is your husband home??".... "why yes... let me get him for you...."

Pizza Hut hats and UPS shirts (as you may know, I retired from UPS) and hats are also a good uniform to have.... FedEx also... they all have a tendency to get the doors open without physical contact.... something I adhere to...
"Yes mam, I have a package for ****" or "Yes, I have a pizza for this address"... and even when they do not open the door and tell you... "we did not order a pizza!!"... you can say something like... "well, since I am here anyway... I guess I will just have to leave it on the your doorway... ".... 99% of the time, they will open the door.... access presented...

I still say... if you show up in a SWAT outfit... you have just increased the level of possible confrontation and created a much higher level of adrenaline... and that is a fact, regardless of wanting to be professional but again... "to each his own... "

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 08:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

I have to say that we can have an opinion and not result to name calling. The active exchange of ideas ia how we formulate our own opinion. It seems when we result to name calling, the message is lost.
That said, the choice that I made is what works in my area of operation, low impact fugitive recovery. I see mo benefit in providing a curriculum vitae to support my position because I alone am responsible for the results.

Author:  speezack [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 09:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

I alone am responsible for the results

... and that, as they say... is the bottom line... thanks Scott... and oh?... what name was called? I must have missed that?

Author:  Eagle [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

Alabama code 15-13-62

Section 15-13-62 - Exoneration of bail by surrender of defendant prior to conditional judgment; bail may arrest or authorize arrest of principal.

Bail may, at any time before a conditional judgment is entered against them, exonerate themselves by surrendering the defendant; and for that purpose, they may arrest the defendant on a certified copy of the undertaking at any place in the state, or may authorize another person to arrest him by an endorsement in writing on such copy.

As far as uniforms go, I went to Dillard's and the local patch shop for my security company.

As far as bail enforcement, shirt, shoes, pants and hand cuffs required. I think those are needed along with being able to ask a question or two.

Author:  Eagle [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

And Lu, I'm not sure where that code says anything about presentation to LE, or any code for that matter. I can be educated if I've missed it all of these years.

Author:  DSI [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

I've never met Gene but I figure him for another detective type... maybe a loose collar and a sport jacket... sitting behind a desk with his feet up and a cup of coffee talking on the phone.... and a model 29 S&W on a phone-book beside him...

Hey Bill M. WTH you got a camera in my office... :lol: Add old fat guy and you are on point... :mrgreen:

Author:  Danbo1972 [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 23:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform


He was talking about you. You said someone looked like an attorney. That was uncalled for and below the belt. :P. lmao

Let's start over. Hi, I'm Dan.

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