Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Help with new Uniform
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Author:  reddragon116 [ Sat 20 Feb 2010 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

If anyone has ever watched that video on eHow or something like that about "how to become a bounty hunter" this guy David Fletcher, the "commander" of US Fugitive Apprehension has his guys looking like LAPD SWAT. Now, for a high-risk pull? Cool, but...um...he's making sound like we all wear that everyday.

My uniform consists of a hoodie, cargo pants, 5.11 mid-size boots or my converse sneakers, generic urban-logo t-shirt (individual, 1 ea., will look up the NSN number), and ball cap. I'd really like to get the tactical sandals though with the urban-defender Hawaiian shirt. I think uniforms for a high-risk pull, or something resembling UNIFORMITY, is important...but everyday work? I'd think it'd be too uncomfortable and impractical.

Author:  BondgirlCA [ Sat 20 Feb 2010 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

I second the judge look :)

Author:  reddragon116 [ Wed 24 Feb 2010 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

The picture where he looks like our local preacher? I dig it :)

My girlfriend says she wishes I could be in a suit more...I'm thinking of wearing pink polo shirts during the summer. Yes?

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Thu 25 Feb 2010 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

Definately looks like a judge,look at that cold stare!! he is just waiting to drop the hammer.

Author:  Danbo1972 [ Wed 27 Feb 2013 00:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

I get a kick out of the guys and gals here that don't think a uniform or other form of Id is important. I usually have a black shirt woth contrasting colors that reads "fugitive Recovery Agent" on the back and has a badge on the front. I wear jeans, shoes or boots depending on several factors? I have a full duty belt; cuffs, pepper, radio, taser, .45 acp, nitrile gloves and flashlight.
Reason being, I have done this job for 22 years. As you can guess, I have had some "not so nice", encounters. I like to be well viewable by responding and assisting LEO as well as to witnesses and the subject. A few years ago I was involved in a shooting. He shot first, I shot last. LEO took a half dozen pictures of me and my attire to show that I was well identifiable and couldn't have been mistaken for a street thug.
I have also had LEO not know who was the bad guy when they arrived at an altercation. Hello taser! Something I don't want to experience twice.
There are times that I just wear a T-shirt and shorts, but no often at all. Not in the last several years. So go ahead all of you dick Tracy's out there. Be embarrassed about your profession. Act like detectives all you want. I'll error on the side of safety.
One last thought: you pull up to your home dogs house and see him wresting with a guy in shorts.... Help kick his ass. Wrestling with a uniform..... Laugh your ass off at him.
Be safe!

Author:  speezack [ Wed 27 Feb 2013 19:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

... detective.... never been accused of dressing like a detective.... that may be an idea.... Scott looks like a detective.... so does Tony.... Bill Williams just looks like a NC redneck... Matt in Norfolk looks like a participant in one of those MMA tournaments.... that is why when we go somewhere I always stay behind him.... Joe Stiles looks like a Senator or maybe a high dollar lawyer.... I look like a tourist... a fat tourist... a fat, old tourist.... I still cannot figure out how you can go after someone in a covert manner when wearing a bullet proof jacket, a web belt filled with swat stuff and the word "AGENT" plastered across the front and back.... (I do have a badge, but I can't remember what I did with it.... it's a pretty one too.... all shiny and silver... )mmmmm, I just stay like I am .... but of course I have not been doing this long either so maybe I need to upgrade.

Oh.... forgot a couple.... Yak, up in NJ looks like an old trucker out for a stroll... but don't try to pet his dog.... and Dave in NY looks like... well... Dave... he looks like every other PR in NYC... which is why he can catch your azz so easily.... everyone thinks he might be their brother.... or father.... and LuVonda... aka Karma... looks like a sexy Arkansas Cougar, out for blood... Bondgirl out in CA, looks like she works at the library.... part time ..... I've never met Gene but I figure him for another detective type... maybe a loose collar and a sport jacket... sitting behind a desk with his feet up and a cup of coffee talking on the phone.... and a model 29 S&W on a phone-book beside him... :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :oops:

Now that I have pissed off all the boys and girls.... you all can go back to watching "American Idol"... which is what my lovely wife is watching... I am watching "The Americans" and also "Justified" which I recorded last nite....

... except, I just got a bond call and have to go do that... maybe if they run, I will call one of you!!!!!!

/////... what does this have to do with uniforms.............. and how come the original poster of this thread is no longer on the FRN???

Author:  docmike [ Wed 27 Feb 2013 19:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

Nice jeans and dickies button up short sleeve for us.

Author:  Danbo1972 [ Wed 27 Feb 2013 21:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

"nice dickies, button up polo". Just about perfect!
I'm not saying there isn't a time and place. All I'm saying is that when possible, a professional, uniformed appearance is my preferred method, and that of the local LEO for us. Maybe I'm just a tad bitter, but I've seen too many of he Miami vice wanna bes and the black BDU pants with web belts full of gear ect, ect myself. If it works, use it. I have dne this for a little while and have a 100% return rate. I manage even though I'm in a "uniform" of sorts.

Author:  Reinere [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 07:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

Black button up shirt, or polo. Blue jeans. 5.11 tactial boots (very comfortable). Oh and my badge, which hangs on a necklace around my neck. Usually under my shirt.

I try to deal with my skips by using the art of deception. Usually by the time I get a bond its been burned to hell by every other agent in the area. They all go tactic-cool to talk to people. I try not to.

I find that I get better results from people and they are willing to tell me more if I approach them casually..

Author:  BondgirlCA [ Thu 28 Feb 2013 07:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with new Uniform

I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl...with my trademark purple Nikes :)

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