Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

DOGGIE IS BACK (Duane Chapman - Dog the Bounty Hunter)
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Author:  rex [ Sun 07 Nov 2004 07:46 ]
Post subject:  Oh Well



Logistically speaking, how would one go about obtaining the tape or tapes? Is this a case where someone would send a money order and then wait 4-6 weeks for delivery :wink: ?


Author:  DMARTZ [ Sun 07 Nov 2004 11:22 ]
Post subject: 

$50,000.00 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I'm sorry i have to say this. I know I would send a money order to MEXICO for this amount. Rex can i borrow $49,000.00

Author:  L.A.W. [ Sun 07 Nov 2004 14:08 ]
Post subject: 

I'll start the bidding at $5.00.

Author:  professionalrecoveries [ Sun 07 Nov 2004 21:06 ]
Post subject: 

L.A.W. wrote:
Susielee... how much are you asking?

Lance and Hadley you guys are a bunch of crooks, you charge people to take your class in NH knowing they can't get licensed because the insurance companies won't write the required policy anymore, you guys managed to get insured before they stopped writing the policy so you are the only ones licensed and are the first to snitch on anyone who trys to recover in NH, I hope you end up sitting in jail next to some of your skips after your indicted for fraud.

Author:  L.A.W. [ Mon 08 Nov 2004 06:02 ]
Post subject: 

professionalrecoveries... now aren't you just about an intelligent individual!!!

Firstly, Hadley wasn't around when the Legislature passed the insurance requirement. A couple of years later Hadley and his son took my course. They then secured their insurance policies as required under RSA 597:7.

Most of the people we have taught work with us as they are mostly private investigators. Some of the others live out of state and only want quality training. If anyone is from NH we explain the insurance requirements and they either take the training anyway or back out. We do not ever hide any facts from them nor do we deceive them.

Now... why can't you, or whomever, do the same thing? Or are you too busy pouting in your uneducated status?

Snitch on anyone bounty hunting in NH? Absolutely! I hope you, sir or madam, are the one I rat on. If I learn you are bounty hunting in any area where you aren't conforming with the law... I'll rat on you there, too.

As for you hoping we end up in jail beside the ones we capture... I won't even reply to such blatant and seemingly malignant ignorance

By the way... change your name from 'professionalrecoveries' to 'mouthy recoveries' or even 'sissy recoveries'.

Have a quality day.

Author:  L.A.W. [ Mon 08 Nov 2004 10:56 ]
Post subject: 

professionalrecoveries... by the way... I know who you are... Ken. You are NOT in Arizona. You are in NH.

Author:  L.A.W. [ Mon 08 Nov 2004 11:22 ]
Post subject: 

Again... professionalrecoveries... your identity has been confirmed via your IP address. I thought as much.

You have not gone out on acase with us as most others have because during your training you were far too volatile and prone to being reactive instead of proactive. We have no room for anyone we feel would be a danger to us or to the general public. A firearm is for protection and prevention... not for intimidation.

As regards Hadley... he found insurance but it cost close to $10,000 per year.

I suggest you post your proper credentials and identity instead of endeavoring to be sneaky and misleading. All you have accomplished with your written meanerings is to put yourself on notice that if I learn of any case sent to you (though you haven't had even one case yet) and you illegally conduct any bail enforcement activities, I promise I will personally see to it that you are arrested and prosecuted.

Now... have I made myself perfectly clear?

Again... your IP ratted on you.

Author:  HoundDog [ Mon 08 Nov 2004 12:18 ]
Post subject: 

L.A.W. I would like to know where Hadley got his insurance for $10,000. We might be interested in changing companies, we pay $2,500 per month or $30,000 per year for ours.

Also you may want to copy this guys post for possible suit against him for calling you crooks. The moderators have decided to edit and or delete personal attacks in this forum, unless it is an opinion on an issue.

I just have one question for the attacker: How can you call yourself "professionalrecoveries" and act in such an un-professional manner? If you have a personal beef with one or more individuals in this or any other forum why dont you keep it personal instead of making it public. If you want to make an issue public can you not do so in a professional manner? Sorry that is 2 questions.

Sorry, I need to stay on topic I know, but this post has strayed!

Author:  L.A.W. [ Mon 08 Nov 2004 12:34 ]
Post subject: 

Robert... Hadley (HGUNNER) has been offline for a week because of a faulty modem. He might have a new one in today's mail. In any event, he will be back online shortly and you can ask him about his insurance.

As for 'professionalrecoveries'... I know who the guy is. He didn't realize computers have an 'electronic fingerprint' or, if he does realize it, he isn't intelligent enough to know how to mask his computer's identity.

This person took the course and was prior informed about the insurance requirement. He decided to take the course anyway. During the training his true self emerged and even his fellow students shunned him both because of his attitude and his demeanor, not to mention his unprofessional manner of displaying a firearm. During a lunch break, he immediately went to a police supply outlet and bought some equipment to include handcuffs that are the smallest I have ever seen and best suited for small female wrists.

This is the same guy who has an advertisement for services on this site; services he cannot legally perform and services he has absolutely no experience with. I posted in contradiction to such false advertising much to his chagrin, though I see his ad is still posted.

NH is an extremely small bail area. There are only two companies in the state and one from Massachusetts that posts bail in NH. I have been with one of the NH companies since they started 12 years ago and with the one from Massachusetts for over 20 years. The other NH company gives Hadley all their work. I've always said... why would a bail agency give work to a new guy when they have long-standing and established people with them for years and years?

Regarding his 'attack' on Hadley and me... well, all I can say is, "an empty barrel makes the loudest noise". He has my telephone number yet prefers to snipe from the sidelines as all moral cowards do. He is angry because so many others go on cases with us but he has never been invited... he never will be invited either.

We are in touch with the realities of this person's agenda and we're just waiting for him to step sideways.

Thank you for your support and observations.

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